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Total Records : 42618 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000027802 Aurangabad

SRM E-Corrigendum: Work of Providing and fixing of IEC-61580 based Annunciation System at 220kV New GCR Unit 6 & 7 under EHV (O&M) Division Beed.

10-10-2023 17-10-2023 (365 KB)
7000028760 Karad

SRM E-Tender for Deep Earthing with DDCP (Deep dug conductive pit) method dedicated earthing system at 220kV Niwali S/s & 132kV Talebazar S/s, under EHV O&M Division,Ratnagiri.

10-10-2023 17-10-2023 (282 KB)
EE/737 Dt: 09.10.2023 Pune

Publication of E-Enquiry for Hiring of LMV for Executive Engineer EHV (O&M) Dn-II, Pune for the period of 11 months (dated 10-10-2023)

10-10-2023 17-10-2023 (270 KB)
RFX NO. 7000028743 Pune

SRM Enquiry for Supply of Silica Gel (Blue Indicate) at various substations under EHV O&M Division-I,Pune. (RFX No.7000028743 ) (dated 10-10-2023)

10-10-2023 17-10-2023 (334 KB)
7000028753 Pune

SRM Enquiry for Supply and installation of RO+UV+TDS controller water filter, water Cooler (Water Dispenser), UV+UF water purifier at various substations under EHV O&M Division -I, Pune (dated 10-10-2023)

10-10-2023 17-10-2023 (470 KB)
7000028742 Pune

Tender Notice for Work of Anticorrosive Painting of EHV line Towers at PRM line Maint. S/Dn.-I, Pune. (dated 09-10-2023)

10-10-2023 17-10-2023 (136 KB)
7000028586 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Replacement Work of 400kV Bushing for 400kV ,50MVAr Line reactor of 400kV Girwali-Nanded Ckt-I and 400kV Girwali-Solapur Ckt at 400kV Girwali S/s under EHV O&M Circle Parli.

10-10-2023 17-10-2023 (25 KB)
7000028515 Vashi

Replacement of existing 1 X 50 MVA, 220/22 kV Transformer by 1x100 MVA, 220/22-22 KV T/F alongwith establishment of 22 kV GIS bays (06 Feeder Bays, 01 T/F LV Bay, 01 PT Bay & 01 Bus coupler / Tie Bay and 01 Interconnector Bay) at 220 KV Temghar Substation under EHV(O&M) Dn.,Kalwa, under EHV O&M Circle, Kalwa (Transformer will be provided by MSETCL

10-10-2023 16-10-2023 (452 KB)
7000028755 Karad

Work of Contract for Annual routine Maintenance and attending Emergency breakdown of 220/132/110KV Transmission Lines under EHV O&M Division Sangli

10-10-2023 16-10-2023 (17 KB)
7000028784 Vashi

Work of  renovation of EROS Make LIFT (manual passenger LIFT-G+2 ) along with AMC at 400 kV Nagothane s/s under 400 KV R.S. (O&M) Division Nagothane under EHV (O&M) Circle, Panvel..2nd call

11-10-2023 03-12-2023 (83 KB)
7000028751 Pune

E-tender for Work Contract for replacement of old disc insulator/polymer insulator strings by long rod porcelain insulator strings of various EHV lines under EHV O&M Circle, Pune. (dated 16-11-2023)

11-10-2023 18-10-2023 (11 KB)
7000028784 Vashi

 Work of  renovation of EROS Make LIFT (manual passenger LIFT-G+2 ) along with AMC at 400 kV Nagothane s/s under 400 KV R.S. (O&M) Division Nagothane under EHV (O&M) Circle, Panvel

11-10-2023 26-10-2023 (167 KB)
Budgetary offer Vashi

Budgetary offer for the Supply of spare material & service required during the 420 kV Centre Break Isolator overhauling work 

11-10-2023 16-10-2023 (1.5 MB)
7000028784 Vashi

Work of  renovation of EROS Make LIFT (manual passenger LIFT-G+2 ) along with AMC at 400 kV Nagothane s/s under 400 KV R.S. (O&M) Division Nagothane under EHV (O&M) Circle, Panvel

11-10-2023 18-10-2023 (13 KB)
EE/EHV (O&M)/DN/KRD/T/No. 987 Karad

Work of Hiring of LMV utility vehicle (Tata Yodha / Bolero Camper or equivalent vehicle) for EHV S/Stn. Maint. S/Dn Satara under EHV O&M Division Karad.

11-10-2023 18-10-2023 (239 KB)
7000028769 Amravati

E-Tender towards the work of Diversion of 220 kV Wardha-Yavatmal-Pusad D/C Line at Loc. No. 181-182 by using Monopole tower for Wardha-Yavatmal-Nanded Railway Line Crossing under EHV O&M Division, Yavatmal (2nd Call)

11-10-2023 25-10-2023 (216 KB)
7000028780 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE  Work of providing & fixing of spare required for 245KV & 145KV EHV Circuit Breaker (Make-CGL) at various Substations under EHV O&M Division, Amravati

11-10-2023 18-10-2023 (410 KB)
7000028536 Corporate Office

Sub: SRM e-Tender No. T-2302/MSETCL/CO/ED/TRANS.O&M/SE-I/EE-III (RFx No. 7000028536) for work of Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 132kV & 33kV Capacitor banks at 26 Nos. of EHV substations under Aurangabad, Nagpur and Pune zone in Phase-V on turnkey basis at an estimated cost of Rs. 2636.91 Lakhs.

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No. 1 10-11-2023 (389 KB)
11-10-2023 11-11-2023 (1023 KB)
7000028790 Nagpur

3rd call E-tender for Supply of 45 Feet Aluminum Square Tower Ladder (Non Tiltable) at HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur.
Estimated cost:- Rs. 2,98,658 /- (Including all Taxes)

11-10-2023 18-10-2023 (16 KB)
7000028778 Karad

SRM E-Tender for Operating Mechanism Overhauling, Servicing & repair of 245 kV CGL make CB at various EHV Substations, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.

11-10-2023 18-10-2023 (281 KB)