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Total Records : 42570 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000010591 Vashi

E-tender for Work of Orientation of 33KV Feeders at 220KV Nerul  Substation underEHV (O&M) Division, Bhandup.

25-10-2018 12-11-2018 (29 KB)
7000010569 Vashi

E-Tender for work of servicing/overhauling of 22/33kV C.B. at various Sub-station for the year 2018-19 under EHV O&M Division Boisar.

25-10-2018 12-11-2018 (620 KB)
7000010440 Nashik

Notice for Work of construction of 1X132kV TSS End Bay at 132kV Nandurbar Substation under EHV Projects Division, Jalgaon.

15-10-2018 12-11-2018 (15 KB)
7000010016 Pune

SRM Re E-Tender for Construction of Protection Wall for Location No.- 2 of LILO Line for 220kV Kondhawa substation under EHV O & M Division -I, Pune.

12-10-2018 12-11-2018 (37 KB)
7000010498 Karad

SRM RE Tender RE-RFX No.7000010498 for Refilling, Testing, Servicing of Fire Extinguisher cylinders & Providing & Fixing of spares if required for Fire Extinguishers as per IS 2190:1992 at 400 KV R.S.Karad

13-10-2018 12-11-2018 (1.3 MB)
7000010477 Amravati

E-TENDER Supply of 33 kV Current Transformer (CT) & Potential Transformer (PT) as a spares to meet out emergency at various EHV Sub-station under EHV O&M Circle, Akola

11-10-2018 12-11-2018 (249 KB)
7000010050 Karad

RE-Tender Notice regarding Maintenance & servicing of substation batteries & chargers under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur.

29-10-2018 12-11-2018 (41 KB)
7000010470 Nagpur

Providing Barbed wire fencing at balance compound wall portion for 220/132KV S/Stn Uppalwadi, Dist Nagpur

11-10-2018 12-11-2018 (14 KB)
7000010451 Karad

Repairs of existing Road, Upkeepment of yard & allied civil maintenance works at 110KV Sub-Station (Rfx No. 7000010451)

Document Title End Date File
Extension 1 18-11-2018 (20 KB)
11-10-2018 12-11-2018 (130 KB)
7000010716 Nashik

EHV (O&M) Division, Babhaleshwar:E- Enquiry for work of providing and fixing of new panel to NGEF Make Drive mechanism Box of 200MVA 220/132KV EMCO ICT No.2 at 220kV Sonewadi (A’Nagar).

04-11-2018 11-11-2018 (132 KB)
7000010645 Nashik

EHV (O&M) Division, Babhaleshwar:E- Enquiry 2nd Call for work of new earth pits for various equipments at 132kV Kedgaon Sub-station.

04-11-2018 11-11-2018 (136 KB)
7000010337 Pune

Extension-I to Re-Tender for AMC of Repairs, Servicing & Overhauling of various makes & capacity split type Air Conditioners at various EHV Sub-Stations under EHV O&M Division Manchar.(dated 03-11-2018)

03-11-2018 11-11-2018 (615 KB)
7000010691 Vashi

RFx for Supply of Stainless Steel Hardware (Nut Bolts) of various sizes under 400kV R.S. division Padghe.

03-11-2018 11-11-2018 (445 KB)
7000010600 Nagpur

Work of construction of 2x33kV bay at 220 kV Warora S/Stn & 1x33 kV bay at 132 kV Bramhapuri S/Stn under EHV (O&M) Circle, Chandrapur (DPR Scheme)

25-10-2018 11-11-2018 (79 KB)
7000010585 Nashik

NOTICE for Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract for the work of testing of oil (DGA) of power transformers/ICT’s/Reactor’s at site by using mobile Van at various Sub-station under EHV (O&M) Circle, Bhusawal.

27-10-2018 11-11-2018 (243 KB)
7000010598 Nashik

EHV Project Circle,Nashik:Annual contract of transportation of EHV materials/EHV equipments for EHV Project circle nashik.

26-10-2018 11-11-2018 (61 KB)
7000010604 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER Work of Supply,Installation,testing and commissioning of Elevator for MSETCL’s newly constructed administrative building in the premises of 220 KV S/Stn. Amravati.

25-10-2018 11-11-2018 (152 KB)
7000009007 Nashik

Notice for Work of providing & fixing cooling system for 400kV CGL make 80 MVAR Reactor-2 at 400kV RS Division Babhaleshwar

25-10-2018 11-11-2018 (402 KB)
7000010511 Vashi

Rfx for  Overhauling, Servicing & Supply of Spares of various types 245/145 kV Siemens Make Circuit Breakers at 400kV RS O&M Division, Padghe.

13-10-2018 11-11-2018 (351 KB)
7000010499 Karad

SRM RE-Tender for AMC of Transportation of various types of material from Major store to Various EHV Substations/ S/DN & vice versa for EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri

12-10-2018 11-11-2018 (15 KB)