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Total Records : 42459 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000010345 Vashi

E-Tender for Work of loading, Unloading, Transportation, Erection / Dismantling of T/F and transportation of various EHV & HV equipment at various substations for the year 2018-19 under EHV O&M Circle, Kalwa.

29-09-2018 28-10-2018 (401 KB)
7000010289 Aurangabad

Work of Chemical Treatment for Arresting Growth of Grass, Shrubs etc. and annual maintenance treatment by Pest Control Method at 400KV R S Dn Thaptitanda.

27-09-2018 28-10-2018 (2.9 MB)
4538 Amravati

E-Enquiry for Reorientation of 132KV Balapur-Warwat Bakal & 132KV Balapur–Jalgaon Jamod line(Phase-II) by removing LILO arrangement at Loc No 136 of 132KV Balapur–Jalgaon Jamod line (Phase-II) for normalization of lines.

20-10-2018 27-10-2018 (651 KB)
RFX No- 7000010204 Pune

Detail survey work of 220KV D/C line from 400/220KV Karjat Sub Station at Dist-Ahmadnagar to 220KV Jeur Sub Station at Dist-Solapur.(dated 20-10-2018)

21-10-2018 27-10-2018 (15 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/Beed/1543 Aurangabad

Various cleaning works at 220 kV SS, 132 kV SS line Sub-division and Division office under EHV (O&M) division Beed

20-10-2018 27-10-2018 (1.5 MB)
7000008826 Aurangabad

Second Call for Attending Emergency Breakdown & allied works of various EHV Lines under EHV (O&M) Dn Beed

28-09-2018 27-10-2018 (122 KB)
7000010339 Karad

SRM E-Tender for Overhauling of 33 kV Vijay make VCB at various Substations, under EHV O&M Division,Ratnagiri.

27-09-2018 27-10-2018 (16 KB)
7000010306 Nashik

EHV O&M Circle Nasik:Notice for Work of providing & installations Digital Communicable Transformer Auxiliary Monitoring System (TAMS) at 132KV Ambad, 220KV Malegoan & 220KV Satana substations.

27-09-2018 27-10-2018 (255 KB)
Notice No. 2707 dt. 19.10.2018 (RFX No. : Not applicable) Pune

Allotment of work by lottery system to Unemployeed Enginers as per MSETCL Corporate office scheme. (RFX No. : Not applicable)

19-10-2018 26-10-2018 (205 KB)
262 Karad

Enquiry for providing one outsource Jr. Tech at T U Satara Batch A.

20-10-2018 26-10-2018 (359 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/LTR/1430 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry of providing & fixing 403.10 KVAR capacitor cell for 132KV 15 MVAR capacitor bank cell at 132KV S/S Ujani under EHV O&M Dn. Latur

19-10-2018 26-10-2018 (209 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/LTR/1429 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry of the providing the services of security guards (semi-skilled) for watch and ward at various EHV Substations, administrative office under EHV O&M Division Latur.

19-10-2018 26-10-2018 (223 KB)
7000010254 Amravati

SRM e-tender Extension Works Contracts for Supply,Erection,Testing & Commissioning of Additional 3x167MVA 400/220/33KV ICT along with bay equipment’s,allied civil works and with supply of ICT with Oil at 400KV Akola Substation.

19-10-2018 26-10-2018 (77 KB)
Tender No. EE/TDP/DYEE(O)/2018-19/0523 on dtd. 17.09.2018 RFx No. 7000010257 Pune

E-Tender Extension Notice of RFx No. 7000010257 For Providing skilled technicians on contract basis for working under Testing division Pune.(dated 19-10-2018)

19-09-2018 26-10-2018 (16 KB)
7000010475 Karad

7 Days Extension to Enquiry for the work of painting of Power transformer at 110kV Kale/Chambukhadi/Ichalkaranji substation under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur.

17-10-2018 26-10-2018 (165 KB)
2027 Karad

Enquiry for Supply of Safety Equipments at various Substations & LMSDN, under EHV O&M Division Ratnagiri.

17-10-2018 26-10-2018 (30 KB)
7000009828 Karad

Extension to Enquiry for additional earth pit at various substations as per circular MSETCL/CO/PRoj& Des –S2 /standardization/12459 Dt 16.10.2014 under EHV O&M Dn, Kolhapur.

17-10-2018 26-10-2018 (135 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/Dn/JLG/Tech.No.1535 Nashik

E-Enquiry for the work of Supply & Printing of various Stationary under EHV O&M Dn Jalgaon.

17-10-2018 26-10-2018 (997 KB)
7000010045 Karad

Re-Tender no.01(R)/2018-19 (RFx. No.7000010045) TKC work of 132 KV link line between 220 KV Jath S/s. to 110 KV Jath S/s. along with end bays and balance end bay work under EHV Projects Division, Sangli

11-10-2018 26-10-2018 (15 KB)
7000010487 Karad

eTender for Attending Tree Trimming work in Span of 220/132/110 kV lines, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.

11-10-2018 26-10-2018 (14 KB)