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Total Records : 42510 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000028735 Vashi

 Replacement of existing old disc insulator by new long rod AF porcelain insulators of 220kV Apta - Uran 1,2,3 & 4 D/C line under EHV (O&M) Division Panvel. 

23-10-2023 30-10-2023 (414 KB)
7000028888 Nagpur

2nd call E-tender for Cleaning of Porcelain Portion of DC Yard equipment of Pole I & II by using High Voltage Insulator Cleaner & Protector at 500 kV HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur.
Estimated Cost:- Rs. 21,10,008/- (Inclusive of all Taxes)

23-10-2023 30-10-2023 (16 KB)
7000028894 Nagpur

Work of supply of spares and repairing, servicing & overhauling of 33 KV Megawin, Alstom (Areva), BHEL & Siemens make VCBs at various sub stations under EHV O&M Dn. MSETCL, Nagpur

24-10-2023 30-10-2023 (13 KB)
Enq23102023 Vashi

Enquiry for submission of budgetary offer for Service/Support for configuration and integration of ZIV make various protection relays/IEDs under 400 kV RS (O&M) Dn, Padghe  MSETCL.  

23-10-2023 30-10-2023 (140 KB)
7000028677 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender Extension: Work of up-gradation of capacity of 400kV Bus, TBC Bay and Bus Coupler Bay by using HTLS conductor and allied equipment’s at 400kV Substation Girwali.

23-10-2023 30-10-2023 (113 KB)
7000028525 Amravati

E-TENDER NOTICE Biennial Maintenance Contract (BMC) for work of Repairing/ Reconditioning & Servicing of CTR make NIFP Systems available at 400 kV R.S. Akola and 220 kV Substation Akola, under the jurisdiction of 400 kV R.S. Division Akola. (Second

23-10-2023 30-10-2023 (75 KB)
7000028879 Karad

Renovation of 400KV Tower Earthing (Counter Poise & Pipe Type) of 400KV LMSD, Karad/Alkud Under 400KV RS Dn., Karad.

21-10-2023 30-10-2023 (580 KB)
Enquiry for Budgetary offer Vashi

Enquiry for Budgetary offer for auto changeover of DG set (250kVA) with LT panel automation at 400kV Kalwa Substation under 400kV RS O&M Dn Kalwa.".

20-10-2023 30-10-2023 (2.6 MB)
EE/400KV RS O&M/Dn/KRD/T/No. 685 Karad

Budgetary offer e-enquiry for work of Design, Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Mono Crystalline by facial PV module 164 KW Rooftop Solar Project at 400KV R.S.Karad

19-10-2023 30-10-2023 (440 KB)
SE/EHV O&M/C/KOP/ T / 1567 Karad

Enquiry for Repair of seat coaching and supply of seat covers of all seats of departmental vehicle No. MH-50-141 (TATA Sumo) of Hot Line Unit Mudshingi under EHV O&M Circle, Kolhapur

18-10-2023 30-10-2023 (138 KB)
SE/EHV O&M/C/KOP/ T /LP/ 1566 Karad

Enquiry for supply of Rain Suit for employees of the HLU, & PID Unit Mudshingi for the year 2023-24 under MSETCL, EHV O&M Circle, Kolhapur.

18-10-2023 30-10-2023 (226 KB)
1438 Karad

E- Enquiry for Budgetary offer for Design, Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Mono Crystalline by facial PV module 100KW Rooftop Solar Project at 400KV R.S. Alkud under EHV PC O&M Zone, Karad.(18.10.2023)

18-10-2023 30-10-2023 (4.9 MB)
RFx Number 7000028513 Vashi

E-Tender for 2nd Call for Augmentation of Substation by Addition/ Replacement of Transformers (05 numbers of Transformers) at 4 Numbers of EHV Substation under EHV PC O&M Zone, Vashi.(All Transformer will be provided by MSETCL

13-10-2023 30-10-2023 (450 KB)
5000001154 Corporate Office

Procurement of Self Propelled Articulating Boom Type Man  Lifts for HVDC Terminal Stations (Padghe & Chandrapur) and 765 kV Aurangabad Substation.

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No. 2 20-11-2023 (304 KB)
16-10-2023 30-10-2023 (196 KB)
7000028776 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Work of Augmentation of Substation by Additional 3x167 MVA, 400/220/33kV ICT at 400kV Thaptitanda Substation, Dist. Aurangabad., under EHV P.C.O&M Zone Aurangabad.

16-10-2023 30-10-2023 (418 KB)
MSETCL/EE/400KV/TAL/TECH/No 0398 Karad

Enquiry for Budgetary offer for AMC DG set at 400kV R.S. Division Talandage

27-10-2023 31-10-2023 (847 KB)
7000028878 Nagpur

Work of strengthening of earth mat by providing and installing Extra High Current Capacity Earthing (EHCC) by Deep Dug Conductive Pit (DDCP) installation method at 132KV Jam substation under Division, Wardha.

25-10-2023 31-10-2023 (122 KB)
7000028692 Vashi 2nd call SRM enquiry for Annual Maintenance Contract for passenger lift at 400 KV RS Kalwa, (including Labour and material) at 400 KV RS Kalwa under 400kV RS O&M Dn Kalwa.   24-10-2023 31-10-2023 (1006 KB)
7000028897 Vashi

 Overhauling and Servicing of BHEL make 50 kV Minimum Oil Circuit Breakers (MOCB) at HVDC Terminal station, Padghe for the year 2023-24.

24-10-2023 31-10-2023 (527 KB)
7000028686 Nashik

2nd call Notice for Work of removing old damaged civil structures & providing new GI support structure with foundation at 132kV S/stn GCR Deepnagar SS under EHV O&M Division, Jalgaon.

24-10-2023 31-10-2023 (13 KB)