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Total Records : 42278 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000007955 Vashi

RFx E-tender for hiring of LMV vehicle for Executive Engineer, EHV Testing Division, Panvel for the FY 2018-19.

14-03-2018 23-03-2018 (36 KB)
EE/EHV/PROJ/DIV/NSK/Tech No.0347 Nashik

EHV Construction Division,Nasik:E-enquiry for Hiring of Vehicle (Diesel) along with vehicle driver on per day basis for EHV Lines Projects Sub division,Ahmednagar

12-03-2018 23-03-2018 (710 KB)
7000006461 Nashik

RS(O&M)Division,Babhaleshwar : Second Call:E-Tender Notice Extension For Work Of Supply And Errection Of  132kV DC Model Tower Line At RTC Babhaleshwar 

12-03-2018 23-03-2018 (570 KB)
RFX No.7000008064 Pune

Tender Notice for maintenance of switch yard & street lighting at 400 KV RS Division Jejuri.(dated 09-03-2018)

09-03-2018 23-03-2018 (100 KB)
7000008073 Nagpur

Work of Supplying & commissioning of separate P.T selection relay panel for 220 KV Level at 220 KV Ambazari substations under EHV (O&M) Circle, MSETCL, Nagpur

08-03-2018 23-03-2018 (114 KB)
CELDK/Maint/FM-48/2183 DT.07.03.2018 SLDC Kalwa

E-Enquiry  notice for  providing & fixing of toughen glass-12mm thick  at 2nd floor Conference hall at SLDC new building, Kalwa.

08-03-2018 23-03-2018 (150 KB)
7000007777 Nagpur

Supply &ETC for Diversion of 66KV Ballarshah-BPM line passing through proposed Botanical Garden near village Visapur Tal. Ballarshah( ORC Work).

24-02-2018 23-03-2018 (127 KB)
7000007829 Vashi

Providing & fixing sheet weather shed by profile sheet over control room/colony buildings at 220KV Mahad S/stn

22-02-2018 23-03-2018 (616 KB)
7000007799 Karad

eTender for Work of Providing Outsource Skilled Operators, Art-A & Junior Technicians for 220KV Vankusawade S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn Karad.

22-02-2018 23-03-2018 (166 KB)
7000007797 Karad

eTender for Work of Providing Outsource LDC cum Computer Operators, Peon & Driver under EHV O&M Dn Karad.

22-02-2018 23-03-2018 (90 KB)
7000007800 Karad

eTender for Works of providing outsource Junior Technicians on contract basis in shift duty at various S/Stns under EHV O&M Division Karad.

22-02-2018 23-03-2018 (90 KB)
7000007798 Karad

eTender for Work of providing outsources ITI Operators on contract basis in shift duty at various S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Karad.

22-02-2018 23-03-2018 (166 KB)
7000007771 Pune

Work of repair of faulty 33/22/11 kV CT’S & PT’S available at various 220/132 kV Substation under jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division –I, Pune.(dated 21-02-2018)

20-02-2018 23-03-2018 (161 KB)
7000007810 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender Notice: Replacement of Unarmoured Cables by Armoured cables at 220kV S/s Waghala under EHV O&M Division, Nanded.

Document Title End Date File
Extension 01-01-1970 (16 KB)
Extension2 01-01-1970 (16 KB)
22-02-2018 23-03-2018 (16 KB)
7000007782 Vashi

E- Tender for Hiring of LMV (A.C. Vento /swift or equivalent Car) along with Driver for Superintending Engineer under EHV (O&M) Circle for the period 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019.

21-02-2018 23-03-2018 (399 KB)
7000007792 Karad

eTender Notice RFX No.7000007792 for Work of Overhauling, servicing & supply of Spares of 245 KV, Type 3AP1FI Siemens make SF6 Circuit Breaker at 400 KV R.S.Karad.

21-02-2018 23-03-2018 (1.5 MB)
7000007695 Karad

eTender Notice T-24/17-18/ Rfx No.7000007695 for the Work of Counter Poise type Tower Earthing for 220KV Vita-Miraj & 220KV Miraj-Mhaishal EHV Lines under EHV O&M Division,Sangli.

20-02-2018 23-03-2018 (20 KB)
7000008237 Vashi

E-Enquiry for Nitrogen process of windings for Improvement of Dielectric (IR & PI values) of 25 MVA 132/33 kV BBL make T/F at 132/33 kV Boisar-I MIDC S/S under EHV O&M Division Boisar.

16-03-2018 24-03-2018 (415 KB)
7000008089 Nagpur

Various civil maintenance works at 132KV S/Stn Amgaon, Dist. Gondia

10-03-2018 24-03-2018 (14 KB)
7000008099 Karad

eTender for renovation, revamping & online removal of adhered contaminant using NCCC technique from MB & Panels

09-03-2018 24-03-2018 (16 KB)