EE/400KV RSO&M/Dn/KRD/T/No. 697 |
Karad |
Supply of 0.5 ACSR Moose Conductor for 400KV LMSD-I & II (Alkud) under 400KV R.S.Karad.
26-10-2023 |
07-11-2023 |
(106 KB)
7000028974 |
Nagpur |
E-tender for Work of overhauling (Mechanism) of 400kV ABB make Circuit Breakers Type LTB420E2 along with supply of overhauling kit at 400kV Switching Substation under 400kV RS O&M Division-II,Chandrapur
02-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(214 KB)
SE/EHVPC/PN/T/T-04/2023-24 RFX No. 7000028980 |
Pune |
Annual rate contract for the work of transportation, loading, unloading, sorting & stacking of all types of EHV Equipment / Material along with accessories & hardware from various sites (as & when required) from various major stores / stores centers / site stores of MSETCL to substation sites & any other store center to project sites & vice versa under EHV Project Circle, Pune (dated 01-11-2023)
02-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(56 KB)
7000028825 |
Vashi |
E-enquiry for Work of repair of 4 nos. Of ABB Make Relays at 220kv Bapgaon substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa.for the year 2023-24.
01-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(390 KB)
7000026851 |
Vashi |
E-tender for supply of winding temperature indicator for 50MVA, 100/22kV Transformer No. 4 & 5 at 100KV Bhiwandi substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa for the year 2023-24.
01-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(387 KB)
EE/400KV/RS/O&M/DN/DHL/561 |
Nashik |
Enquiry for publication for the work of providing of crane services along with driver (14Ton & boom length 16M) on as and when required basis under 400 KV R.S. (O&M) Dn. Kundane, Dhule.
01-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(450 KB)
EEC/EHV/CCCM/Dn./CSN/Tech/No.0814 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry: The Work of Making of Arrangement of borewell at 132 kv Rajur S/stn Dist Jalna., under EHV CCCM Division Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.
01-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(1.2 MB)
7000028841 |
Karad |
Supply of 6 nos. of Digital clamp on meter (Tong tester), 3 nos.of Clamp leaker, 6 no of Digital Multimeter, 3 no. of analog multimeter for Protection units under PAC Division Karad.
01-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(306 KB)
7000028705 |
Karad |
Annual Maintenance Contract Work of Servicing & Overhauling with Providing & Fixing of required spares 33KV ABB-Make Circuit Breakers at various S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Sangli
02-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(17 KB)
7000028780 |
Amravati |
SRM E-TENDER NOTICE Work of providing & fixing of spare required for 245KV & 145KV EHV Circuit Breaker (Make-CGL) at various Substations under EHV O&M Division, Amravati
01-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(409 KB)
Pune |
e-Enquiry for hiring of vehicle with fuel (swift desire & equivalent) for Executive Engineer, 400kV R.S. O&M Division, Lonikand II (dated 01-11-2023)
01-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(579 KB)
7000028963 |
Nashik |
E-ENQUIRY for the work of partial discharge testing of 400/132kV 200MVA Kanohar Make ICT-II Sr. No. KT 200000/2 due to rising trend of Hydrogen gas at400kVRS Division Khadka-Bhusawal.
01-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(314 KB)
7000028724 |
Vashi |
Providing and fixing of trip relays at various substations under Vashi zone for establishment of MMR load trimming scheme
01-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(1.1 MB)
7000028938 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender(Second Call): The work of setting up of open gym equipments at 132 kV K'Nagar (jalna old) Sub Station staff colony premises, Dist. Jalna. , under EHV CCCM Division Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.
01-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(268 KB)
7000028960 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender: Providing Paver Block , installation of 5 HP submersible pump over sump well along with height raising of existing UCR Wall at 132 KV Harsool S/stn Colony Premises Dist Aurangabad., under EHV CCCM Division Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.
01-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(444 KB)
7000028936 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Replacing of old GI pipeline by CPVC pipeline & providing & supplying collars to earth pits at 220 KV S/stn Phulambri Dist: Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar., under EHV CCCM Division Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.
01-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(267 KB)
7000028961 |
Karad |
Replacement of 220KV 120KN & 70KN Longrod Polymer Insulator Strings by 120KN & 70KN Longrod Antifog Porcelain Insulator strings of 220KV Tillari-Amona,220KV Mahalaxmi Amona, 220 KVMudshingi-Chikodi & 220 KV Talandage Chikodi linesunder EHV O&M Division Kolhapur.
01-11-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(67 KB)
EE/PAC/Kop/Tech/No. /287 |
Karad |
Supply of Tyres & Tubes for Departmental Vehicle TATA Sumo MH -50 -143 under PAC Division Kolhapur.
31-10-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(213 KB)
Enquiry L.No.382 dtd 30.10.2023 |
Pune |
Budgetory offers through email are invited for supply of Al and Cu spares for 400 kV Pantograph isolator hanger rod assembly alongwith necessary brazing at 400kV Chakan sstn . (dated 30-10-2023)
30-10-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(610 KB)
EEC/Dn./PBN/Tech/W-71/No.00683 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry: The work of renovation and repairing of store shed and misc. civil works at 132 KV Ardhapur, Dist.Nanded., under EHV CCCM Division Parbhani.
31-10-2023 |
08-11-2023 |
(1.5 MB)