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Total Records : 42428 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000010292 Vashi

work of repairs, refilling, spares and testing different types of fire extinguishers at various substations under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa. 

19-09-2018 25-09-2018 (208 KB)
Tender No. 06/2018-19 RFx No:7000009953 Pune


19-09-2018 26-09-2018 (9 KB)
EE/EHV O&M/DN/SGL/ T/No. 1600 Karad

Cancellation of Enquiry for Providing 1 No. of Diesel TATA– INDICA /INDIGO/MARUTI SWIFT DEZIRE/Equivalent or above Vehicle with driver on hire basis for the office use of The Executive Engineer EHV O&M Dn. Sangli.

19-09-2018 26-09-2018 (13 KB)
7000009970 Vashi

2nd Call of RFx for annual maintenance contract for providing of fire fighting   manpower for HVDC Complex, Padghe.

19-09-2018 04-10-2018 (332 KB)
Tender No. EE/TDP/DYEE(O)/2018-19/0523 on dtd. 17.09.2018 RFx No. 7000010257 Pune

E-Tender Notice of RFx No. 7000010257 For Providing skilled technicians on contract basis for working under Testing division Pune.(dated 18-09-2018)

19-09-2018 19-10-2018 (20 KB)
7000010204 Pune

Detail survey work of 220KV D/C line from 400/220KV Karjat Sub Station at Dist-Ahmadnagar to 220KV Jeur Sub Station at Dist-Solapur.(dated 18-09-2018)

19-09-2018 18-10-2018 (15 KB)
7000010237 Aurangabad

Invitation For Bid(IFB)(2nd Call): Complete renovation, revamping and online removal of adhered contaminants using Non Cyclic Cryogenic Cardice Technology(NCCC) from Marshaling Box(MB) Installed in various EHV Projects cum O&M Zone, Aurangabad.

19-09-2018 19-10-2018 (11 KB)
7000009963 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Time Limit Extension): Work of supply of T&P for EHV Line Maintenance Sub Division, Waghala under EHV O&M Division, Nanded.

Document Title End Date File
Extension 1 25-10-2018 (142 KB)
19-09-2018 25-09-2018 (99 KB)
EE/ 400kv/RS (O&M)/ LBT/ T/ No.301 Date:18.09.2018 Pune

Work of up-gradation by buyback of existing desktop & printer at Tech, HR & F&A section under 400KV R.S Division Lamboti

18-09-2018 24-09-2018 (93 KB)
7000010273 Karad

Work of Providing & Fixing of Conical Type Bird Guard of 220KV & 110KV Lines coming under EHV O&M Division Sangli.

18-09-2018 17-10-2018 (20 KB)
Enquiry No. : EE/400kV/RS(O&M)/DN/Lonikand-I/Tech/608 dtd. 18.09.2018 (RFx-7000010275) Pune

Enquiry for supply of office furniture at 400 kV R.S. (O&M) Division Lonikand.(dated 18-09-2018)

18-09-2018 26-09-2018 (63 KB)
Enquiry No. : EE/400kV/RS(O&M)/DN/Lonikand-I/Tech/608 dtd. 18.09.2018 (RFx - 7000010275) Pune

Enquiry for supply of office furniture at 400 kV R.S. (O&M) Division Lonikand.

18-09-2018 26-09-2018 (63 KB)
CELDK/Maint/FM-36/2147 SLDC Kalwa

 E-Enquiry for hiring of 3 no. Computer operators for data entry work at SLDC, MSETCL complex, Airoli.

18-09-2018 25-09-2018 (110 KB)
7000010262 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Water Proffing to control room at 132kV Substation Kalamb in Osmanabad district under EHV CCCM Sub Division Latur.

18-09-2018 03-10-2018 (40 KB)
7000010261 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Water Proffing to control room at 220kV Substation Osmanabad in Osmanabad district under EHV CCCM Sub Division Latur.

18-09-2018 03-10-2018 (40 KB)
se/ehv/pc/kop/1020 Karad

Enquiry for AMC of computer & its accessories. at EHV Projects Circle Kolhapur

18-09-2018 25-09-2018 (679 KB)
"RFX Not applicable (Notice No. 2494 dt. 18.09.2018)" Pune

Allotment of work by lottery system to Unemployed Engineers as per MSETCL Corporate office scheme.

18-09-2018 25-09-2018 (191 KB)
EE/TD/NSK/Tech/T-17/V-5/522 Nashik

E-Enquiry for Providing Tata Sumo /Mahindra Xylo/ Bolero (Diesel) or equivalent vehicle along with driver on hired (per day) basis at testing unit Babhaleshwar under testing division Nashik

18-09-2018 08-10-2018 (570 KB)
EE/400KV RS DN ALKUD/T/ No.0174 Karad

Enquiry for Supply of LCD Projector with screen for 400KV Receiving Station Alkud(M) under 400kv RS Dn Alkud (M).

18-09-2018 25-09-2018 (304 KB)
EE/EHV/Project/JLG/Tech/No.1011 Nashik

E-Enquiry for Supply Safety shoes of various sizes for the employees working under EHV Projects Division, Jalgaon

18-09-2018 25-09-2018 (655 KB)