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Total Records : 42428 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000028972 Vashi

E-Tender Notice for Work of Annual Maintenance Contract of Transformer Auxiliary Monitoring System (TAMS) & allied field hardware installed at Various Substation under EHV O&M Circle., Kalwa

03-11-2023 10-11-2023 (583 KB)
7000028953 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for 400 kV & 220 kV lines maintenance activities under the jurisdiction of 400 KV Line Maintenance Sub Division Kumbhargaon, Nanded.

03-11-2023 09-11-2023 (130 KB)
7000028523 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Work of Augmentation of Substation by additional 1x50 MVA, 132/33 kV Power Transformer at 132kV Vaijapur and replacement of 1x25 MVA, 132/33kV transformer by 1x50 MVA, 132/33 kV transformer at 132kV Udgir substation., under EHV P.C.O&M Zone Aurangabad.

04-11-2023 10-11-2023 (418 KB)
7000029010 Vashi E-tender for work of  replacement of 3ph 440V,ACDB,Type ‘A’ with control and power cables at 220kV  Mahape substations under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa. 04-11-2023 13-11-2023 (83 KB)
7000028997 Corporate Office

Construction of peripheral compound wall and chainlink fencing at 400 kV Lonikand for security purpose.

04-11-2023 10-11-2023 (1.9 MB)
7000028998 Corporate Office

Construction of compound wall, metal spreading and trimix concrete road at 220 kV Raymond Substation Tal. Igatpuri, Dist. Nashik.

04-11-2023 10-11-2023 (2 MB)
RFx No.-7000028937 Pune

Retender for the Annual Rate Contract for work of attending emergency breakdown & maintenance work on various 400kV Lines Under jurisdiction of 400kV R.S Division Lamboti. (dated 10-11-2023)

06-11-2023 15-11-2023 (193 KB)
6000001121 Corporate Office

 IFB of Tender T-2325 (RFx No. 6000001121) for Construction of Balance work for 400kV D/C Hinjewadi – Winjhar line (from Loc. 148)  – 33.577 km Package- B under Pune Zone

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No. 1 06-12-2023 (462 KB)
06-11-2023 06-12-2023 (478 KB)
7000028904 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE AMC towards wok of servicing, repairing & overhauling of various make 33 kV & 11 kV Circuit breakers at various substations ubder jurisdiction of under EHV O&M Division Buldhana. ( First Extension).

06-11-2023 13-11-2023 (139 KB)
RFx No. 7000028674 Vashi

Cancellation Notice of RFx No. 7000028674

06-11-2023 17-11-2023 (799 KB)
EEC/EHV/CCCM/Dn/SUR/T/576, Dt-06.11.2023 Pune

Cleaning, sweeping and carrying out housekeeping activities at office of the EHV, CCCM Division, Solapur (dated 07-11-2023)

06-11-2023 20-11-2023 (982 KB)
7000028838 Nashik

CANCELLATION OF SRM E-TENDER NOTICE for the Work of Repairing/Overhauling of 132 kV Siemens Make Circuit Breaker with providing of required spares at various EHV Sub-stations under EHV (O&M) Circle, Khadka-Bhusawal.

06-11-2023 10-11-2023 (27 KB)
7000029034 Karad

SRM E-Tender for Operating Mechanism Overhauling, Servicing & repair of 145 kV ABB make CB at various EHV Substations, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.

06-11-2023 13-11-2023 (281 KB)
7000028635 Karad

SRM RE-Tender for Cutting of Grass & Removal of Grass & shrubs at switchyards, Substation premises & weed control by chemical treatment at switchyard of various Substations, under EHV O&M Division,Ratnagiri

06-11-2023 13-11-2023 (285 KB)
EE/PCDN/Tech/No.962 Dt: 06.11.2023 Pune

Inviting budgetary offers for estimation purpose for Ground Patrolling of underground EHV cables under EHV Line Maintenance Sub Division under Pimpri Chinchwad division, Pune. (dated 06-11-2023)

06-11-2023 13-11-2023 (144 KB)
230 Karad

Enquiry for submission of budgetary offer for Supply of spare material for 400KV, 3150Amp CB isolator & 220KV, 2000Amp DB isolator for 400KV RS Alkud under 400KV RS DN Alkud (M)

06-11-2023 15-11-2023 (861 KB)
7000029015 Karad

Providing and fixing of OTI(Oil Temperature Indicator) & Digital Remote Temperature Indicators at 400KV R.S. Dn. New Koyna.

06-11-2023 13-11-2023 (462 KB)
7000028939 Karad

Water proofing of main control room by providing roofing shed & Bay Control Room by hydrostop treatment and other required civil works at 220/33 KV Sub Station. Hamidwada, Dist- Kolhapur.( RFX No. 7000028939 )

06-11-2023 13-11-2023 (604 KB)
Tender No. EE/400KVRS/(O&M) DN/ LNKD/Tender/T-10/23-24 RFx- 7000029032 Pune

E-tender for the work of Monkey patrolling of 400 KV grid lines under 400 KV R.S.O & M div. Lonikand-1. (dated 06-11-2023)

06-11-2023 13-11-2023 (503 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/Division/Manchar/Tech/ 1045, dtd. 06.11.2023 Pune

Online budgetory offer for Bimetallic strip (dated 06-11-2023)

06-11-2023 15-11-2023 (101 KB)