Extension-I for the RE-Tender for Work of stringing on DC 132 KV Purandawade Tap Line under Scheme for Second Circuit stringing on Existing SCDC of 132KV Purandawade tap line.
SRM E-TENDER Annual Maintenance Contract for Refilling/Reconditioning & servicing of fire Extinguisher at various EHV S/Sunder EHV O&M Division Yavatmal.
AMC for the work of keeping 400KV/220KV S/Y free from growth of grass and Weed (Antiweeding Treatment) at 400KV Substation, Chandrapur under 400KV RS O&M Div. Chandrapur.
the Work of LILO on 132kV Jeur-Kurduwadi line for proposed 132kV Kurduwadi TSS.SRM E-Tender
EXTENSION OF E-TENDER Civil work of attending various civil maintenance work of staff Quarters at colony,Control room,switch yard & other MSETCL office in the premise at 132KV S/Stn.Gourakshan,Akola & 220KV Balapur S/Stn.Akola.
EXTENSION E-TENDER Civil work of various maintenance work at 220 KV S/Stn Chikhali , Dist. Buldhana
Enquiry for Providing of 1 No. of Diesel Vehicle ( TATA-SUMO/ TRAX)/BOLERO/Equivalent or above Vehicle with driver on hire per day basis for the office of The Addl. Executive Engineer Line- Maintenance S/Dn Vishrambag under EHV O&M Dn. Sangli
eTender Notice T-31/17-18/ Rfx No.7000008100 for the Work of Chimney Raising of the legs of 220KV Kadegaon-Miraj Line under EHV O&M Division, Sangli
eTender Notice T-30/17-18/ Rfx No.7000008063 for the Work of Restringing of Conductor of various EHV Lines under Line-Maintenance S/Dn Borgaon coming under EHV O&M Division Sangli.
Enquiry no.23 (RFx. No. 7000008043) for Chemical Weed Control treatment work at 220 KV Lonand MIDC S/s.
eTender for Repairs to existing store shed at 110 KV S/Stn. Ichalkaranji, Tal :Hatkanangale,Dist: Kolhapur.
Work of Supplying & commissioning of separate P.T selection relay panel for 220 KV Level at 220 KV Ambazari substations under EHV (O&M) Circle, MSETCL, Nagpur
Work of AMC for work of Servicing/ Overhauling/ Repairing of Air Compressor of various make viz. ELGI/ INGERSOLL RAND etc. of 220KV/132KV Circuit Breaker at various Substation under EHV (O&M) Dn. MSETCL Ballarshah.
Enquiry for Extra service & material for MBR 2714 scheme at 220KV Wathar Substation under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur.(RFX No. 7000008057).
Metal spreading 7 replacing cable trench cover at 100KV Roha
Renovation of type III & IV staff quarters at 100KV Khopoli S/stn
Providing & fixing weather shed by profile sheet over control room at 100KV Taloja
EHV O & M Division,New MIDC,Jalgaon:Extension Notice for the Work of elimination of 11kV Power cables by providing overhead structureat LV side of 132/11kV T/F's at various 132kV Sub-station
Letter of Award of eTender No. T-1624 Pkg A/MSETCL/CO/DCM/D&T/TKC-L.
EHV Construction Division, Nasik:notice for transportation, loading & unloading of EHV line material from MSETCL store/site store/substations of all over Maharashtra for carrying out the work of 220kV Eklahre-Pimpalgaon line.