"RFX Not applicable (Notice No. 2494 dt. 18.09.2018)" |
Pune |
Allotment of work by lottery system to Unemployed Engineers as per MSETCL Corporate office scheme.
18-09-2018 |
25-09-2018 |
(191 KB)
7000009963 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender(Time Limit Extension): Work of supply of T&P for EHV Line Maintenance Sub Division, Waghala under EHV O&M Division, Nanded.
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
19-09-2018 |
25-09-2018 |
(99 KB)
EE/400KV RS DN ALKUD/T/ No.0174 |
Karad |
Enquiry for Supply of LCD Projector with screen for 400KV Receiving Station Alkud(M) under 400kv RS Dn Alkud (M).
18-09-2018 |
25-09-2018 |
(304 KB)
EE/EHV/Project/JLG/Tech/No.1011 |
Nashik |
E-Enquiry for Supply Safety shoes of various sizes for the employees working under EHV Projects Division, Jalgaon
18-09-2018 |
25-09-2018 |
(655 KB)
7000009896 |
Vashi |
AMC for the work of 400kV and 220kV Lines under 400kV Line Maint S/Dn Nagothane under EHV (O&M) Circle, Panvel (1st extension)
14-08-2018 |
25-09-2018 |
(163 KB)
EE/EHV Trans O&M/LTR/Tech/1227. |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry(2nd Call): Hiring of Light Motor Vehicle TATA Indigo/Swift Dezire(with AC) along with driver for EHV(O&M) Dn, Latur.
18-09-2018 |
25-09-2018 |
(359 KB)
EE/TDD/TECH/DHL/T/34/157 |
Nashik |
Testing Division,Dhule.:-Enquiry for providing hired diesel Jeep/TATA SUMO/Trax/Equivalent Vehicle with driver for Testing Unit Dhule under the jurisdiction of Testing Division Dhule
12-09-2018 |
25-09-2018 |
(1.9 MB)
MSLDC/CELDK/ T- 0518/ 1 RFx No. - 7000009610 |
SLDC Kalwa |
SRM Extended E-tender notice for Implementation of Automatic Demand Management Scheme (ADMS) on 33/11 KV HV feeders in Maharashtra With Automatic Triggering Mechanism At State Load Despatch Centre, Airoli Navi Mumbai.
28-08-2018 |
25-09-2018 |
(738 KB)
RFX NO-7000010030 |
Pune |
Annual Rate contract for the work of loading, unloading, stacking and Transportation of all types of Equipments / Material (as and when required)from various Major Stores/Store Centers/Site Stores of MSETCL to sub-station’s sites and any other store centre to substation sites and vice versa as directed by the Engineer-in-charge for various EHV Sub-Stns under EHV O&M Circle, Pune.(dated 27-08-2018)
27-08-2018 |
25-09-2018 |
(300 KB)
7000009996 |
Vashi |
Invitation SRM E-Tender for the work of 100 kV bus strengthening (single to twin bus ) at 100 /22 kV Roha substation under EHV (O&M) Dn. Mahad
27-08-2018 |
25-09-2018 |
(32 KB)
EE/ 400kv/RS (O&M)/ LBT/ T/ No.301 Date:18.09.2018 |
Pune |
Work of up-gradation by buyback of existing desktop & printer at Tech, HR & F&A section under 400KV R.S Division Lamboti
18-09-2018 |
24-09-2018 |
(93 KB)
EE/988 Dt: 18.09.2018 |
Pune |
Publication of extension notice for procurement of multimeters & clampmeters for various EHV s/stn under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune.(dated 18-09-2018)
31-08-2018 |
24-09-2018 |
(48 KB)
7000009881(Package-A), 7000009885(Package-B), 7000009886(Package-C) |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender Extension: Design,supply,installation,testing & commissioning of 132kV, 1 X 15MVAR & 2 X 15MVAR Capacitor Banks along with associated HV bays & Civil works at various EHV Substations under EHV(O&M) Circle, Aurangabad & Parli(V).
16-09-2018 |
24-09-2018 |
(121 KB)
RFX No.7000009898 |
Pune |
Extension no I for Work of Replacement of 22 kV cable end termination at 220 kV Parvati & 22 kV XLPE cable laying work at 220 kV Serum substation under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune
15-09-2018 |
24-09-2018 |
(164 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/Division/Manchar/Tech/No. 1075, Date: 14.09.2018 |
Pune |
(3rd Call) Re-Enquiry for supply of Oil Sample Bottles at various EHV substations under EHV O&M Division Manchar.(dated 14-09-2018)
14-09-2018 |
24-09-2018 |
(826 KB)
7000010186 |
Amravati |
SRM E-TENDER Work of refilling / reconditioning and servicing of Fire Extinguishers of various types and capacity installed at EHV S/Stns under jurisdiction of EHV (O&M)Division, Buldhana
10-09-2018 |
24-09-2018 |
(30 KB)
70000009908 |
Vashi |
Work of hiring of LMV i.e. TATA sumo/Innova/Bolero for 220KV Kamba substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa.
10-09-2018 |
24-09-2018 |
(206 KB)
70000009939 |
Vashi |
work of providing & fixing of Easun MR make OLTC for 50MVA, 220/22KV BHEL make Power Transformer at 220KV Kamba substation under EHV (O&M) Dn. Kalwa
10-09-2018 |
24-09-2018 |
(206 KB)
EE/EHV(O&M)/PBN/968 |
Aurangabad |
Enquiry for Supply of EHV capacitor Bank cells, at 132kV S/stn. Kurunda, under EHV (O&M) Division, Parbhani.
06-09-2018 |
24-09-2018 |
(1.2 MB)
7000009529 |
Nashik |
EHV CCCM Division Nashik :2nd call For Construction Of Watchman Cabin At Various 220kV Sub Station.
28-08-2018 |
24-09-2018 |
(883 KB)