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Total Records : 42428 SRM e-Tendering
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7000010022 Pune

Publication of E- Tender notice for overhauling & servicing of 22/33 kV Circuit breakers under EHV (O&M) Dn. II, Pune.(dated 27-08-2018)

24-08-2018 23-09-2018 (26 KB)
EE/894 Dt: 24.08.2018 Pune

Publication of E- Enquiry for work for upgradation by buyback of computers & printer available at division office & all EHV substations under EHV O&M Dn. II, Pune. (dated 24-08-2018)

24-08-2018 04-09-2018 (57 KB)
7000010009 Pune

SRM Re-e-enquiry for Supply of oil sample bottle at various substations under EHV O&M Division, Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune

24-08-2018 31-08-2018 (68 KB)
ee/400kv/rsdn/nk/tech/375 Karad

Providing and installation of PC based on biometric time system at 400KV R.S Dn new Koyna.

24-08-2018 05-09-2018 (864 KB)
7000009591 Karad

Work of draining out and filtration of oil of 01 no unit of 3*105MVA 400/220 KV Bhel make ICT-II R phase unit and 220/33KV 25MVA T/F-II at 400KV R.S Dn New Koyna

24-08-2018 30-08-2018 (345 KB)
7000009563 Vashi

Extension E-Tender Notice for Work of replacement of 220kV Isolator with new Double break isolators at 220kV R S Kalwa under 400kV R S Dn., Kalwa 

24-08-2018 30-08-2018 (440 KB)
7000010003 Karad

Repairs to rivetments & benching for tower foundation of 220KV satara MIDC-Vankuswade Line (Tower location No.85, 84/2) at village Kenjalwadi & at Village Tondoshi Tal-Patan, Dist-Satara (Tower location No.76/1)

24-08-2018 24-09-2018 (80 KB)
7000010004 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER As & when required Maintenance Contract of Filtration of T/F/ICT & OLTCs oil at various EHV S/Stn under EHV O&M Division, Yavatmal for the period of 2018-20.

24-08-2018 22-09-2018 (105 KB)
Enq.no.281 (RFx No.) 7000009742) Pune

SRM E-enquiry (EXTENSION-1) for Supply Electrical Spare Material at 400 KV RS (O&M) DnChakan. (RFx No- 7000009742)(dated 04-09-2018)

23-08-2018 18-09-2018 (120 KB)
EE/O&M/DIV/NND/982 Aurangabad

E- Enquiry for Work of repairing of old 11kV CT's of various capacities and make at various substation under EHV (O&M) Division, Nanded.

23-08-2018 28-08-2018 (727 KB)
SE/O&M/PRL/1161 Aurangabad

E Enquiry for hiring of vehicle along with driver for SE O&M Circle office Parli

23-08-2018 28-08-2018 (802 KB)
Enq.no.281 (RFx No.) 7000009742) Pune

SRM E-enquiry for Supply Electrical Spare Material at 400 KV RS (O&M) Dn Chakan

23-08-2018 02-09-2018 (120 KB)
7000009986 Amravati

E-tender towards “Work for replacement of existing SSN String by DSN string and STN String by DTN String of various 132 kV lines under EHV (O&M) Division, Akola”

23-08-2018 24-09-2018 (23 KB)
7000009936, 7000009941, 7000009935, 7000009934, 7000009954, 7000009956, 7000009950, 7000009955 Pune

Maintenance & Upkeepment of various civil assets at 220KV Chinchwad,Pune 

Miscellaneous civil maintenance works at 220KV Hinjewadi -I,Pune

Civil Maintenance & Upkeepment of various civil assets at 132KV S/stn NCL, Pune

Maintenance & Upkeepment of various civil assets at 220KV Nanded City,Pune

Providing Crane way at entry & allied civil works at 132KV Vignahar Sahakari Karkhana S/stn near Narayangaon,Pune

Civil maintenance & Upkeepment of various civil works at 132 KV Narayangaon

Miscellaneous civil maintenance works at 132KV Kamthadi S/stn ,Pune

Replacement of Old broken cable trench covers & providing new at 132/33KV Indapur, Pune



23-08-2018 22-09-2018 (92 KB)
4071 Amravati

E-Enquiry for Balance Dismantling work of Reorientation of 132KV Paras-Warwat Bakal & Paras-Malkapur Line on Risk & Cost of M/S Power Engineers.

23-08-2018 30-08-2018 (648 KB)
7000009999 Vashi

SRM Tenders the work for  Monkey Patrolling by Drone in respect of various 220kV M/C line, 220kV D/C lines, 100kV M/C lines and 100kV D/C line  under EHV (O&M) Division Dombivali.

23-08-2018 06-09-2018 (612 KB)
7000010010 Vashi

SRM Tenders the work for Manual Monkey Patrolling in respect of various 220kV M/C line, 220kV D/C lines, 100kV M/C lines and 100kV D/C line  under EHV (O&M) Division Dombivali.

23-08-2018 06-09-2018 (612 KB)
EE/TEST/NND/442 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry for Hiring of vehicle i.e. Tata indica or any equivalent vehicle with driver for Executive Engineer, Testing Division Nanded

23-08-2018 03-09-2018 (700 KB)
EE/TEST/NND/441 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry for Hiring of vehicle i.e. Tata Sumo/Mahindra Bolero or any equivalent LMV vehicle with driver for Addl.EE, Project Testing Unit, Nanded under Testing Division Nanded

23-08-2018 08-09-2018 (718 KB)
EE/JCCD/TECH/677 Nashik

EHV CCCM Dn Jalgaon:e-Enquiry for up-gradation of Desktop Computer Hardware, Software, Printers & other related accessories by New One.

23-08-2018 11-09-2018 (4.2 MB)