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Total Records : 42428 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000029286 Nagpur

2nd call E-tender for Annual Maintenance contract for maintenance of various type of portable fire extinguisher at HVDC Terminal Station Chandrapur for the year 2023-24 & 2024-25.
Estimated cost:- Limited to Rs. 5,00,000 /- (Including Taxes)

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (16 KB)
Enquiry Vashi

Enquiry for work for repair of old office table and revolving chair at 400kV RS Kalwa under 400kV RS O&M Dn Kalwa.

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (1.8 MB)
7000029278( 2nd call) Nagpur

Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for Emergency breakdown work & Other Outage oriented work at 400/220KV Sub-Station, Warora under 400KV S/S O&M Dn, Warora.( 2nd call)

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (689 KB)
7000029162,7000029163 Nashik

EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik :Extension Notice for work of Replacement of old RCC type of equipment structures by lattice type equipment structures at 220kV GCR and 220kV OCR substation and Establishment of 3 nos. of 33kV feeder bays alongwith 33kV Bus extension at 132kV Rahuri S/s under EHV O&M Division, Babhaleshwar 

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (269 KB)
7000029279 Nagpur

Annual Maintenance Contract of Weed Control Work of Metal Area i.e. 400 kV, 220 kV & 33 kV Switchyard & Non Metal Area at 400/220 kV Khaperkheda Substation under 400kV RS (O&M) Division Khaperkheda

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (160 KB)
7000028610 SLDC Kalwa

E-Enquiry for Supply & Installation & Commissioning of 2 Nos. of 3 Tr. Cassette Type Air Conditioners and 4 Nos. of 2 Tr. Split Type Air Conditioners at MSLDC office, Airoli.

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (140 KB)
Enquiry No 323 dt 06.12.2023 Nagpur

The work of Annual maintenance contract for Computers Printers, Scanner, for the year 2023-24 at Major Store, ‘A’, Wardha.”

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (775 KB)
EE/EHV O&M/Dn/SGL/T/No. 1563 Karad

Buyback of Computer Desktop & Laptop for EHV O&M Division, Sangli

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (14 KB)
7000029283 Nagpur

Supply of FRP Type Discharge Rods for 400/220 kV Khaperkheda Substation under 400 kV RS (O&M) Division, Khaperkheda.

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (160 KB)
7000029282 Karad

Attending oil leakages of ICT, Transformers etc. by using power seal on line Gasketing at 400 KV R.S. Div., New Koyna.

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (490 KB)
7000029196 Pune

1st Extension to E-Tender for procurement of 70KN & 120KN Antifog Disc Insulator for emergency and regular maintenance works of various EHV Lines under EHV PC O&M Zone, Pune (dated 06-12-2023)

29-11-2023 13-12-2023 (351 KB)
7000029217 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: AMC for the Works of Dismantling, Erection, Transportation, Winching, Loading & Unloading of Power Transformers, EHV Equipments & EHV materials / Scrap materials, from anywhere in Maharashtra to the MSETCL Work Site / Stores / Repairers Workshop & vice versa, under EHV (O&M) Circle, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (384 KB)
7000029261 Vashi

SRM enquiry for Earthing Audit (Health Assessment) of existing mat, riser and earthpits at 400kV RS Kalwa under 400kV RS O&M Dn Kalwa.

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (925 KB)
7000029265 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: AMC for the Work of attending Routine / Breakdown Maintenance of 400kV Lines under 765kV RS Division Ektuni.

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (330 KB)
7000029269 Karad

Annual maintenance of water treatment plant & Day to day operation of water supply scheme at 400KV Sub-station Vijaynagar, Tal-Karad, Dist-Satara.(Ist Call)

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (304 KB)
7000029255 Karad

Day to day cleaning &maint. of Adm Bldg. Recreation hall, Civil Division & Sub-div., Line maint S/Dn& staff qtrs. at Vijaynagar, Karad. Dist - Satara.(Ist Call).

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (304 KB)
7000029262 Vashi

E-Tender for  “AMC of ABT metering system at various substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Bhandup for FY 2023-24"

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (101 KB)
7000028346 SLDC Kalwa

Annual Maintenance Service Contract of FBSM Database Servers(Make :NEC) for period of two years with Back to Back support from OEM at SLDC Airoli.

06-12-2023 13-12-2023 (139 KB)
EE/870 Dt: 04.12.2023 Pune

Publication of Re-E-Enquiry for hiring of LMV for Substation Maintenance Unit, Ganeshkhind under EHV (O&M) Dn-II, Pune for the period of 11 months. (dated 04-12-2023)

04-12-2023 13-12-2023 (265 KB)
7000029099, 7000027497, 7000029114, 7000029116, 7000029118 Corporate Office

SRM E-Tender for Fixing of Schedule of Rates (SOR) for Repairs of EHV Power Transformers, ICTs and Reactors of various capacities & voltage ratings in MSETCL for a period of 01 (one) year without price variation implication

Document Title End Date File
T1 Amendment 01 13-12-2023 (464 KB)
T2 Amendment 01 13-12-2023 (461 KB)
T3 Amendment 01 13-12-2023 (462 KB)
T4 Amendment 01 13-12-2023 (460 KB)
T5 Amendment 01 13-12-2023 (474 KB)
22-11-2023 13-12-2023 (795 KB)