7000029293 |
Nagpur |
Work of supply of spares & complete mechanism overhauling of 220KV & 132KV M/s GE T&D India Ltd. (erstwhile AREAV/ALSTOM) make circuit breakers at various sub-stations under EHV (O&M) Division Nagpur.
08-12-2023 |
15-12-2023 |
(175 KB)
7000029298 |
Nagpur |
2nd call Work of painting of various 132KV & 33KV gantry painting & equipment structure painting at 132KV Asgaon S/s, 132KV Kardha S/s, 132KV Amgaon S/s, 132KV Sakoli S/s & 132KV Madgi S/s under EHV O&M Division, Bhandara. (Nano-technology based acid and alkali nano-modified anti corrosive coating)
08-12-2023 |
15-12-2023 |
(83 KB)
7000029253 |
Nagpur |
Tender for the work of SITC of GPS Time Synchronizer (Make: - SANDS) satellite receiver along with GPS Antenna for Relay Time Sync at 132 kV Saoner,132kV Hingna-1 and 132kV Mouda Substation under Protection Unit II at PAC Division-1, Nagpur
07-12-2023 |
15-12-2023 |
(476 KB)
Enquiry L.No.432 dtd 07.12.2023 |
Pune |
Budgetary offer for supply and installation of 5 kVA online microprocessor controlled IGBT based Static inverter with 1 Year Comprehensive Onsite Warranty at 400kV R. S. O&M Division, Chakan (dated 07-12-2023)
07-12-2023 |
15-12-2023 |
(803 KB)
7000029258 |
Vashi |
E-Tender 2nd call Notice for Work of AMC for the various maintenance activities to be carried out under planned and emergency outage through outsourced agency at 400KV Kudus s/s for the FY. 2023- 24
08-12-2023 |
15-12-2023 |
(694 KB)
7000029256 |
Nashik |
Notice for Work of providing and Fixing of wireless window annunciations at 220 kV Bambhori SS under EHV O&M Division, Jalgaon.
07-12-2023 |
15-12-2023 |
(14 KB)
Enquiry L.No.428 dtd 06.12.2023 |
Pune |
Budgetary offer for work of providing anti rodent, anti-termite and anti-reptile treatment at 400kv R.S Chakan Substation (dated 06-12-2023)
06-12-2023 |
15-12-2023 |
(797 KB)
6000001130 |
Corporate Office |
Establishment of 132kV/33kV Dapcheri Sub-Station, Dist. Palghar under Vashi Zone
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
23-11-2023 |
15-12-2023 |
(327 KB)
7000029312 |
Nagpur |
Work of providing and fixing Sheet Moulded Compound (SMC) trench covers at 132 KV Madgi & 132KV Lakhandur S/Stn. under EHV O&M Division, Bhandara
09-12-2023 |
16-12-2023 |
(603 KB)
7000029301 |
Vashi |
SRM enquiry for Servicing & repairing of smoke detector system at 400KV RS Kalwa and 220kV RS Kalwa under 400 KV RS O&M Dn Kalwa.
09-12-2023 |
16-12-2023 |
(865 KB)
7000029306 |
Nashik |
SRM E-ENQUIRY for the work of Anti-termite, Anti-reptile & Anti-rodent control Treatment (Includes Anti- mosquito, Anti- Lizard, Anti- Cockroach & Snake Control treatment) for the premises under 400kV RS division Khadka- Bhusawal.
09-12-2023 |
16-12-2023 |
(579 KB)
7000029307 |
Vashi |
E-Tender for the work of Monkey Patrolling along with Video Shooting of various 220/132/100 kV Lines for the year 2023-24 under the jurisdiction of EHV Line Maintenance Sub-Division Boisar under EHV O&M Division Boisar.
09-12-2023 |
17-12-2023 |
(457 KB)
7000028390 |
SLDC Kalwa |
Re- Enquiry for Supply of W9040MC Cartridge of HP MFP E77830 Printer at SLDC, Airoli
08-12-2023 |
17-12-2023 |
(142 KB)
7000029091 |
SLDC Kalwa |
Extension(2nd call ) to the e-Enquiry Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 4 No’s of Desktop Computers and 4 No’s of Laptops(along with Microsoft office) on buyback basis at SLDC Airoli
08-12-2023 |
17-12-2023 |
(128 KB)
7000029026 |
SLDC Kalwa |
Extension(2nd call ) to the e-Enquiry for Renewal of Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server OS License (3 Nos) for Three years at SLDC Airoli.
08-12-2023 |
17-12-2023 |
(124 KB)
RFX No. 7000029134 |
Pune |
Cancellation notice of E -Tender no -09 for Work of Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 1x 22 kV bay for HT consumer M/s. High Spot Properties, LLP, Mundhwa Pune under EHV O&M Division-1, Pune.. (dated 18-12-2023)
28-11-2023 |
18-12-2023 |
(32 KB)
Enquiry |
Vashi |
1st Call Extension to Enquiry for submission of budgetary offer for Supply and Replacement of Wave Trap of 3150 Amp, 420kV 1.0 mH (Suspension/Hanging Type) for 400kV Bays at 400 kV Padghe Substation under 400kV RS (O&M) Dn, Padghe under HVDC RS (O&M) Circle, Padghe.
12-12-2023 |
18-12-2023 |
(2.2 MB)
Enquiry |
Vashi |
2nd call Enquiry for submission of budgetary offer for Replacement of LMU and CC at400/220 kV Switchyard under 400 kV RS (O&M) Division, Padghe, MSETCL.
12-12-2023 |
18-12-2023 |
(2.4 MB)
7000029176 |
Nagpur |
E-tender for Supply & Erection of new VRLA (2V/400AH-408V ,2V/500AH-384V & 2V/240AH-240V ) ,Battery sets along with dismantling of old VRLA Battery sets at 500kV HVDC Substation under HVDC Indoor Division,MSETCL,Chandrapur
12-12-2023 |
18-12-2023 |
(17 KB)
7000029134 |
Pune |
Tender Extension III Notice for Work of Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 1x 22 kV bay for HT consumer M/s. High Spot Properties, LLP, Mundhwa Pune under EHV O&M Division-1, Pune. (dated 12-12-2023)
21-11-2023 |
18-12-2023 |
(293 KB)