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Total Records : 42423 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000009771 Nagpur

E-enquiry for AMC for Arresting the oil leakages by Cold Welding method for Convertor Transformer & smoothing reactor at HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur. Estimated Cost:- Limited to Rs. 3 Lakhs.

02-08-2018 31-08-2018 (14 KB)
7000010009 Pune

SRM Re-e-enquiry for Supply of oil sample bottle at various substations under EHV O&M Division, Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune

24-08-2018 31-08-2018 (68 KB)
RFX No. 7000009984 Pune

E- enquiry for safety & security audit of 15 nos. of EHV substations and awareness training to employees at each substations at EHV O & M Division-I, Pune.

21-08-2018 31-08-2018 (152 KB)
7000009722 Pune

CORRIGENDUM to SRM e-tender for Providing skilled/unskilled/semi-skilled manpower on contract basis at various Substations & Offices under EHV O&M Division, Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune.(dated 20-08-2018)

01-08-2018 31-08-2018 (139 KB)
976 Karad

Enquiry for Hiring of Car (Diesel) for, ACVO, EHV PC O&M Zone, Karad.

20-08-2018 31-08-2018 (2.4 MB)
7000009722 Pune

EXTENSION to SRM e-tender for Providing skilled/unskilled/semi-skilled manpower on contract basis at various Substations & Offices under EHV O&M Division, Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune.(dated 13-08-2018)

01-08-2018 31-08-2018 (28 KB)
7000009747 Nagpur

Work of overhauling, servicing & supply of spares of 245 kV ABB Make Circuit Breakers at various S/Stn under EHV (O&M) Circle, Chandrapur

02-08-2018 31-08-2018 (76 KB)
7000009762 Nagpur

Work of overhauling, servicing & supply of spares of 145 kV ABB Make Circuit Breakers at various S/Stn under EHV (O&M) Circle, Chandrapur

02-08-2018 31-08-2018 (77 KB)
7000009743 Aurangabad

Work of repairs and maintenance of Fan Control cubical of power transformer(AMC) at various sub-station under EHV O&M division Aurangabad

31-07-2018 31-08-2018 (464 KB)
7000009739, 7000009750, 7000009736, 7000009737 Pune

Supplying, Laying & spreading metal in 220KV S/stn Phursungi, Pune

Supplying, Laying & spreading metal in switchyard at 220KV S/stn Ranjangaon, Pune

Supplying, Laying & spreading metal in 400KV Yard at 400KV S/stn Lonikand-1, Pune

Metal spreading & G.I Pipe line at 220KV Khadki,Pune

01-08-2018 31-08-2018 (90 KB)
7000009669 Vashi

Work of Complete Renovation, Revamping and Online Removal of Adhered Contaminants using NCCC Technique from Marshalling Box [MB] Installed in the Switch Yard of the Sub-Stations under EHV  O&M Circle, Panvel

01-08-2018 31-08-2018 (213 KB)
7000009725 Karad

SRM Tender for Providing 89 nos of outsourcing technician IV, V, VI for various substation under EHV O&M DN, Kolhapur

31-07-2018 31-08-2018 (42 KB)
7000009655 Nagpur

Work of Supply & ETC for construction of 132 kV LILO Line for 132 kV Bazargaon S/stn. Dist. Nagpur

30-07-2018 31-08-2018 (8 KB)
7000009464 Nashik

EHV O&M Division, Jalgaon:Extension Notice for Work of AMC for providing & fixing of various sizes 11kV/33kV cable jointing kits & end terminations at various S/stn as and when required in emergency/breakdown.

25-07-2018 31-08-2018 (16 KB)
eEnquiry No. MSETCL/CO/CE/CIVIL/FL-1B/3827 Corporate Office

eEnquiry for Supply of kitchen appliances/equipments viz. Wet Grinder, Juice Machine (Heavy Duty) and Mixer juicer Machine for running of MSETCL’s Canteen at Prakashganga Building under Chief Engineer (Civil), Mumbai.

Document Title End Date File
2nd Call Notice. 24-04-2018 (531 KB)
09-04-2018 31-08-2018 (530 KB)
EE/919 Dt: 31.08.2018 Pune

Publication of extension notice for urgent work of calibration of measuring instruments at various s/stns under EHV O&M Division-II, Pune.(dated 31-08-2018)

16-08-2018 30-08-2018 (48 KB)
EE/EHVPD-I/PN/T-01/2018-19 (RFX No. 7000009580) Pune

Notice for Extension of Due Date for Work of L.N. 23 132 kV S/C Line into D/C Line between Mundhawa Tap to Magarpatta tap (special tower) 0.6 km

20-07-2018 30-08-2018 (5 KB)
7000009591 Karad

Work of draining out and filtration of oil of 01 no unit of 3*105MVA 400/220 KV Bhel make ICT-II R phase unit and 220/33KV 25MVA T/F-II at 400KV R.S Dn New Koyna

24-08-2018 30-08-2018 (345 KB)
4071 Amravati

E-Enquiry for Balance Dismantling work of Reorientation of 132KV Paras-Warwat Bakal & Paras-Malkapur Line on Risk & Cost of M/S Power Engineers.

23-08-2018 30-08-2018 (648 KB)
7000009563 Vashi

Extension E-Tender Notice for Work of replacement of 220kV Isolator with new Double break isolators at 220kV R S Kalwa under 400kV R S Dn., Kalwa 

24-08-2018 30-08-2018 (440 KB)