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Total Records : 42423 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000029347 Vashi

E-Enquiry Work of repair of 22kV CT at various Substation  under EHV O&M Division,  Kalwa.

12-12-2023 19-12-2023 (551 KB)
277 Karad

Enquiry for  procurement of 01 no. of Laptop for Automation Unit, Satara under PAC Division,Karad

12-12-2023 20-12-2023 (352 KB)
7000029346 Karad

Supply, Installation, Commissioning of Desktop computer under buyback as per given specifications in schedule ‘A’ at 400kV R.S. Division Talandage

12-12-2023 19-12-2023 (374 KB)
EE/PAC/Dn./Kop/Tech/No. / 315 Karad

Supply & installation of 01 Nos of Desktop PC at Protection unit Ratangiri under PAC Division Kolhapur.

12-12-2023 19-12-2023 (308 KB)

supply of 2 nos of Digital clamp on meter (Tong tester), 2 nos of mini digital clamp leaker (AC leakage clamp-onmeter), 4 nos of digital multimeter and 2 nos of Analogue multimeter for protection units under PAC Division Sangli

12-12-2023 20-12-2023 (632 KB)
7000029033 Karad

Work of cleaning of insulator strings by using high voltage insulator cleaner & protector of disc insulator strings, support insulators, post insulators of various bays, insulator portion of 220kV & 400kV CT, CVT, CB Pole, ICT Bushings, Isolators etc. in the Switch yard at 400kV New Koyna S/Stn under EHV O&M Circle, Karad

12-12-2023 19-12-2023 (282 KB)
7000029345 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Procurement of 01 no. GE make (Erstwhile Alstom Make) Control Switch Device (CSD) and 04 Nos of Spare Modules of CSD for 765kV Circuit Breaker at 765kV RS Division Ektuni.

12-12-2023 19-12-2023 (361 KB)
7000029022 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Work of providing and fixing of Non-Conductive Turbo Wind Driven Conical Bird Guard for various EHV lines under LMSD Beed, under EHV (O&M) Division Beed.

12-12-2023 18-12-2023 (38 KB)
7000029236 Karad

SRM Re E-tender notice 2nd call for Supply of 19 core 2.5 sqmm (4 KM) & 4 core 2.5 sqmm (2 KM) Copper Armoured control cable for 400 kV R.S. O&M Dn., Karad under EHV PC O&M Zone, Karad.(11.12.23)

12-12-2023 19-12-2023 (214 KB)
7000028578 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Work of Supply erection testing and commissioning of 2x33 KV Bay along with civil work for HT Consumer M/s Executive Engineer Lift Irrigation Division Osmanabad at 132 kV S/s Bhoom., under EHV O&M Circle, Parli.

12-12-2023 18-12-2023 (274 KB)
7000029104 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: AMC for work of Overhauling, servicing, repair and maintenance of CGL make 132KV Circuit Breakers at various EHV S/s under EHV O&M Circle, Parli.

12-12-2023 18-12-2023 (382 KB)
RFx: 7000029245 Pune

Time Extension for Work of Initial weed control & regular recurring treatment at various EHV substations/Cogeneration consumers under EHV O&M Division Solapur (dated 13-12-2023)

13-12-2023 21-12-2023 (84 KB)
RFx: 7000029165 Pune

Time Extension for Annual rate contract for the work of attending routine maintenance work during Outage/emergency/ breakdown/ occurrence on various 220/132kV EHV line under jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division, Solapur (dated 13-12-2023)

13-12-2023 21-12-2023 (84 KB)
EE/PCDN/Tech/No.1086 Dt: 13.12.2023 Pune

Calling budgetary offers in r/o Providing & Fixing of LED flood lights at various S/Stns under EHV O&M PCDN, Pune. (dated 13-12-2023)

13-12-2023 20-12-2023 (146 KB)
281 Karad

Re-Enquiry for Supply of Electrical Safety Shoes for staffs working under PAC Division, Karad

13-12-2023 21-12-2023 (295 KB)
EE/EHV/CONST/DIV/NSK/TECH/01948 Nashik SRM e-enquiry for Transportation, loading & unloading of 3 nos of 400kV CT from 400kV Warora substation to 400kV Babhaleshwar substation for 400kV Kudus 1 bay at 400kV Babhaleshwar substation   13-12-2023 20-12-2023 (1.3 MB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No.01836 Karad

Enquiry for Designing of Earth Mat at 110 kV Ratnagiri Substation, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.

13-12-2023 20-12-2023 (346 KB)
MSETCL/EE/400KV/TAL/TECH-14/No- 458 Karad

Refilling & reconditioning of Fire Extinguishing Cylinders as detailed in Schedule ‘A’ at 400 kV R.S. Talandage

13-12-2023 20-12-2023 (275 KB)
RFx: 7000029352 Pune

Retender for Work of providing of skilled Computer operator (C.O)/Driver semiskilled office assistant & unskilled peon at various offices under EHV O&M Circle Solapur

PRE-BID Meeting 15.12.2023 @ 12:30 PM EHV O&M Circle Solapur (dated 12.12.2023)

13-12-2023 21-12-2023 (116 KB)
7000029339 Amravati

E-tender notice Work of providing & fixing of Nonconductive Turbo Wind Driven Conical Bird Guards for various EHV Lines under EHV O&M Division Yavatmal

13-12-2023 20-12-2023 (145 KB)