Tender for providing earthing strip and connecting earth mesh system of 220kV RS Kalwa to 220kV switch yard earth mesh of 400kV RS Kalwa under 400kV RS division Kalwa
EHV O&M Div.Dhule:E-Enquiry for the Work of Conversion of Double Tier wooden battery stands into Single Tier battery stands (supplying new battery stand) at 220KV Dondaicha and Shahada S/S.
Work for renovation & up gradation of existing hall into conference room at testing division, MSETCL, Nagpur (2nd Call)
2nd Call of RFx for work of Erection of outdoor X2 bushing (Type: GOF 1550 outdoor) & replacement of gasket sets for spare BHEL make smoothing reactor at HVDC Terminal Station Padghe.
E-tender for Work of replacement of Old Pilot Wire Protection with latest Numerical Line Differential Relay through OPGW communication cable of various lines under EHV (O&M) circle Kalwa.
Supply of 4 nos. of 1.5 KVA Loading Transformer and 4 nos 1 KVA Potential Transformer and 200 mtrs 50 sq mm insulated multistrand copper cable for CT/PT testing for Testing Unit/ Batches under Testing Division Nagpur.
Erection & Commissioning of 110/33KV, 50 MVA Power Transformer at 110KV Ichalkaranji Substation in MBR No. 77/6 under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur
Request for Proposal (RFP) for Rate Contract for VSAT in extended C-Band along with 128 Kbps lease line connectivity from remote 160 nos. MSETCL Substation to DC location at SLDC Kalwa & Ambazari under Rental model for three years period, under CE (Trans PAC), Airoli.
E-Enquiry for Hiring of LMV vehicle along with Driver for Executive Engineer, EHV O&M Division Baramati.
Publication of cancellation notice for providing for skilled man power as Technical Operators, Jr. Technicians at various Substations under EHV (O&M) Division. II, Pune (Zone III) for the period of one year.(dated 27-08-2018)
SRM Enquiry for replacement of 132KV “Y” phase Bushing of 132/33KV 50MVA Voltamp make TF-I at 132KV Kuruli Sub-Station under EHV O&M Division Manchar.
SRM e-tender Extension T-14(1st call)Diversion work of 220kV Deoli–Ghatodi DCDC line upto LILO point of 220kV Yavatmal S/S due to infringement of proposed Wardha–Nanded railway route under EHV PCO&M zone,Amravati
QUOTATION Civil work of Replacement of existing damaged GI Pipe line with CPVC pipeline for supply of water to earthpit at 132KV S/Stn Warwat Bakal, Dist. Buldhana
E-tender for various works under Rate contract for carrying out emergency breakdown & routine line maintenance work on various 400kV Lines under 400kV R.S. (O&M) Division Lonikand – I…..extension thereof.
RFx for AMC for repair and rewinding of 7 Nos. Ziehl-Abegg make axial fans (Coolers) used in valve cooling system at HVDC Terminal station, Padghe for the year 2018-19.
RFx for repair of 12 nos. WNE044 Bit bus card at HVDC, Padghe.
RFx for the replacement of existing bus bar protection scheme on 220kV side by new numerical 220kV bus bar protection scheme at 400/220 kV RS(O&M) Dn Padghe.
Extension of due date for SRM E-tender for Annual contract for Providing Skilled Labour i.e. Computer Operators, Driver & Unskilled Labour i.e. Peons for EHV PC O&M ZONE Office, Karad.
EHV O&M Division Nasik:Extension Notice for work Annual Maintenance for work of yard light maintenance at various 132kV & 220kV S/Stn.
Publication of extension notice for procurement of consumables material such as CRC bottle, HRC fuses, KLI-NIT Bottle & Grey cloth for various EHV S/stn under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune.(dated 20-08-2018)