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Total Records : 42423 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000029259 Pune

Extension-I in due date for SRM E-Enquiry for supply of silica Gel (blue indicate) at various EHV Sub-Stations under EHV O&M Division Manchar. (dated 14-12-2023)

14-12-2023 22-12-2023 (792 KB)
7000029359 Nagpur

1st CALL:- 1) Work of drilling of Tubewell near the service building for water arrangement
to service building & earthpit in yard's of 400/220kV Chandrapur-2 S/S & 400KV Switching S/stn under
jurisdiction of 400kV RS O&M Division-II, Chandrapur

14-12-2023 21-12-2023 (261 KB)
7000029239 Vashi

Construction of Associated Civil works for Electrode Station at village Malegaon, Tal. Murbad, Dist. Thane.

14-12-2023 28-12-2023 (678 KB)
7000029257 Vashi  Extension to E-Tender for  “ The Work of Removing of grass, tree & disposing at various substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Bhandup for FY 2023-24" 14-12-2023 21-12-2023 (103 KB)
7000029262 Vashi

Extension to E-Tender for  “AMC of ABT metering system at various substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Bhandup for FY 2023-24"

14-12-2023 21-12-2023 (103 KB)
7000029231 Nashik

EHV Project Circle, Nashik:3rd call Extension Notice for work of providing services for utilization of Emergency Restoration System(ERS) for completing balance work of LILO in 132kV Shivajinagar- Dhule line along with the 2X132KV (AIS Line bays at 132kv Sakri Sub-station)for providing 2nd source to 132 kV Sakri Substation 

14-12-2023 21-12-2023 (137 KB)
7000029362 Amravati

SRM E-Tender: Providing housekeeping services for Administrative Building situated at 220KV S/Stn. Premises, Amravati., under EHV CCCM Division Amravati.

14-12-2023 21-12-2023 (126 KB)
7000029363 Nagpur

Annual contract for Transportation loading & unloading of EHV Class material, T/f accessories and S/Stn. equipment from anywhere in Maharashtra State to various S/Stn. under EHV (O&M) Division, Bhandara.

14-12-2023 21-12-2023 (582 KB)
7000029353 Nagpur

Removing and providing New floor carpet at Zone office Mankapur, Dist. Nagpur.

14-12-2023 21-12-2023 (52 KB)
7000029336 Karad

Work of Overhauling of AREVA Make 245KV Individual Operated Circuit Breaker at 220KV Vankusawade S/S under EHV O&M Dn Karad.

14-12-2023 21-12-2023 (208 KB)
7000029331 Karad

Work of providing & fixing of material & equipment required i.r.o. AMR data transmission through VSAT at 220KV Nerale, 220KV Sadawaghapur S/Stn. & 220KV Bothe S/Stn. under EHV O&M Division Karad.

14-12-2023 21-12-2023 (208 KB)
7000029194 Karad

Providing of Skilled Outsource Labours as Technical Staff for various EHV S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Sangli.

14-12-2023 20-12-2023 (19 KB)
7000028586 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Replacement Work of 400kV Bushing for 400kV ,50MVAr Line reactor of 400kV Girwali-Nanded Ckt-I and 400kV Girwali- Solapur Ckt at 400kV Girwali S/s under EHV O&M Circle Parli.

14-12-2023 20-12-2023 (262 KB)
7000029354 Nashik

Notice for Work of providing fixing & installation of EHCC certified Grounding by DDCP installation method for strengthening of existing earthing at 220KV Bambhori S/s under EHV O&M Division, Jalgaon.

14-12-2023 21-12-2023 (9 KB)
7000029006 Nashik

Notice for work of Biannual AMC for Work of Servicing and Repairing of Air Conditioners at Various Locations under 400kV R.S. O&M Division Karjat

14-12-2023 21-12-2023 (15 KB)
7000029338 Nagpur

E-Tender for work of providing & fixing of 400A outdoor ACDB for 220KV switchyard at 400/220KV Koradi-1 S/Stn under 400 KV RS O&M Division Koradi.

14-12-2023 20-12-2023 (32 KB)
7000029204 Pune

RE-tender for Annual Rate Contract for Servicing, Repairing & Overhauling of M/s Easun MR make OLTC of Power T/F at various EHV S/s under EHV O&M Circle, Pune (dated 12-12-2023)

14-12-2023 21-12-2023 (116 KB)
RFX No. 7000029058. Pune

SRM Tender for the Work of Repair, Overhauling & Servicing, Maintenance, Alignment of 220/132/33kV Isolator available at various 220/132kV Substation under EHV (O&M) Division Solapur. (dated 19-12-2023)

15-12-2023 25-12-2023 (74 KB)
RFX No. 7000029013. Pune

SRM Tender for the Work of servicing and overhauling of Air Compressor of 220kV & 132 kV Circuit Breaker at various substation under EHV (O&M) Division Solapur. (dated 19-12-2023)

15-12-2023 25-12-2023 (97 KB)
7000029311 Nagpur

Work of HP Testing & Refilling of fire extinguishers at 400/220KV Warora S/S under 400KV S/S (O&M) Division Warora 2nd Call (1st Extension)

15-12-2023 22-12-2023 (518 KB)