Tender Notices See Active Tenders

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Total Records : 42278 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000007753 Nagpur

AMC for the work of maintenance for repair/servicing/overhauling of 1.5T Split Air Conditioners installed at 400/220KV S/S Warora Substations

10-03-2018 25-03-2018 (3.5 MB)
7000008124 Amravati

SRM Etender For overhauling of 220KV & 132KV CGL make Circuit Breakers under Trans(O&M), circle, Akola

10-03-2018 09-04-2018 (231 KB)
7000008108 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER Providing skilled labour 5 Nos and unskilled labour 2 Nos for EHV CCCM Division Office, Akola and EHV CCCM Circle Amravati.

10-03-2018 25-03-2018 (175 KB)
7000007418 Nashik

EHV O & M Circle,(Khadka)Bhusawal : Notice for Work of Providing & Fixing of Dead End and Mid Span Joint of 400 kV Deepnagar-Waluj Circuit under 400 kV Line Maintenance Subdivision, Akot Side Khadka

10-03-2018 25-03-2018 (157 KB)
7000008105 Karad

eTender Notice for Cleaning of colony premises at 110/33 KV Sub-Station, Kuwarbav,Dist-Ratnagiri.(RFX No.7000008105)

10-03-2018 24-03-2018 (578 KB)
7000008104 Karad

eTender for Construction of septic tank, inspection chamber & soak pit with drainage line for toilet block of control room and new store at 220/33 KV Sub-Station Oni, Dist. Ratnagiri.(RFX No.7000008104)

10-03-2018 24-03-2018 (599 KB)
7000007233 Pune

SRM E-tender for the Work of erection & commissioning of fully numerical Bus Bar Protection Scheme NR make in place of existing old 132KV bus bar protection scheme panel at various 220 KV Pandharpur and Jeur S/stn under EHV O&M Division Solapur. ( IInd CALL).(dated 09-03-2018)

10-03-2018 10-04-2018 (118 KB)
7000008066 Pune

2nd Call For Supply of Winding Temperature Indicator & Oil Temperature Indicator at various Substations under EHV O&M DN Baramati.(dated 09-03-2018)

10-03-2018 19-03-2018 (242 KB)
7000008006 Nagpur

Work of Supply & ETC for 220KV DC Line on D/C Tower by making LILO on 220KV Ambazari-Amravati SC line at proposed 220KV Karanja S/stn. alongwith OPGW cable work on turnkey basis.

11-03-2018 14-04-2018 (973 KB)
7000008005 Nagpur

Work of Supply & ETC for 132KV MC Line on M/C Tower by making LILO on both the ckts. of 132KV Ambazari-Amravati DC line at proposed 220KV Karanja S/stn. on turnkey basis.


12-03-2018 13-04-2018 (973 KB)
- Pune

E-Enquiry for the work of hiring of diesel vehicle (Indica / Swift / Equivalent vehicle/ for EHV CCCM Sub-Division, Pandharpur.(dated 13-03-2018)

12-03-2018 20-03-2018 (1.8 MB)
- Pune

E-Enquiry for the work of hiring of diesel vehicle (Indica / Swift / Equivalent vehicle/ for EHV CCCM Sub-Division-II, Solapur. (dated 13-03-2018)

12-03-2018 20-03-2018 (882 KB)
- Pune

E-Enquiry for the work of hiring of diesel vehicle (Indica / Swift / Equivalent vehicle/ for EHV CCCM Sub-Division-I, Solapur. (dated 13-03-2018)

12-03-2018 20-03-2018 (892 KB)
- Pune

E-Enquiry for the work of hiring of diesel vehicle (Indica / Swift / Equivalent vehicle/ for EHV CCCM Division, Solapur. (dated 13-03-2018)

12-03-2018 20-03-2018 (865 KB)
7000008166 Pune

Re-Tender for Erection & Commissioning of 132kV Numerical Bus-Bar Protection Scheme at 220kV Alephata Sub-Station.(dated 13-03-2018)

12-03-2018 26-03-2018 (245 KB)
Notice No. 619 dt. 12.03.2018 Pune

Allotment of work by lottery system to Unemployeed Enginers as per MSETCL Corporate office scheme.

(RFX No. : Not applicable)

12-03-2018 19-03-2018 (206 KB)
EE/EHV/Prj/NND/08 Aurangabad

E- Enquiry for the work of control room & Bay control Room wiring at 220kV Krushnoor substation under EHV Project Division, Nanded

12-03-2018 19-03-2018 (432 KB)
7000008149 Vashi


12-03-2018 20-03-2018 (54 KB)
7000008155 Pune

Civil maintenance & upkeepment of various civil assets at 132KV Sub-Station, Shirur, Dist-Pune. (dated 12-03-2018)

12-03-2018 26-03-2018 (84 KB)
7000008152 Pune

Metal spreding at 220 KV Nanded city Sub-Station.(dated 12-03-2018

12-03-2018 26-03-2018 (85 KB)