Extension to 1st call for SRM E-Tender -Notice for Work of providing & fixing of Number Plate to various EHV Lines under jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division, Dhule
Extension to 1st call for SRM E-Tender -Notice for Work of Stub Strengthening of tower leg of various EHV Lines under jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division, Dhule
2nd Extension to 1st call Notice for Work of removing old damaged civil structures & providing new GI support structure with foundation at 132kV Dhule & 132kV Dondaicha EHV S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Dhule
AMC for various Electrical Maintenance works in 400/220/33KV Switchyard, ACDB, DCDB Panels, Lighting Poles, Administrative Buildings, 400KV Control Room & Residential Colony under 400KV RS Kara
Providing and Fixing of Lighting Mast & Renovation of the switch yard lighting under HVDC RS (O&M) Circle, Padghe.
2nd Call for Scheme of Construction of 1x33kV bay at 132KV Ashti s/stn for evacuation of 5MW power from Waste Heat Recovery based Captive Power Plant of M/s Lloyds Metal and Energy Ltd. at Konsari Tal. Chamorshi Dist. Gadchiroli under 100% ORC Scheme.
1st TIME EXTENSION Notice for Work of Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract and attending Emergency Breakdown work as & When required for 400kV S/C & D/C Lines under 400kV LMSD Akot Side & Babhaleshwar side under 400kV RS Dn. Khadka-Bhusawal.
1st TIME EXTENSION Notice for the Work of P&F of pipe type earthing to the tower Lines under the jurisdiction of 400 kV Line Maint S/Dn. Akot Side Khadka under 400 kV RS Dn. Khadka- Bhusawal.
Enquiry for procurement of 1 no of laptop under PAC division Sangli.
Supply of 50kL Uninhibited naphthenic base high grade mineral insulating oil to carry various O&M activities at different substation under EHV PC O&M Zone Nagpur. EMD Rs. 61478/- & Tender Fees: Rs. 5000/- (GST extra)
Supply , Installation , Testing and Commissioning of 300KW Grid connected Solar PV power plants under Roof top net metering system at New Administrative Building of MSETCL under EHV PC O&M Nagpur EMD Rs. 199332/- & Tender Fees: Rs. 5000/- (GST extra)
Note:- Turnover Annexure format is updated on dated 22.12.2023
SRM E-Tender Cancellation: Work of P&F of pipe type earthing to the tower Lines under the jurisdiction of 400 kV Line Maint. S/Dn. Akot Side Khadka under 400 kV RS Dn. Khadka- Bhusawal.
SRM E-Tender Cancellation: Work of Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract and attending Emergency Breakdown work as & When required for 400kV S/C & D/C Lines under 400kV LMSD Akot Side & Babhaleshwar. side under 400kV RS Dn. Khadka-Bhusawal.
Day-to-day sweeping and cleaning of Civil offices & Toilet block units at 110KV Sub-Station, civil Div & Project Div office at Vishrambag, Sangli.
Procurement of Digital Level Meter cum Oscillator Kit for various communication units under PAC divisions of MSETCL against e-tender SP/T-0816/1223 [RFx. No. 5*1181] - Publishing of Tender Notice thereof.
2nd Call Tender for the work of Bi-ennial Maintenance contract for maintaining the complete switch yard area clean free from growth of any type of grass, shrubs, bushes and small trees and disposing of the removed grass with glycell treatment as directed by substation in charge/ engineer in charge and providing anti rodent treatment at 400kV substation, GCR MSETCL, Chandrapur for two year.
Work of providing & fixing of 220V & 110V DCDB for separation of DC to avoid DC Leakage Problem at various Substations under EHV (O&M) Division, Ballarshah
Notice for Work of Providing & fixing of Medium Voltage Conductor Cover Tape at various 132kV Lines under Ambad Line subdivision under EHV &M Division, Nashik.
Notice for 2nd Call for SRM Tender for AMC for repairs of 22kV CT and PT at various substation under EHV O&M Division Dombivali for FY 2023-24