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Total Records : 42382 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
6000001140 Corporate Office IFB of Tender T-2322 (RFx No. 6000001140) for​ Construction of 220kV DC line from 400/220kV Talegaon PGCIL s/s upto & including CTT loc @ 3.93 km using 2500 sqmm UG Cable (A to B) under Pune Zone with an estimated cost of Rs. 10014.68 Lakhs (Excluding GST).  
Document Title End Date File
Amendment No. I 02-02-2024 (187 KB)
Corrigendum No. 1 25-01-2024 (187 KB)
Amendment No. II 09-02-2024 (187 KB)
22-12-2023 22-01-2024 (266 KB)
EE/PACD/NSK/Tech/no. 24 Nashik

E-Enquiry for providing ‘Sedan’ CAR Petrol/Diesel/CNG along with driver on hired (per day) basis at PAC Division, MSETCL, Nashik for One year contract period.

18-01-2024 23-01-2024 (928 KB)
7000029653 Vashi

Invitation SRM E-tender for Restoration and Maintenance of the SECURITRON Make Fire Detection and Alarm System provided at 220 kV Kandalgaon SS, 100 kV Roha SS & 100 kV Mhasala SS under EHV (O&M) Division Mahad.

17-01-2024 23-01-2024 (286 KB)
7000029634 Nashik

Notice for Work of Providing Outsourcing Manpower against sanctioned outsourcing/vacant staff of non technical at various offices under EHV (O&M) Circle, Nashik.

16-01-2024 23-01-2024 (20 KB)
7000029666 Corporate Office

work of construction of RCC peripheral compound wall at Padghe Substation. Dist Thane (2nd Call)

17-01-2024 23-01-2024 (2 MB)
NA Pune

Allotment of Various R&M work under EHV O&M Circle, Pune through lottery system to Unemployed Engineers registered under EHV O&M Circle,Pune (dated 16-01-2024)

16-01-2024 23-01-2024 (348 KB)
NA Pune

Allotment of Various R&M work under EHV O&M Circle, Pune through lottery system to Unemployed Engineers registered under EHV O&M Circle,Pune (dated 16-01-2024)

16-01-2024 23-01-2024 (348 KB)
7000029665 Nagpur

3rd call E-tender for supply of Blue Indicate Silica Gel of 3-4 mesh (6-8 mm) for maintenance of Converter Transformer and Smoothing Reactor at HVDC Terminal Station Chandrapur under HVDC Indoor Dn, Chandrapur.
Estimated cost:- Rs. 90,973/- (Inclusive of all Taxes)

16-01-2024 23-01-2024 (16 KB)
7000029627 Nagpur

E-tender for annual maintenance contract for operation & maintenance for Valve Hall ventilation system, Other area ventilation system, Centralized AC System, Split AC system, window AC at HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur for the year 2024-2025.
Estimated Cost : Limited to Rs. 10 Lakh/- (Including all Taxes)

16-01-2024 23-01-2024 (17 KB)
7000029399 Karad

SRM RE-Tender for AMC of Attending Tree Trimming work in Span of 220/132/110 kV lines, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.

16-01-2024 23-01-2024 (282 KB)
EE/EHVPD-I/PN/T/ 92 Date : 16.01.24 Pune

E-Enquiry for Providing & Fixing of 02 No. s of Standard Make Split type Air conditioner 1.5 ton (Minimum 3 Star Rating) at 132kV Rasta peth Substation, Pune (dated 16-01-2024)

16-01-2024 23-01-2024 (1.5 MB)
SE/PAC/Pune/T-40/No.22 dt 15.01.2024 Pune

Budgetary offer for in r/o supply, installation, configuration & integration of work for additional 220 / 132 kV ICT -3 bay HV & LV bays & installation, configuration & integration in existing SAS / SCADA system thereof. (dated 16-01-2024)

16-01-2024 23-01-2024 (884 KB)
7000029567 Nagpur

Procurement of Spare equipment, for maintaining availability of the mandatory spare for ensuring visibility of S/s to SLDC/ALDC at PAC Circle

16-01-2024 23-01-2024 (137 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/LTR/TS/No.0051 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry(Second Call): Work of Hiring of Crane for loading unloading by cranes of various equipment's from stores/sites to MSETCL work site/stores for EHV S/s under EHV (O&M) Dn, Latur.

16-01-2024 23-01-2024 (698 KB)
7000029648 Karad

Work contract for annual maintenance of 220/132/110KV S/Stns. under EHV O&M Division, Karad.

16-01-2024 23-01-2024 (208 KB)
79 Karad

Due date extension notice for providing TATA SUMO/Bolero/equivalent or above on hired basis alongwith driver for Addl. Executive Engineer, EHV S&I Sub Division, Kolhapur

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (617 KB)
EE/400kV/RS (O&M)/Dn/GRL/Tech/0041 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Firm quotation for Work of dismantling of non-use / faulty / damaged cables in cable trenches of 132kV & 33kV Switchyard at 220kV S/s, Girwali Under 400kV RS O&M Division Girwali.

18-01-2024 24-01-2024 (62 KB)
7000029570 Karad

SRM-Enquiry No. T-03/23-24, Rfx No. 7000029570 herewith for the Work of DG Set Automation & Servicing of ACBs at 400KV RS Alkud under 400KV RS DN Alkud (M)

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (13 KB)
7000029491 Karad

Providing day to day wet sweeping maintenance of toilet blocks and cleaning work ( house keeping ) & daily dry sweeping of roads for MSETCL premises at Bapat Camp, Kolhapur.( RFX No. 7000029491 )

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (505 KB)
7000029492 Karad

Annual civil maintenance works for RTC of old and new training center, gents hostel, ladies hostel and premises under RTC at 400 KV Talandage, Dist. Kolhapur.( RFX No. 7000029492 )

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (491 KB)