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Total Records : 42382 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000029670 Karad

SRM E-Tender for AMC of Testing & Refilling of fire extinguishers at various S/s, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (287 KB)
7000029560 Karad

Repairs and height raising of existing compound wall on East side & construction of ladies changing room at 220KV Tilwani Sub Station Tal- Hatkangale, Dist-Kolhapur

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (42 KB)
E-Enquiry (14-2023-24) No: EE/54 Dt. 17.01.2024. Pune

E-Enquiry for Hiring of LMV (passenger like Sumo / Bolero / Xylo) vehicles along with Driver for a period of one year at Substation Maintenance S/Dn. Baramati under EHV O&M Division Baramati. (dated 17-01-2024)

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (661 KB)
7000029663 Nagpur

Monkey patrolling of HVDC line and 400KV lines under HVDC TL O&M Division, Chandrapur

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (659 KB)
7000029596 Vashi

Work of Epoxy Anti Corrosive treatment for rusted 400kV, 220kV and 33kV Gantry, bean and equipment structure at 400kV R.S. Kharghar under EHV (O&M) Circle, Panvel        

16-01-2024 24-01-2024 (407 KB)
7000029662 Vashi

AMC for the work of battery and battery chargers at various sub stations under EHV (O&M) Circle, Panvel.  

16-01-2024 24-01-2024 (386 KB)
7000029467 Vashi

RE- Tender for supply, Installation & Commissioning of Winding oil Temperature indicator at various Substation under EHV O&M Division, Bhandup for F.Y. 2023-24.

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (101 KB)
7000029409 Vashi

E-Tender Notice for Procurement of 220kV Isolators, 220kV WT & 220kV CTs for scheme of strengthening of 220 kV Tarapur & Ghodbunder Bay at 220kV Borivali Substation under EHV O&M Division Bhandup 

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (593 KB)
7000029495 Nashik

SRM E-Enquiry for Work of supply of Isolator switches panel along with erection of Isolator switches panel, cable laying, dressing, termination (control cable) for the
commissioning of new 220KV Bus-Bar Protection panel (Make- GE) at 220KV sub station, under 400KV R.S. O&M Dn, Dhule, under EHV (O&M) Circle, Bhusawal.

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (73 KB)
7000029309 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Overhauling, Servicing, Repair, and maintenance of CGL makes of 33 kV Circuit Breakers as and when required with supply of required spares at various EHV sub-stations under EHV O&M Division Beed.

18-01-2024 24-01-2024 (166 KB)
Tender No:- 08/2023-24 RFX No:-7000029586 Pune

SRM E-Tender for work of 2nd call for Providing & Fixing of Non- Conductive type Turbo Wind Driven Bird Guards on various 132KV and 220KV Transmission lines under EHV O&M Division, Baramati. (dated 17-01-2024)

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (9 KB)
7000029602 Amravati

 E-tender notice  Providing & Fixing of 3 phase DSP System at 220kV Substation, Ghatodi & 220kV Substation, Wani under EHV O&M Division, Yavatmal

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (151 KB)
7000029585 Nagpur

Providing barbed wire fencing at 220KV Gadchandur Sub Station in view of NHAI Road widening project; Dist. Chandrapur

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (52 KB)
7000029664 Nagpur

Laying of underground pipeline to drain out the accumulated rain water safely from 400KV Sub Station Warora; Dist. Chandrapur

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (52 KB)
7000029655 Nagpur

2nd Call for Work of testing of EHV Grade transformer oil samples at site by mobile testing laboratory at various EHV substation under EHV O&M Circle, Chandrapur

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (8 KB)
7000029647 Nagpur

Providing shed over the substation building and other allied civil works at 132 KV S/sn Hingna-I Dist. Nagpur

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (599 KB)
7000029351 Nashik

Notice for AMC for Repairs of 33kV current transformers and potential transformers at various EHV sub-stations under EHV (O&M) Division, Nasik

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (60 KB)
7000029554 Nashik

1st TIME EXTENSION Notice for  Work of carrying out detailed survey of selected locations & spans having NH, State Highways and Railway crossings of various 400KV S/C & D/C Lines under 400kV RS Dn. Khadka-Bhusawal.

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (120 KB)
7000029660 Nashik

Notice for the work of Anti-termite, Anti-reptile & Anti-rodent control Treatment (Includes Anti- mosquito, Anti- Lizard, Anti- Cockroach & Snake Control treatment) for the premises under 400kV RS division Khadka- Bhusawal.

17-01-2024 24-01-2024 (578 KB)
EE/TDD/TECH/DHL/T/34/11 Nashik

Enquiry for providing hired diesel Car/equivalent Vehicle with driver for PAC Dn Dhule under the jurisdiction of PAC Division Dhule

16-01-2024 24-01-2024 (1.6 MB)