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Total Records : 42382 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000008648 Nashik

400KV R.S. Division, Khadka - Bhusawal:2nd Extension On Notice Work Of Providing Satellite Earthing System To 400kV Switch Yard.

22-06-2018 21-07-2018 (9 KB)
7000009239 Nagpur

2nd call E-tender for Procurement of Motor Protection Circuit Breaker (MPCB) for Pole-I & Pole-II for converter transformer cooling Fans motor at HVDC Terminal station Chandrapur.

21-06-2018 21-07-2018 (99 KB)
7000009120 Karad

Extension of dates notice of SRM etender regarding Annual servicing and maintenance of 75 TON capacity centralized AC plant at 400KV R.S Dn New Koyna.

13-07-2018 20-07-2018 (335 KB)
7000008553 Nashik

 EHV PC O&M Zone, MSETCL:-Extension Notice for Work of Augmentation of substation by replacement of 315 MVA (i.e.3 X 105 MVA) 400/220kV ICT BY 501 MVA (3X167 MVA) ICT at 400kV R.S. Sub-Station,Dhule.

13-07-2018 20-07-2018 (13 KB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No. 01474 Karad

Enquiry for Supply of Garfil IR PP Nylon rope at various EHV LMSDN & Substations,under EHV O&M Dn. Ratnagiri

13-07-2018 20-07-2018 (26 KB)
7000009283 Amravati

E-Tender Extension Annual Maintenance contract for attending breakdown of 132 kV & 220 kV EHV lines in emergency condition as and when required under EHV O&M Circle, Akola

13-07-2018 20-07-2018 (6 KB)
7000009102 Amravati

E-Tender Extension Work of Shifting/Modification 400kV Koradi-Bhusawal & 400kV Akola-Bhusawal DC line due to conversion of Akola–Khandwa MG Railway Line To BG line in Akola-Akot section (South Central Railway) under EHV (O&M) Circle,Akola

13-07-2018 20-07-2018 (7 KB)
7000009101 Amravati

E-Tender Extension Work of Shifting / Modification 220kV Akola-Paras line due to conversion of Akola–Khandwa MG Railway Line To BG line in Akola-Akot section(South Central Railway)under EHV (O&M) Circle,Akola

13-07-2018 20-07-2018 (7 KB)
7000009100 Amravati

E-Tender Extension Work of Shifting/Modification 220kV Akola-Balapur line due to conversion of Akola–Khandwa MG Railway Line To BG line in Akola-Akot section(South Central Railway) under EHV (O&M) Circle,Akola

13-07-2018 20-07-2018 (7 KB)
7000009099 Amravati

E-Tender Extension Work of Shifting/Modification 132kV Balapur-Akot SC/SC line due to conversion of Akola–Khandwa MG Railway Line To BG line in Akola-Akot section(South Central Railway)under EHV (O&M)Circle,Akola

13-07-2018 20-07-2018 (7 KB)
7000009079 Amravati

E-Tender Extension Work of construction of new 33kV bay along with all allied work at 132kV Deulgaon Mahi,Warwat Bakal and 220kV Chikhali S/S under EHV (O&M) Circle,Akola

13-07-2018 20-07-2018 (6 KB)
7000009074 Karad

7 Days Extension for SRM Tender for Replacement of rusted tower nut bolts for 220KV Talandage-Sawantwadi line under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur.

05-07-2018 20-07-2018 (42 KB)
E-Enquiry No:0662 Pune

1st Extension to E-Enquiry for Supply of Silica gel & breathers for transformer at various S/stn under EHV O&M Dn Baramati.

30-06-2018 20-07-2018 (88 KB)
EE/EHV/ (O&M)/DN/SUR/ T/No.1079 Dtd. 11.07.2018 Pune

Enquiry for the work of repair of 33/11KV PT available as spare or faulty at various 220/132/110KV Substation under jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division Solapur

12-07-2018 20-07-2018 (197 KB)
(RFX No. 7000008992) Pune

Maint. & upkeepment of control room and staff quarters at 400 kV S/Stn. Lamboti, Dist. Solapur.

13-07-2018 20-07-2018 (227 KB)
EE/ EHV/ O&M/ Dn./JLG/ Tech/No. 1032 Nashik

EHV O&M Division, Jalgaon:Work of AMC for providing & fixing of various sizes 11kV/33kV cable jointing kits & end terminations at various S/stn as and when required in emergency/breakdown. 

11-07-2018 20-07-2018 (28 KB)
EE/ 621 Dt: 06.06.2018 Pune

Publication of extension notice for Hiring of Vehicle (TATA SUMO/Pick up vehicle or of similar category) along with driver for Addnl. Executive Engineer, Line Maintenance Sub-division II, Pune under EHV (O&M) Dn. II, Pune for the period of one year.(dated 06-07-2018)

06-06-2018 20-07-2018 (48 KB)
7000009401 Aurangabad


Document Title End Date File
Extension 29-07-2018 (64 KB)
06-07-2018 20-07-2018 (65 KB)
7000009213 Pune

Work Contract of Supply of material, Erection, Testing and Commissioning for work of 2x132kV line bay at 132kV Hotgi Traction Sub Station Dist - Pune with Civil work.

21-06-2018 20-07-2018 (501 KB)
Tender No : - EE/400KVRS/(O&M)DN/LNKD/Tech/ T-3/18-19 Pune

RE-tender for Providing conservancy services to various sites under 400kV R.S. Lonikand.RFx No. :- 7000009246.(dated 21-06-2018)

21-06-2018 20-07-2018 (15 KB)