EE/MS/Dhule/E-Enquiry/NO-85 |
Nashik |
Major Store, Dhule:e- Enquiry for Work of providing skilled/unskilled persons as per requirement.
12-06-2018 |
18-06-2018 |
(123 KB)
7000009081 |
Nashik |
EHV PC (O&M) Zone,Nashik: Notice(2nd Call) for Work of Augmentation of substation by replacement of 315 MVA (i.e.3 X 105 MVA) 400/220kV ICT BY 501 MVA (3X167 MVA) ICT at 400kV R.S. SubStation,Dhule.
12-06-2018 |
12-07-2018 |
(14 KB)
7000009124 |
Aurangabad |
Work of providing services of ITI Certified in Electrical / Wireman Trade as Jr. Technician on outsource basis at various EHV sub-stations & Sub-Divisions under 400kV R.S. (O&M) Division, Girwali.
12-06-2018 |
12-07-2018 |
(1.7 MB)
7000009125 |
Nagpur |
Work of AMC for attending emergency/breakdown on 220kV/132kV Lines under EHV (O&M) Division, MSETCL, Ballarshah
12-06-2018 |
26-06-2018 |
(212 KB)
7000008970 |
Nagpur |
Annual Maintenance of lawn and garden in the premises of 132KV Sub-Station Saoner, under EHV (O&M) Division, MSETCL, Nagpur.
12-06-2018 |
18-06-2018 |
(19 KB)
7000008971 |
Nagpur |
Providing and fixing of twin type 2x 200 watt Diode Technology based Illuminating source with complete system for switch yard Illuminating purpose at 220KV Kalmeshwar S/s, 220KV Butibori - III S/s, 220KV Kanhan S/s & 132KV Ambhora S/s, under EHV (O&M) Division, MSETCL, Nagpur.
12-06-2018 |
18-06-2018 |
(23 KB)
7000008939 |
Nashik |
EHV O&M Division, Dhule:1st Extension Notice for Work of Cleaning , Sweeping, at various Sub Stations, Maintenance Sub Divisions & Division Office.
12-06-2018 |
18-06-2018 |
(73 KB)
7000009135 |
Nagpur |
E-tender for procurement of 04 Nos of 22x28 meter Heavy duty (HDPE) tarpaulin sheet, density 400 GSM for covering the roof of service building at HVDC Terminal station, Chandrapur.
11-06-2018 |
04-07-2018 |
(91 KB)
RFX No. 7000009133 |
Pune |
Cancellation & Re- E Tender notice for the work of Arresting Oil Leakages from 50 MVA PTR at 220 kV Magarpatta Substation & 200 MVA ICT at 220 kV Theur Substation under EHV (O&M) Division-I, Pune.
11-06-2018 |
25-06-2018 |
(9 KB)
RFX No. 7000009133 |
Pune |
SRM Short Re-E- Tender for the work of Arresting Oil Leakages from 50 MVA PTR at 220 kV Magarpatta Substation & 200 MVA ICT at 220 kV Theur Substation under EHV (O&M) Division-I, Pune.
11-06-2018 |
25-06-2018 |
(65 KB)
7000009102 |
Amravati |
E-TENDER Work of Shifting/Modification 400 kV Koradi-Bhusawal & 400 kV Akola-Bhusawal DC line due to conversion of Akola – Khandwa MG Railway Line To BG line in Akola –Akot section (South Central Railway) under EHV (O&M) Circle, Akola.
11-06-2018 |
11-07-2018 |
(23 KB)
7000009101 |
Amravati |
E-TENDER Work of Shifting / Modification 220 kV Akola-Paras line due to conversion of Akola – Khandwa MG Railway Line To BG line in Akola – Akot section (South Central Railway)under EHV (O&M) Circle, Akola.
11-06-2018 |
11-07-2018 |
(23 KB)
7000009100 |
Amravati |
E-TENDER Work of Shifting / Modification 220 kV Akola-Balapur line due to conversion of Akola – Khandwa MG Railway Line To BG line in Akola – Akot section (South Central Railway) under EHV (O&M) Circle, Akola.
11-06-2018 |
11-07-2018 |
(23 KB)
7000009099 |
Amravati |
E-TENDER Work of Shifting / Modification 132 kV Balapur - Akot SC/SC line due to conversion of Akola – Khandwa MG Railway Line To BG line in Akola – Akot section (South Central Railway) under EHV (O&M) Circle,Akola.
11-06-2018 |
11-07-2018 |
(23 KB)
7000009105 |
Nagpur |
Renovation of GI pipeline in 132KV switch yard at 132KV S/Stn Tekepar, Dist Bhandara
11-06-2018 |
25-06-2018 |
(14 KB)
7000009104 |
Nagpur |
Repairing of compound wall at 220KV S/Stn Umred, Dist. Nagpur
11-06-2018 |
25-06-2018 |
(14 KB)
7000009121 |
Nagpur |
i) Renovation of Kanhan LMU office by providing Aluminum Partition at 220 KV Kanhan S/Stn, Dist Nagpur ii) Strengthening of B ph LV CT foundations of ICT-I at 220KV S/Stn Kanhan, Dist Nagpur iii) Providing Septic Tank and Renovation of Gents Toilet at 220KV Kanhan S/Stn, Dist Nagpur;
11-06-2018 |
25-06-2018 |
(14 KB)
7000009096 |
Nagpur |
Replacement and providing precast RCC covers on cable trenches at 400/220KV S/Stn GCR Koradi, Dist Nagpur
11-06-2018 |
25-06-2018 |
(14 KB)
7000009122 |
Nagpur |
Painting to control room building at 132KV Khapri S/Stn, Dist Nagpur
11-06-2018 |
25-06-2018 |
(13 KB)
7000007505 |
Aurangabad |
Cancellation Notice for Work of supply and erection of spares to HPMV/HPSV/Metal Halide light fixtures at various EHV Substations under EHV O&M Division, Nanded
11-06-2018 |
18-06-2018 |
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