7000008860 |
Nagpur |
Supply of Rain Suite with Jacket Hood along with Trouser under EHV CC O&M Zone Nagpur.
05-05-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(924 KB)
7000009050 |
Amravati |
E-TENDER Repairs & renovation of existing compound wall at 220KV S/Stn Balapur Dist.Akola.
22-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(45 KB)
EE/EHV(O&M)/Beed/Tech/835. |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry: Firm quotation for hiring of LMV(Jeep) Tata Sumo, Tata Sumo(Gold), Chevorlet Tavera or Equivalent Vehicle for Addl.Executive Engineer, 220kV NGCR Parli(V) & 220kV Unit 8 Parli(V) under EHV(O&M) Division Beed.
21-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(256 KB)
7000009087 |
Karad |
Running and maintenance of company’s rest house chummery, demo room, library and play ground ( 1 year ) at 400 KV Sub Station, Talandage, Dist-Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000009087 )
21-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(595 KB)
7000009070 |
Karad |
Day to day maintenance of garden, lawns, flower beds and other miscellaneous works at 220/33 KV Sub Station Halkarni,Dist-Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000009070 )
21-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(590 KB)
0268 |
Karad |
Annual contract for daily cleaning of control romm building & road at 400KV R.S Dn New Koyna
21-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(605 KB)
0269 |
Karad |
Annual contract for daily cleaning of colony & road at 400 KV R.S Dn New Koyna
21-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(626 KB)
EE/EHV/ (O&M)/DN/SUR/ T/No.959 Dtd. 20.06.2018 |
Pune |
SRM Enquiry for the work of repair of 33/11KV PT available as spare or faulty at various 220/132/110KV Substation under jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division Solapur
21-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(160 KB)
EEC/EHV/CCCM Dn/NSK/Tech.No.939 |
Nashik |
Providing Skilled/semiskilled outsourcing person as per requirements at EHV CCCM Division and circle,Nashik through Swayamrojgar contract scheme.
22-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(1.1 MB)
EE/400kV/RS/Div/Thapti/179 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry for placing the order ofofsupply ofprinted log sheets for 400kV Thaptitanda S/s.
20-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(446 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/NND/677 |
Aurangabad |
E- Enquiry for Work of providing and fixing of silica gel breathers of various capacitiesf or ICT and Transformera t various Substationsu nder EHV(O&M) Division, Nanded.
19-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(268 KB)
7000008916 |
Nashik |
EHV O&M Division, Dhule:SECOND CALL Notice for the Work of AMC for hiring of crane services at various Sub-stations, Maintenance Sub-Divisions.
19-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(30 KB)
7000009149 |
Nagpur |
Supply & ETC for Diversion of 66 kV Ballarshah-BPM line passing through proposed Botanical Garden near village Visapur Tal. Ballarshah Dist. Chandrapur ( ORC Work)
14-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(43 KB)
CELDK/MAINT/FM-37/1371 Dt.14.06.2018 |
SLDC Kalwa |
Invitation of e-quotations for the work of removing, shifting & installation of 5No. Split AC at various officers cabin i.e. DGM (IT), Add.E.E. (Open-Access EA), Sr.Mgr. (HR), E.E. (EA) & in UPS room and repairing of faulty non working HVAC remote at SLDC, Airoli. (3rd Call)
14-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(146 KB)
7000008884 |
Nashik |
EHV (O&M) Division, Babhaleshwar:2nd Call for work of providing of insulation coating to the conductors of 132kV Babhaleshwar-Rahuri line at road crossing at tower location nos. 546-547 and 548-549.
14-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(69 KB)
7000009140 |
Nagpur |
Supply of stationary & printed stationary articles for offices under EHV Projects circle, Nagpur for Year 2018 – 2019
14-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(362 KB)
7000009066 |
Vashi |
E- tender for Providing 10 No of semiskilled labour (ITI certified Technicians in Electrical / Wireman trade) for field work at 400kV maintenance unit Nagothane, 400kV Line Maintenance Unit, Nagothane under 400kV R.S. (O&M) Dn. Nagothane (2nd call
05-06-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(165 KB)
7000008829 |
Amravati |
SRM E-TENDER Supply of T&P for Newly Commissioned S/Stn under EHV O&M Division Yavatmal
30-05-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(112 KB)
6000000544 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. T-1854/MSETCL/CO/C&M/Pre-tender/TKC-Lines for Turnkey construction of LILO on 400kV Waluj-Bhusawal line circuit-II at 400kV Thaptitanda S/s (Balance work) (Route length-25.60 kms) under Aurangabad zone – 3rd Call under Chief Engineer (C&M).
29-05-2018 |
28-06-2018 |
(113 KB)
7000009244 |
Nagpur |
AMC for a period of 12 months for Rodent control & disinfestations at 400/220KV Khaperkheda sub-station including complete GCR building, all rooms, all BCR, cable trench ,store shed & 33 KV Metering rooms under 400 KV RS (O & M) Dn. Khaperkheda
21-06-2018 |
27-06-2018 |
(271 KB)