7000029753 |
Nagpur |
2nd call for Extension the Work of complete upgradation of ABB Micro SCADA 9.3.1 at 400kV Chandrapur -2 substation under 400kV RS O&M Division II Chandrapur.
31-01-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(239 KB)
7000029872 |
Nagpur |
The work of horticulture/landscaping for beautification of premises at 400/220KV Khaperkheda Substation under 400KV RS O&M Dn. Khaperkheda
07-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(160 KB)
EE/400KV RS O&M/Dn/KRD/T/No.68 |
Karad |
Enquiry for Hiring of Mahindra TUV 300 for 400KV LMSD-II (Alkud) under 400KV R.S.Dn.Karad.
07-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(98 KB)
7000029680 |
Karad |
Supply of SF6 Gas Cylinder under EHV O&M Circle, Karad
07-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(294 KB)
7000029791 |
Pune |
Extension -I for SRM E Tender for work of providing road marking with Hot applied Thermoplastic compound with Reflectorizing Glass beads on bituminous surface on the route of 132kV GIS Rasta Peth- 220/132kV Parvati & 132kV GIS Rasta Peth – 220/132kV Magarpatta S/S underground cable, under EHV Line Maintenance Sub-Division-I, Pune (dated 07-02-2024)
31-01-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(273 KB)
7000029726 |
Karad |
Providing and fixing of OTI (Oil Temperarture Indicator) & Digital Remote Temperature Indicators at 400KV R.S Dn New Koyna.
07-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(720 KB)
7000029860,7000029861 |
Nashik |
EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik :Notice for works of Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract for attending emergency/ breakdown & planned maintenance work of various 220kV & 132kV and 400kV lines under EHV O&M Circle, Bhusawal as & when required basis
07-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(118 KB)
7000029848,7000029849 |
Nashik |
EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik :Notice for works of Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract for attending emergency/ breakdown & planned maintenance work of various 220kV & 132kV and 400kV lines under EHV O&M Circle, Nashik as & when required basis
07-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(267 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/Division/Manchar/Tech/No. 131 , dtd. 06.02.2024 |
Pune |
Online budgetary offer in r/o supply of capacitor cells for 33kV Capacitor banks at 220kV Kathapur & 132kV Narayangaon Sub-Station & power factor meter under EHV O&M Division Manchar (dated 06-02-2024)
06-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(757 KB)
No. CE/EHV PC O&M Zone/Pune/Tender No T-14/2023-24 /7000029168 |
Pune |
Re-tender for Work of U/G cable for 132KV D/C line from Loc 29 -Loc 30 of 220KV MCNB Bridgestone-Chakan-II Line for 400KV Crossing in lieu of balance work of increasing height of 400 kV Chakan-PGCIL (Talagaon) line at loc no. 29-30 of 220 kV MC narrow base line from 220kV Bridgestone substation to 220 kV Chakan phase -II substation (dated 06-02-2024)
07-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(25 KB)
7000029862 |
Karad |
Work of Overhauling & servicing of 245kV ABB make Circuit breaker at various EHV substations under EHV O&M Division, Kolhapur
07-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(431 KB)
7000029572 |
Karad |
Supply, Installation Configuration testing & commissioning of RTU
06-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(248 KB)
7000029400 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Work of Providing & Fixing of Maintenance Free Earthing at 220 kV Jalna Substation under EHV O&M Division Jalna.
07-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(189 KB)
7000029856 |
Amravati |
E-TENDER NOTICE Providing catering services for the canteen of Regional training center at 400 kV R.S. Division, Apatapa Road, Akola (First Call).
07-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(421 KB)
7000029853 |
Nagpur |
E-Tender for work of repairing, overhauling & alignment of 220KV various make double break Isolators along with supply of required spares/materials (as per actual) at 400KV/220KV S/Stn, Koradi-1 substation under 400KV RS (O&M) Division Koradi.
07-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(32 KB)
7000029407 |
Vashi |
E-Tender 2nd call Notice for Work of Comprehensive AMC for servicing & repairs of centralized, split & window AC units at various substations & offices under EHV (O&M) Circle Kalwa for F.Y. 23-24
07-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(624 KB)
7000029416 |
Vashi |
E-Tender 2nd call Notice for Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for attending routine and Emergency Breakdown work at various S/S involving such as Replacement of Faulty / Failed Equipment, Laying and Termination of Power Cables and other Emergency Nature works affecting Supply for the year 2023-24 under EHV O&M Division Boisar
07-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(636 KB)
7000029847 |
Karad |
Work of Complete Renovation, Revamping and Online Removal of Adhered Contaminants using NCCC Technique from the Marshaling Box [MB] Installed in the Switch Yard of the MSETCL Sub-Stations coming under 400 KV R.S. Dn Karad
06-02-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(137 KB)
5000001194 |
Corporate Office |
SP/T/P&C/01/124 (RFX No.5000001194) Procurement of Self Propelled Articulating Boom Type Man Lifts for HVDC Terminal Stations(Padghe & Chandrapur)and 765 kV Aurangabad Substation.
30-01-2024 |
14-02-2024 |
(196 KB)
7000029737 |
Nashik |
Extension notice for work of biannual AMC for DGA testing for oil samples of interconnecting transformers,reactors (of 400kV Level), emergency and spare drum 400 kV R.S. (O&M)Division Babhaleshwar
13-02-2024 |
15-02-2024 |
(680 KB)