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Total Records : 42315 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
N.A. Pune

E- enquiry for the work of providing hired vehicle (Swift Dzire or equivalent) toEE, EHV O&M Division-I, Pune (dated 14-02-2024)

14-02-2024 26-02-2024 (628 KB)
7000029823 Karad

Extension of e-tender notice 7000029823

14-02-2024 20-02-2024 (408 KB)
7000029953 Vashi

Supply of 40 Nos. of Mid Back Chairs with writing pad and leather upholstery for Regional Training Centre, Padghe

14-02-2024 21-02-2024 (552 KB)
7000029954 Vashi

Supply of Earthing discharge Rod along with cable for day to day work under HVDC RS (O&M) Circle, Padghe.

14-02-2024 21-02-2024 (240 KB)
7000029955 Vashi Rate contract  for work of Nano technology based acid and alkali resistant nano-modified anti corrosive coating on transmission Tower for 400kV Babhleshwar-Padghe Ckt-I & Ckt-II lines towers  under the jurisdiction of Rajgurunagar division for the F.Y.2023-24.  14-02-2024 21-02-2024 (312 KB)
7000029952 Karad

SRM Tender Notice for Work of 33kV BUS extension with 04 numbers of 33kV Bays at 220/33kV Lote (P) S/s under EHV O&M Division Ratnagiri

14-02-2024 20-02-2024 (69 KB)
7000029929 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-12 Work of Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Advanced ESE type LCAT System at 220 kV S. Y. Paras & 132 kV S/Stn Gorakshan Road, Akola under under EHV (O&M) Division, Akola

14-02-2024 20-02-2024 (288 KB)
7000029928 Amravati

SRM TENDER NOTICE Work of Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 3-Phase DSP system at 220 kV S. Y. Paras & 132 kV S/Stn Gorakshan Road, Akola under EHV (O&M) Division, Akola

14-02-2024 20-02-2024 (285 KB)
7000029483 Nashik

EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik :Notice for work of Construction of Compound wall along with retaining wall at 132 kV Substation Sakri, Dist.Dhule

14-02-2024 21-02-2024 (15 KB)
7000029939 Karad

Re-Tender for AMC Work (2 years period)  of attending Oil Leakage by Powerseal  online Gasketing  method at various joints & nut-bolts of 400/220KV ICTs, CTs, PTs, Reactors etc. at 400kV RS Division Talandage

14-02-2024 21-02-2024 (210 KB)
7000029936 Karad

Supply, Erection, Commissioning of 132 kV Bus Sectionalizer/Coupler & Shifting of existing 132 kV Iljin (Lonand) bay alongwith EHV line re-orientation work etc. at 132 kV Shirwal S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn., Karad.

14-02-2024 21-02-2024 (72 KB)
7000029938 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Work of P&F of non conductive turbo wind driven conical bird guard for various EHV Lines Girwali under 400kV R.S.(O&M) Division, Girwali.

14-02-2024 20-02-2024 (246 KB)
7000029935 Nashik

Notice for AMC for the Work of arresting oil leakages from various power transformer/ICT’s and all oil filled allied EHV equipments by cold welding at various Substations under EHV O&M Division, Jalgaon.

14-02-2024 21-02-2024 (99 KB)
7000029863 Vashi

E-Tender Notice for work of Supply & Application of Nano Technology based Acid & Alkali resistant Nano modified anticorrosive coating on Gantry & equipment support structure at 220kV Trombay substation under EHV O&M Division, Bhandup. 

14-02-2024 21-02-2024 (411 KB)
EE/EHV/ O& M/Dn/SUR/T/No.1082Dtd.03.08.2023 Pune

Enquiry for Hiring 1 No. of LMV Vehicle (TATA - Sumo/ Bolero/Bolero Camper/Utility Vehicle, etc) along with driver for period of one year for Substation maintenance Unit, Degaon under jurisdiction EHV (O&M) Division, Solapur (dated 16-02-2024)

15-02-2024 21-02-2024 (150 KB)
202 Amravati

Enquiry for hiring of vehicle(SWIFT/SWIFT DEZIRE/ANY SEDAN CLASS) along with driver for the Executive Engineer, EHV (O&M) Division, Buldhana for
the year of FY 2024-25

15-02-2024 22-02-2024 (817 KB)
6000001163 Corporate Office

Establishment 220/132/33 kV sub-station at Supa MIDC, Tal.-Parner, Dist.-Ahmednagar along with associated lines under Nashik zone

15-02-2024 07-03-2024 (204 KB)
7000029851 Pune

Tender Extension-1 Notice for AMC of the work of Repair and Overhauling of 400kV PG and CB Isolator at 400 kV Chakan Substation. (dated 15-02-2024)

15-02-2024 22-02-2024 (502 KB)
RFx No.-7000029991 Pune

E-Tender :- Work of second circuit stringing on existing tower from 132 kV Puluj S/stn to M/s. Loknete Cogen substation under EHV O&M Circle Solapur PRE-BID Meeting: 20.02.2024 @ 12:30 pm at EHV O&M Circle Solapur. (dated 15-02-2024)

15-02-2024 25-02-2024 (82 KB)
EE/149 Dt: 15.02.2024 Pune

Publication of budgetary offer for Repairing & Overhauling of Air Compressors of Circuit Breaker of various make at various EHV S/Stn under EHV (O&M) Dn-II, Pune. (dated 15-02-2024)

15-02-2024 21-02-2024 (171 KB)