supply of Desktop Computer , Color Multifunction laser printer , Laptop at EHV Projects Circle Kolhapur.
Supply & Installation of non conductive turbo wind type conical bird guard in bird zone area for various EHV lines under EHV O&M Division kolhapur
E-Enquiry for Hiring of Tourist Diesel TATA Sumo/Bolero equivalent or above with Driver for office of The Additional Executive Engineer, PID Unit, Kolhapur under EHV O&M Circle Kolhapur.
2nd call for Complete job work in r/o Annual Maintenance (AMC) for cleaning/up keeping premises of 400/220 kV Khaperkheda Substation & Division Office under 400 kV RS (O&M) Division, Khaperkheda for the year 2023-2024 (i.e. for 12 Months) along with consumables cleaning material.
SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-19 Work of Annual Maintenance Contract towards work of providing & fixing of 33 kV Capacitor bank cell at various EHV Sub Stations under EHV O&M Division, Buldhana. (2nd Call)
Supply of T&P material at 400 KV RS Dn., New Koyna.
E-Enquiry for work of pest control, antirodent treatment, mosquito control & antitermite treatment at EHV Project Division Kalwa and associated Sub Division offices for the Financial Year 2024-25.
work of sweeping, cleaning of S&I S/Dn, Lines Project S/Dn, Kalwa, Lines Project S/Dn, Panvel & Substation Project S/Dn, Panvel & Project Division office premises with maintenance of garden under EHV Project Div. Kalwa for Financial year 2024-25.
Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for Computers, Printers & LAN at EHV Project Division, Kalwa for FY 2024-25.
Corrigendum for E-Tender notice for providing outsourcing services of 42 nos. of skilled labour (Dy. Chief Technician & Senior Technician) as per new staff setup at various S/S under Zone-III (with ESIC) Palghar District from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025 under EHV (O&M) Division Boisar.
Corrigendum for e-tender notice for providing outsourcing services of 4 nos. Skilled labour (i.e. Typist (1 no.) and LDC cum Computer Operator (3 nos.)) and 3 nos. Unskilled labour (i.e. Peon) under Zone-III (with ESIC) Palghar District for the year 2024-25 at Division office Boisar under EHV O&M Division Boisar .
Notification for calling Budgetary offer for work of supply, erection & commissioning of various equipment’s for restoration of 33kV 10MVAR Capacitor Bank at 132KV Newasa S/Stn under EHV (O&M) Division, Babhaleshwar for preparation of estimate.
E-enquiry for Work of removing of dry grass, bushes, providing of JCB for various 100kV & 220kV lines under 220kV lines maintenance subdivision Kalwa under EHV O&M Division, Kalwa.
Re-enquiry for Supply of various type of clamps, connectors at various substation Under EHV (O&M) DN., KALWA.
Re-Enquiry for repair of 245KV Areva Make Circuit Breaker Sr. No. 150821 Type: - GL314 of 220KV Bapgaon- Kalwa line bay at 220KV Bapgaon substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa.
E-enquiry for work life enhancement of Kisok, MB’s and Boxes by using hydrophobic material at 100KV mumbra & Bhiwandi Substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa
E-Tender for providing outsourcing services of 4 nos. Skilled labour (i.e. Typist (1 no.) and LDC cum Computer Operator (3 nos.)) and 3 nos. Unskilled labour (i.e. Peon) under Zone-III (with ESIC) Palghar District for the year 2024-25 at Division office Boisar under EHV O&M Division Boisar.
E-Tender for providing outsourcing services of 78 nos. of skilled labour (Technician GR. I & II & Assistant Technician (General)) as per new staff setup at various S/S under Zone-III (with ESIC) Palghar District from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025 under EHV (O&M) Division Boisar.