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Total Records : 42278 SRM e-Tendering
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EE/EHV/Project/JLG/Tech/No.0443 Nashik

EHV Projects Division,Jalgaon: E-Enquiry For Hiring Of Vehicle (Diesel) Preferably SUMO/BOLERO Or Equivalent On Per Day Basis For EHV Lines Project Subdivision.Chalisgaon

17-04-2018 27-04-2018 (431 KB)
EE/EHV/Project/JLG/Tech/No.0445 Nashik

EHV Projects Division,Jalgaon: E-Enquiry for Hiring of Vehicle (Diesel) preferably SUMO/BOLERO or equivalent on per day basis for EHV lines Project Subdivision.

17-04-2018 27-04-2018 (436 KB)
7000008485 Nagpur

Extenssion to the E-enquiry for Procurement of various size full threaded GI Nut Bolt for day to day maintenance activities at 400KV GCR S/stn. Chandrapur.

17-04-2018 23-04-2018 (42 KB)
EE/RS Dn /NGP/ 2018-19 / E-Enquiry No-03. Nagpur

Annual maintenance Contract for the Work of repairs of battery chargers / repairs of battery sets  in 132 KV various EHV Sub-Stations under RS Ringmain Division, Nagpur

17-04-2018 23-04-2018 (288 KB)
528 Karad

Enquiry no.01 for hiring of TATA Indica equivalent or above vehicle for EHV S/s. Projects S/Dn., Sangli under EHV Projects Division, Sangli

17-04-2018 23-04-2018 (3 MB)
7000008574 Karad

eTender Notice T-04/18-19/ RFx. No. 7000008574 for SRM E-Tender for Work of providing of skilled Outsource Skilled Junior Technicians for Various section at 400KV Receiving Station Alkud(M) under 400KV RS Dn. Alkud (M).

17-04-2018 16-05-2018 (108 KB)
7000008270 Pune

Extension-II for SRM Enquiry for supply of Oil Sample Bottles at various EHV substations under EHV O&M Division Manchar.(dated 17-04-2018)

17-04-2018 24-04-2018 (459 KB)
7000008578 Aurangabad

Work of Counter-Poise type tower earthing, at various tower locations of 220kV Nanded-Ghatodi Line, under EHV (O&M) Division, Parbhani.

17-04-2018 01-05-2018 (463 KB)
7000008576 Aurangabad

Overhauling & Servicing of 33kV CGL make Circuit Breakers, at various S/stns. under   EHV (O&M) Division, Parbhani.

17-04-2018 16-05-2018 (469 KB)
7000008226 ,7000008231 Nashik

Testing and Communication Circle, Nashik:-sale date extension Notice for Rfx No.7000008226 & 7000008231.

17-04-2018 25-04-2018 (191 KB)
7000008565 Vashi

Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for 500kV Chandrapur-Padghe Bi-Pole HVDC  line from loc. No. 1364 to 1574 under Babhaleshwar sub division for year 2018-19

17-04-2018 02-05-2018 (93 KB)
7000008564 Vashi

Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for 400kV Babhaleshwar-Padghe Ckt- I & II lines under Padghe sub division for the year 2018-19

17-04-2018 02-05-2018 (105 KB)
7000008543. Amravati

E-TENDER Work of earth resistance measurement with stub cleaning of rusted tower legs, Applying anti-corrosive paint and cleaning of complete tower Platform of tower locations of 400 kV lines under LMSDN, Akot, under the jurisdiction of 400 kV R.S. Division.Akola.

17-04-2018 03-05-2018 (32 KB)
7000008229 Vashi

Notice for 1st time extension of SRM Tender for the Repair, Recalibration of ACCORD Make Multifunction Meter with Up gradation of Hardware & Software with latest version “at 220 kV Pal S/S, 220 kV A'Nagar S/S, 220kV Washala S/S, 100kV Dombivali S/S, 100 kV Ambernath S/S, 100 kV Mohane S/S, 100KV Shahapur S/S &110 kV Neral S/S under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali

16-04-2018 23-04-2018 (423 KB)
Tender No. EE/EHVPD-I/PN/T/Tender-01/2017-18 RFX No.:7000007885 Pune

Detail Survey & profiling for 400kV DC line from 400kV Shikrapur (PGCIL) substation to 400kV Lonikand-II substation.(dated 24-04-2018)

16-04-2018 02-05-2018 (17 KB)
7000007771 Pune

Re- E- Tender for Work of repair of faulty 33/22/11 kV CT’S & PT’S available at various 220/132 kV Substation under jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division –I, Pune.

16-04-2018 17-05-2018 (157 KB)
CELDK/MAINT/FM-15/836 DT. 16.04.2018 SLDC Kalwa

SITC of conference Public address system at 3r floor Conference hall, New SLDC building, Airoli.

16-04-2018 02-05-2018 (144 KB)
7000008556 Nagpur

Work of Fire & Safety Audit of 400KV S/S, Warora under 400KV (O&M) Division Warora.

16-04-2018 22-04-2018 (1.7 MB)
SE/EHV/(O&M) Circle/BSL/T/No. 0622 Nashik

EHV O & M Circle,(Khadka)Bhusawal:E-Enquiry for hiring of one light motor vehicle alongwith driver for Hot line Unit Bhusawal

16-04-2018 28-04-2018 (182 KB)
Tender No. EE/EHVPD-I/PN/T/Tender-01/2017-18 RFX No.:7000007885 Pune

Detail Survey & profiling for 400kV DC line from 400kV Shikrapur (PGCIL) substation to 400kV Lonikand-II substation.(dated 16-04-2018)

16-04-2018 23-04-2018 (345 KB)