7000032957 |
Amravati |
SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-12 (2nd Call) (2024 – 25) Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for periodic maintenance of yard lighting system at various EHV Substations as and when required under EHV (O&M) Division, Akola
03-09-2024 |
09-09-2024 |
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7000032188 (2nd Call) |
Pune |
E-tender for work of supply, erection and commissioning of new FCC for 400/220kV, 1X105MVA, ICT-1 (y-ph unit), 315MVA ICT-2 and 315 MVA ICT-3 at 400kV R.S.Lonikand-I (2nd Call)
03-09-2024 |
10-09-2024 |
(304 KB)
7000033136 |
Nagpur |
AMC for 2024-25 for Charge-Discharge Cycle & routine maintenance work of Battery Sets & Charger at various 220KV & 132KV EHV Sub-Stations under EHV(O&M) Division, MSETCL, Bhandara.
03-09-2024 |
10-09-2024 |
(148 KB)
7000033115 |
Nagpur |
Replacement of damaged underground pipeline for storm water at 220 KV S/Stn Nagbhid Dist. Chandrapur
03-09-2024 |
10-09-2024 |
(136 KB)
7000033122 |
Nagpur |
Waterproofing treatment to the control room & BCR at 220 KV Sicom S/Stn Dist. Chandrapur
03-09-2024 |
10-09-2024 |
(136 KB)
7000033120 |
Nagpur |
3rd Call tender for the work of supply of isolator status panel along with laying of various size control cable with glanding, dressing, termination and fabrication and erection of cable tray for the capex scheme of replacement of old 220kV existing RADSS bus bar protection scheme by new CTR make numerical bus bar protection scheme at 220kV/ 400kV substation, GCR, MSETCL, Chandrapur.
03-09-2024 |
09-09-2024 |
(24 KB)
EE/EHV/(O&M)/DN/BBLR/T-05/1779 |
Nashik |
E- Enquiry Hiring of LMV diesel car vehicle (Swift Dzire or Honda Amaze or Hyundai Xcent or equivalent) with fuel along with vehicle driver for the Executive Engineer, EHV (O&M) Division, MSETCL, Babhaleshwar.
03-09-2024 |
10-09-2024 |
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7000032814 |
Vashi |
E-tender for Supply & installation of separate DCDB at 220KV/22KV Temghar Substation under EHV O&M Division Kalwa
03-09-2024 |
10-09-2024 |
(111 KB)
7000033095 |
Vashi |
E-Tender for Providing and Fixing of Wedge Connectors suitable for 0.5 Moose ACSR Conductor at critical Tension tower Jumpers of 400kV Babhaleshwar - Padghe Ckt 1 & 2 Lines under Jurisdiction of 500kV HVDC TL O&M Division, Rajgurunagar for FY 2024-25..
03-09-2024 |
09-09-2024 |
(215 KB)
7000033107 |
Amravati |
E-TENDER NOTICE Providing and laying prestressed cable trench covers and earth pit collars at various substations under jurisdiction of EHV CCCM S/Dn. Washim.
03-09-2024 |
09-09-2024 |
(482 KB)
7000033106 |
Amravati |
E-TENDER NOTICE Day to Day maintenance (AMC) for civil assets of colony and substations under jurisdiction of EHV CCCM Sub-Division Washim.
03-09-2024 |
09-09-2024 |
(482 KB)
7000033036 |
Amravati |
E-TENDER NOTICE Work of Extension of Control Room and Renovation of Ladies Toilet at 220kV S/Stn. Apatapa Dist. Akola.
03-09-2024 |
09-09-2024 |
(482 KB)
7000033134 |
Vashi |
AMC for Loading/unloading, Erection/Dismantling of ICT/Transformer and Transportation of various EHV & HV Equipments at various S/stns under HVDC RS (O&M) Circle, Padgha for F.Y.2024-25
03-09-2024 |
10-09-2024 |
(171 KB)
7000032956 |
SLDC Kalwa |
Annual Contract for hiring 15 Nos. of computer operators for the period of one year at MSLDC, Airoli
03-09-2024 |
09-09-2024 |
(63 KB)
Budgetary Offer |
Vashi |
Enquiry of Troubleshooting and maintenance of M/s Synergy systems and solution Make SCADA System (Server, Frontend, OWS, EWS & HDS Machines ) at 500KV HVDC terminal station Padghe
03-09-2024 |
10-09-2024 |
(521 KB)
7000032128 |
Pune |
RE-tender for Work of chimney height raising of various 220/132/100 kV towers under EHV O&M Division-II, Pune (2nd call)
03-09-2024 |
10-09-2024 |
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7000032935 |
Amravati |
SRM Etedner Work of “Requirement of equipment, materials and various balance works for updation of 220kV Warud S/Stn, Dist. Amravati at risk and cost of M/s. GE T&D India Ltd., Mumbai”.
03-09-2024 |
09-09-2024 |
(156 KB)
7000031551 |
Karad |
Work Contract for Annual Routine Maintenance & attending emergency breakdown of 220/132/110KV Transmission Lines under EHV O&M Division, Sangli.
02-09-2024 |
08-09-2024 |
(13 KB)
178 |
Karad |
E-enquiry of Hiring of vehicle TATA SUMO/Bolero/Utility equivalent or above (Disel) for Protection Unit, Karad Batch under PAC Division, Karad.
02-09-2024 |
10-09-2024 |
(1.1 MB)
7000033018 |
Karad |
Work of Cleaning & housekeeping of various EHV Substations, Subdivisions (Under Kolhapur Division) & EHV O&M Division office Kolhapur.
02-09-2024 |
11-09-2024 |
(444 KB)