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Total Records : 42278 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000030666 Vashi

E-tender for Supply & Installation of Computers, All in one Printer & Office Furniture like (Executive Chairs, Executive Table, Cupboards, File rack) & water cooler, water purifier at various locations under EHV Project Circle, Kalwa.

12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (204 KB)
7000030574,7000030663, 7000030459, 7000030673, 7000030538, 7000030676, 7000030672 Pune

Providing & laying RCC Drain & allied civil maintenance work at 220 kV S/S Jeur, Tal-Karmala, Dist-Solapur
Construction of fire safety wall between transformers and allied maintenance works at 132 kV Velapur, Dist-Solapur.
Construction of stacking yard, Parking shed and metal spreading at 132 kV S/Stn. Shankarnagar, Tal-Malshiras, Dist. Solapur.
Replenishment of metal in 33kV yard, P/F cable trench covers & control room maintenance at 220 kV S/Stn. Karkamb, Tal-Pandharpur, Dist. Solapur
Periodical maintenance & renovation of toilet block & oil sump tank, curbing and other misc. work at 132 kV S/S Mohol Dist Solapur
Urgent repairs to cable trench & other miscellaneous work of yard and control room at 110 KV S/Stn. Pandhrpur, Dist: Solapur
Maintaince of civil assets at 132 kV S/Stn. Mangalwedha, Tal-Manalwedha, Dist. Solapur. 

(dated 12-03-2024)

12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (18 KB)
7000030376 Vashi

2nd call E-tender for providing outsourcing services of Skilled (LDC F&A and HR and Steno Typist) and unskilled labour ( Peon) under Zone-I (with ESIC) at 400kV RS O&M Dn Kalwa for the F.Y. 2024-25.

12-03-2024 18-03-2024 (852 KB)
7000030228 Pune

Civil maintenance & upkeepmnet of 22 kV bay at 400 kV Chakan S/stnDist-Pune (Tender No.T-03/2023-2024) 

12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (223 KB)
6000001167 Corporate Office

 IFB of Tender T-2415 (RFx No. 6000001167) for​ establishment of 220/33 kV Substation at Shrirampur MIDC, Tal. Shrirampur, Dist. Ahemdnagar under Nashik Zone

Document Title End Date File
Cancellation Notice 14-06-2024 (432 KB)
12-03-2024 02-04-2024 (443 KB)
7000030376 Vashi

2nd call E-tender for providing outsourcing services of Skilled (LDC F&A and HR and Steno Typist) and unskilled labour ( Peon) under Zone-I (with ESIC) at 400kV RS O&M Dn Kalwa for the F.Y. 2024-25.

12-03-2024 18-03-2024 (852 KB)
5000001212 Corporate Office

Procurement of CT PT Analyzer Kit for various EHV PCC O&M Zones of MSETCL against e-tender SP/T-0809/0324 [RFx. No. 5000001212]

12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (415 KB)
7000030376 Vashi

2nd call E-tender for providing outsourcing services of Skilled (LDC F&A and HR and Steno Typist) and unskilled labour ( Peon) under Zone-I (with ESIC) at 400kV RS O&M Dn Kalwa for the F.Y. 2024-25.

12-03-2024 18-03-2024 (852 KB)
7000030379 Pune

Construction of office for accommodation of line S/Dn. Offices at 400 kV Chakan S/stn Dist-Pune (Tender No.T-04/2023-2024)

12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (436 KB)
7000030656 Pune

Construction of retaing wall along with chian-link at 220 kv Malinagar S/stn , Dist-Solapur (Tender No.T-05/2023-2024) 

12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (109 KB)
EE/EHVPD-I/PN/T/ 344 Date : 12.03.2024 Pune

E-Enquiry for Hiring of Diesel / Electric/hybrid Vehicle such as Tata Sumo/ Bolero or Equivalent including vehicle driver, fuel cost / charging expenses whatever the case may be for EHV line Projects Sdn, Baramati under EHV Projects Dn-I, Pune 

12-03-2024 18-03-2024 (2.1 MB)
7000030507 Pune

Dismantling of existing damaged main peripheral UCR / BBM compound wall & Reconstruction it with RCC compound wall & construction of concrete to approach road from main gate of S/S to switch yard control room at 220kV S/stn Jeur, Dist-Solapur.
(Tender No.T-06/2023-2024) 

12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (200 KB)
7000030682 Amravati

SRM e-TENDER NOTICE Work of renovation of automation Unit Amravati, Protection Unit 1, Amravati & Protection Unit 2 Amravati offices situated at 220KV S/Stn. Premises Amravati.

12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (243 KB)
6000001173 Corporate Office

Establishment of 220/33kV Sarul Substation, Tal. Kaij, Dist. Beed along with construction of 220kV DC line by making LILO on 220 kV Beed - Manjarsumbha line under EHV PC O&M Zone, Ch. Sambhajinagar.

12-03-2024 02-04-2024 (269 KB)
7000030153 Pune

LE scheme for replaceme4nt of exisiting old panel by new and shifting of the same from MSPGCL control room to MSETCL control room at 132 kV Varasgaon & 100kV Pawananagar S/stn Pune….Civil works for Extension of control room thereof
(Tender No.T-02/2023-2024) (dated 12-03-2024)

12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (792 KB)
EEC/PBN/Tech/W-182/No.0151 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Hiring of preferably SUMO/ Bolero or Equivalent Air-conditioned Diesel Vehicle with driver for the Addl. Executive Engineer (C), EHV CCCM Sub Division-II, MSETCL, Nanded office.

12-03-2024 20-03-2024 (1.3 MB)
EEC/PBN/Tech/W-182/No.0150 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Hiring of preferably SUMO/ Bolero or Equivalent Air-conditioned Diesel Vehicle with driver for the Addl. Executive Engineer (C), EHV CCCM Sub Division-I, MSETCL, Nanded office.

12-03-2024 20-03-2024 (1.4 MB)
EEC/PBN/Tech/W-182/No.0148 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Hiring vehicle i.e. Air conditioned Diesel car with driver for the Executive Engineer (C), EHV CCCM Division, MSETCL, Parbhani office.

12-03-2024 20-03-2024 (1.7 MB)
EEC/PBN/Tech/W-182/No.0149 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Hiring of preferably SUMO/ Bolero or Equivalent Air-conditioned Diesel Vehicle with driver for the Addl. Executive Engineer (C), EHV CCCM Sub Division, MSETCL, Parbhani office.

12-03-2024 20-03-2024 (1.4 MB)
7000030667 Nagpur

Supply , Installation , Testing and Commissioning of 300KW Grid connected Solar PV power plants under Roof top net metering system at New Administrative Building of MSETCL under EHV PC O&M Nagpur
EMD Rs. 199332/- & Tender Fees: Rs. 5000/- (GST extra)

Document Title End Date File
E-corrigendum to this tender 19-03-2024 (488 KB)
E-corrigendum to this tender 19-03-2024 (497 KB)
12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (234 KB)