7000007940 |
Vashi |
Hiring of LMV (e.g. camper, Mahindra pickup or Similar type) towards 400 KV Line Main. Sub-Division, Nagothane under 400 KV R.S Nagothane Division for financial year 2018-19….1st extension…
04-04-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(223 KB)
नोटीस नंबर ७४४ दिनांक २८. ०३. २०१८ |
Pune |
सुशिक्षित बेरोजगार विद्युत अभियंता यांना लॉटरी पद्धतीने कामे वाटप करण्यासंबंधी योजने अंतर्गत नोंदणी करणेविषयी.(दिनांक २८. ०३. २०१८)
28-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(269 KB)
7000008206 |
Amravati |
03-04-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(192 KB)
7000007777 |
Nagpur |
Extension Work of Supply &ETC for Diversion of 66KV Ballarshah-BPM line passing through proposed Botanical Garden near village Visapur Tal. Ballarshah under EHV (O&M) Circle Chandrapur( ORC Work).
24-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(74 KB)
7000008356 |
Nagpur |
Work of engaging Semi Skilled / Unskilled Manpower on outsourcing basis at various offices under EHV O&M Circle, Chandrapur
28-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(80 KB)
7000008392 |
Amravati |
SRM e-TENDER Construction of Approach Road asphalting and H.P. culvert at 132/33KV S/Stn. Arni and up to Datta Temple Tq. Arni Dist. Yavatmal.
28-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(18 KB)
EE/EHV/PROJ/DIV/NSK/Tech/No-0419 |
Nashik |
EHV Projects Division,Nasik:E-enquiry for Hiring of Vehicle (Diesel) preferably SUMO/BOLERO on per day basis for S&I Sub Division
28-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(803 KB)
7000008382 |
Karad |
eTender Notice RFX No.7000008382 for Annual Maintenance & Running of Central AC Plant at 400 KV Karad Sub-stn. under 400 KV R.S.(O&M) Dn. Karad
28-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(1.2 MB)
7000008262 |
Vashi |
Providing and Fixing of APFC Panel, for improving power factor at 400 kV RS(O&M) Division, Padghe
27-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(523 KB)
7000008380 |
Karad |
eTender Notice for Attending oil leakage from various joints of the Transformers at various EHV S/s under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur by using Power Patch-I & II dual technology method
27-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(42 KB)
7000007534 |
Karad |
eTender Notice for Work of Supply of Equipments/Material, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 11Nos of 33KV Bays at various S/Stns under EHV O&M Division Sangli on TKC Basis proposed under INFRA-II, DDUGJY,IPDS & R-APDRP Schemes.
13-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(21 KB)
7000008121 |
Pune |
Hiring of Architectural services for construction of Regional Training Center Hall (Ground Floor) at Jejuri, Tal. Purandar Dist. Pune.(dated 12-03-2018)
12-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(86 KB)
70000008022 |
Vashi |
SRM Tender for the work for Replacement of Earth wire at 220 kV Ghatghar M/C Line & 100 kV PAL – Dombivali Line under Lines s/dn Padgha under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali
12-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(48 KB)
7000008360 |
Vashi |
Publishing of Cancellation Notice of RFx No-7000008360 on Departmental website of MSETCL for the work of ground patrolling with thermo-vision scanning & routine maintenance work (02- Cycles) of 500 KV HVDC Chandrapur – Padghe line from location No. 682 to 1364 (263.01 km ) in the jurisdiction of HVDC TL(O&M) Sub division, Jintur & Aurangabad under HVDC TL (O&M) Division, Jalna
10-04-2018 |
10-04-2018 |
(421 KB)
7000007750 |
Amravati |
Extension for Civil work of attending various civil maintenance work of staff Quarters at colony, Control room, switch yard & other MSETCL office in the premise at 132KV S/Stn.Gourakshan , Akola & 220KV Balapur S/Stn. Akola. ( 2 nd Call )
04-04-2018 |
10-04-2018 |
(66 KB)
7000007738 |
Amravati |
Extension SRM Etennder for Civil work of various maintenance work at 220 KV S/Stn Chikhali , Dist. Buldhana ( 2 nd Call )
04-04-2018 |
10-04-2018 |
(61 KB)
7000008291,7000008292,7000008293 |
Amravati |
Extension SRM e-Tender notice -(1) ( Rfx No. 7000008291 )Civil Maintenance work for control room & switch yard at 220KV S/Stn.Yavatmal ( 2nd Call),( 2)( Rfx No.7000008292)Construction of Baffle wall at 132KV S/Stn.Achalpur(2nd Call) &(3)(Rfx No.7000008293)Construction of Two (2)number of Baffle wall (Fire protection wall) at 220KV S/Stn.Yavatmal(2nd Call)
04-04-2018 |
10-04-2018 |
(20 KB)
7000007889 |
Vashi |
RFx for annual supply of grade-I nitrogen cylinders for valve cooling system at HVDC Padghe
28-02-2018 |
10-04-2018 |
(178 KB)
7000008117 |
Nagpur |
AMC for the work of keeping 400KV/220KV S/Y free from growth of grass and Weed (Antiweeding Treatment) at 400KV Substation, Chandrapur under 400KV RS O&M Div. Chandrapur.
04-04-2018 |
10-04-2018 |
(109 KB)
7000008418 |
Nagpur |
AMC for Cleaning/Upkeeping Premises of 400KV & 220KV Koradi S/S from the period of 08.05.2018 to 07.07.2018 (2 Months)
03-04-2018 |
10-04-2018 |
(42 KB)