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Total Records : 42315 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000030451 Amravati

E-TENDER NOTICE Various civil maintenance works at 132kV S/Stn. Deulgaon Raja, Dist. Buldhana.

11-03-2024 17-03-2024 (666 KB)
7000030450 Amravati

E-TENDER NOTICE Annual Civil Maintenance works at 132kV Gaurakshan Substation, 132kV Gaurakshan Staff Colony at Gaurakshan Road and 132kV MIDC Substation, MIDC Colony Dist. Akola.

11-03-2024 17-03-2024 (482 KB)
7000030635 Nashik

EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik :Supply, installation and commissioning of DM water plant with RO at Hot Line Unit, Nashik under EHV O&M Circle, Nashik.

11-03-2024 16-03-2024 (264 KB)
7000030587 Pune

E-tender for Work of Dissolve Gas Analysis (DGA) of Power TF / ICT EHV grade TF oil at various EHV S/s under EHV O&M Circle, Pune. (dated 11-03-2024)

11-03-2024 18-03-2024 (116 KB)
7000030601 Vashi

Hiring of Tata Manza/Ertiga/Swift Desire/Sedan vehicle along with driver on hired basis with fuel for HVDC ID-OD Division, Padghe for F.Y. 2024-25.

11-03-2024 18-03-2024 (462 KB)
7000030603 Vashi

Hiring of one vehicle with trolly for dumping and transporting of maintenance material ( Mahindra Bolero 2.5 TD Single/ Double Cab 2007 Benoni or Equivalent) along with driver and fuel at HVDC ID/OD Dn, Padghe for F.Y. 2024-25.

11-03-2024 18-03-2024 (459 KB)
7000030589 Vashi

E-Tender for  Replacement of Old ACDB with New A Class ACDB  at 220kV Mulund and 100kV Vashi Substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Bhandup for FY 2023-24

11-03-2024 18-03-2024 (123 KB)
7000030151 Pune

E-tender for Augmentation Work of Supply, Erection, Testing and commissioning of additional 132/33KV, 50 MVA, Power T/F along with HV, LV bay along with 33 KV Bus extension at 132 KV Mohol Substation Under EHV O & M Division Solapur under Pune Zone. (dated 07-03-2024)

11-03-2024 25-03-2024 (559 KB)
7000030189 SLDC Kalwa

Renewal of Subscription of the next generation firewall (2 Nos of Checkpoint 5100 Firewalls as External Firewall) for 01 year at SLDC Airoli.

11-03-2024 18-03-2024 (22 KB)
7000030606 Pune

E-tender extension notice for Work Contract for the work of replacement of existing 0.4 ACSR conductor along with insulators, hardwares by equivalent HTLS conductor in r/o 220 kV Parvati-Phursungi line and strengthening of bays each at 220kV Parvati and Phursungi S/s under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune

12-03-2024 12-06-2024 (466 KB)
7000030606 Pune

Corrigendum-II: For Work Contract for the work of replacement of existing 0.4 ACSR conductor along with insulators, hardwares by equivalent HTLS conductor in r/o 220 kV Parvati-Phursungi line and strengthening of bays each at 220 kV Parvati and Phursungi S/s under EHV O&M, Division-I, Pune

12-03-2024 26-04-2024 (899 KB)
7000030606 Pune

Corrigendum for Work Contract for the work of replacement of existing 0.4 ACSR conductor along with insulators, hardwares by equivalent HTLS conductor in r/o 220 kV Parvati-Phursungi line and strengthening of bays each at 220 kV Parvati and Phursungi S/s under EHV O&M, Division-I, Pune

12-03-2024 18-04-2024 (373 KB)
7000030164 Karad

Supply of T&P material at 400 KV RS Dn., New Koyna.

12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (504 KB)
417 Karad

E-Enquiry for Supply Installation & Commissioning of 82.5 KVA/66KW, 415 V Smart DG SET alongwith required accessories at EHV PC O&M Zone, Karad

12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (1 MB)
EE/MSETCL/RTC/Waluj/No.455 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Providing Maruti Swift Dzire /Sedan car or Equivalent vehicle on hiring basis with driver for Executive Engineer, Regional Training Centre MSETCL,Waluj.

12-03-2024 20-03-2024 (1.8 MB)
6000001174 Corporate Office

Establishment of 132/33kV Mukutban Substation, Dist. Yawatmal along with associated line under Amravati Zone

Document Title End Date File
Cancellation Notice 31-08-2024 (183 KB)
12-03-2024 02-04-2024 (271 KB)
7000030628, 7000030629 Vashi

1) Work of hiring of MMV- Mahindra Bolero Camper 5-Seater/ Tata Yodha Ex Crew Cabin Pickup 5- seater/ Isuzu D-Max Pickup 5- Seater or equivalent vehicle to attend the maintenance/ breakdown for 220KV Lines Sub-Division, Kalwa under EHV O&M Division, Kalwa for the year 2024-25. 

2) Work hiring of MMV- Mahindra Bolero Camper 5-Seater/ Tata Yodha Ex Crew Cabin Pickup 5- seater/ Isuzu D-Max Pickup 5- Seater or equivalent vehicle to attend the maintenance/ breakdown for 400KV Lines Sub-Division, Kalwa under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa for the year 2024-25.

12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (115 KB)
7000030049 Vashi

RE-enquiry for supply of log sheets, permit books, Gate Pass book,  Imprest book & TA bill book etc.at various substations & 220kV ,400kV Lines Under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa.

12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (85 KB)
7000029673 Vashi Supply of various types of Nut bolts at various substations  under EHV(O&M)  Circle, Panvel. 12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (381 KB)
7000030710 Vashi

 Supply of various types of Nut bolts at various substations  under EHV(O&M)  Circle, Panvel.

12-03-2024 19-03-2024 (390 KB)