7000030661 |
Vashi |
E-Tender 1st call Notice for Work of AMC for emergency outage & breakdown work of 400kV Line S/Dn., Kalwa as on when required for maintenance under EHV O&M Division, Kalwa for the year 2024-25
12-03-2024 |
19-03-2024 |
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7000029518 |
Vashi |
3rd Call for Procurement of 420kV Central Break Isolator (2 sets) at HVDC Terminal Station, Padghe & Chandrapur under EHV PC O&M Zone, Vashi and Nagpur.
12-03-2024 |
19-03-2024 |
(319 KB)
7000030030 |
Vashi |
2nd for Procurement of 26 Nos. of valve cooling fans at 500kV HVDC Terminal Substation, Padghe .
12-03-2024 |
19-03-2024 |
(82 KB)
7000030230 |
Vashi |
2nd Call for Rate Contract Work of Chemical Cleaning of dust/bird shit contaminated insulator strings by using High Voltage Insulator Cleaner and Protector on 400 kV Babhaleshwar-Padghe Ckt-I & Ckt-II lines & reconditioning of replaced(old) 120kN/160kN disc insulators by using high voltage insulator cleaner & protector & testing under the jurisdiction of Padghe & Junnar S/dn under Rajgurunagar Division for the F.Y.2024-25.
12-03-2024 |
19-03-2024 |
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7000030286 |
Vashi |
2nd Call for Annual maintenance contract for Breakdown, Emergency and planned outage on 400kV Babhaleshwar-Padghe Ckt- I & Ckt-II lines under the jurisdiction of Rajgurunagar division for the F.Y. 2024-25.
12-03-2024 |
19-03-2024 |
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7000030206 |
Pune |
E-Tender for supply of rain suit for the employee working under EHV O&M Circle, Pune for the block year 2023-26(2nd call). (dated 11-03-2024)
12-03-2024 |
19-03-2024 |
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7000029975 |
Karad |
Work of providing and fixing of 200W Amber Colored LED flood Light fixtures at 220KV Vankusawade S/Stn. under EHV (O&M) Division, Karad.
12-03-2024 |
19-03-2024 |
(208 KB)
7000030648 |
Karad |
Providing Outsourcing Staff (Typist, LDC, Driver & Peon) under EHV O&M Division, Kolhapur
11-03-2024 |
19-03-2024 |
(442 KB)
7000030668 |
Nagpur |
Supply of Coupling Devices (LMU) for various EHV lines under Communication Unit, PAC Division – II, Nagpur.
12-03-2024 |
19-03-2024 |
(70 KB)
7000030652 |
Nashik |
3rd Call Notice Work of P&F of New 48W Energy saving LED Lights with steel tubular pole at newly constructed road inside the premises of 132kV New MIDC SS and EHV O&M Division, Jalgaon office under EHV O&M Division, Jalgaon.
12-03-2024 |
19-03-2024 |
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7000030209 |
Vashi |
2nd call E-tender for procurement of various consumable material for maintenance of various R&M works at 400kV RS Kalwa and 220KV RS Kalwa under 400 KV RS Div Kalwa.
12-03-2024 |
19-03-2024 |
(872 KB)
7000030646 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender: Work of Transportation, Winching, Loading & Unloading of Power Transformers / Accessories from various stores centers / required places to the MSETCL work site / division stores & vice versa along with allied works under EHV O&M Circle Parli.
11-03-2024 |
19-03-2024 |
(265 KB)
7000030640 |
Nagpur |
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of fire hydrant system in 400kV & 220kV switchyard at 400kV Chandrapur 2 substation and in 400kV switchyard at switching substation under 400kV RS O&M Division II Chandrapur EMD Rs. 4,20,260.61/- & Tender Fees: Rs.5000/- (GST extra)
12-03-2024 |
19-03-2024 |
(232 KB)
7000029809 |
Karad |
SRM-Tender Notice i.r.o. Supply of Numerical Protection relays i.e. 04 Nos of Distance and 05 Nos of UFR protection relays as critical spares under PAC Circle Karad for year 2023-24-2nd Call
12-03-2024 |
19-03-2024 |
(725 KB)
7000030482 |
Nashik |
(2nd Call) Notice for The work of Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for the work of repairing of ICT cooling fans as and when required at 400 kV RS Dn, Deepnagar Bhusawal –II.
12-03-2024 |
19-03-2024 |
(543 KB)
7000029813 |
Pune |
Cancellation of SRM Re-E-Enquiry for supply of silica Gel (blue indicate) at various EHV Sub-Stations under EHV O&M Division Manchar.
18-03-2024 |
18-03-2024 |
(612 KB)
485 |
Pune |
E- Enquiry for “Shifting of IT Server rack with associated cabling for Administrative Building, Rasta Peth, MSETCL, Pune-411 011.”
15-03-2024 |
18-03-2024 |
(169 KB)
7000029562 |
Pune |
E-tender for Annual Rate Contract (for 2 years) for on site attending oil filtration/drying out of Power TF / ICT at various EHV S/s under EHV O&M Circle, Pune
10-01-2024 |
18-03-2024 |
(10 KB)
SE/EHV PC/NSK/Tech/No. 472 |
Nashik |
Notice for Inviting Budgetary Offer for work of stringing of various EHV lines by using hot line method under EHV Projects Circle, Nashik.
14-03-2024 |
18-03-2024 |
(665 KB)
EE(St)/MSA/CSN/SM/Enquiry/6/No.00065 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry: Providing services of one number of semiskilled person against vacant post of stores helper at Major Stores "A" Custody Waluj under Maior Stores "A" Division Chhatrapati Sambhaiinagar for one year.
13-03-2024 |
18-03-2024 |
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