Construction of retaing wall along with chian-link at 220 kv Malinagar S/stn , Dist-Solapur (Tender No.T-05/2023-2024)
Dismantling of existing damaged main peripheral UCR / BBM compound wall & Reconstruction it with RCC compound wall & construction of concrete to approach road from main gate of S/S to switch yard control room at 220kV S/stn Jeur, Dist-Solapur. (Tender No.T-06/2023-2024)
SRM E-Tender: Work replacement of 0.2ACSR conductor along with accessories of 132kV Girwali- Parli DC line under 400KV RS O&M Division Girwali.
SRM e-TENDER NOTICE Work of renovation of automation Unit Amravati, Protection Unit 1, Amravati & Protection Unit 2 Amravati offices situated at 220KV S/Stn. Premises Amravati.
LE scheme for replaceme4nt of exisiting old panel by new and shifting of the same from MSPGCL control room to MSETCL control room at 132 kV Varasgaon & 100kV Pawananagar S/stn Pune….Civil works for Extension of control room thereof (Tender No.T-02/2023-2024) (dated 12-03-2024)
Supply , Installation , Testing and Commissioning of 300KW Grid connected Solar PV power plants under Roof top net metering system at New Administrative Building of MSETCL under EHV PC O&M Nagpur EMD Rs. 199332/- & Tender Fees: Rs. 5000/- (GST extra)
E-Tender 1st call Notice for Work of assigning outsourced agency to carry out work during emergency outage & breakdown of 220kV Line S/Dn., Kalwa under EHV O&M Division, Kalwa for the year 2024-25 .
E-Tender 1st call Notice for work of AMC for attending maintenance & emergency/breakdown work at various Substations under EHV(O&M) Division, Kalwa for FY 2024-25 .
E-Tender 1st call Notice for Work of AMC for emergency outage & breakdown work of 400kV Line S/Dn., Kalwa as on when required for maintenance under EHV O&M Division, Kalwa for the year 2024-25
2nd for Procurement of 26 Nos. of valve cooling fans at 500kV HVDC Terminal Substation, Padghe .
2nd Call for Rate Contract Work of Chemical Cleaning of dust/bird shit contaminated insulator strings by using High Voltage Insulator Cleaner and Protector on 400 kV Babhaleshwar-Padghe Ckt-I & Ckt-II lines & reconditioning of replaced(old) 120kN/160kN disc insulators by using high voltage insulator cleaner & protector & testing under the jurisdiction of Padghe & Junnar S/dn under Rajgurunagar Division for the F.Y.2024-25.
2nd Call for Annual maintenance contract for Breakdown, Emergency and planned outage on 400kV Babhaleshwar-Padghe Ckt- I & Ckt-II lines under the jurisdiction of Rajgurunagar division for the F.Y. 2024-25.
E-Tender for supply of rain suit for the employee working under EHV O&M Circle, Pune for the block year 2023-26(2nd call). (dated 11-03-2024)
Work of providing and fixing of 200W Amber Colored LED flood Light fixtures at 220KV Vankusawade S/Stn. under EHV (O&M) Division, Karad.
Providing Outsourcing Staff (Typist, LDC, Driver & Peon) under EHV O&M Division, Kolhapur
Supply of Coupling Devices (LMU) for various EHV lines under Communication Unit, PAC Division – II, Nagpur.
3rd Call Notice Work of P&F of New 48W Energy saving LED Lights with steel tubular pole at newly constructed road inside the premises of 132kV New MIDC SS and EHV O&M Division, Jalgaon office under EHV O&M Division, Jalgaon.
2nd call E-tender for procurement of various consumable material for maintenance of various R&M works at 400kV RS Kalwa and 220KV RS Kalwa under 400 KV RS Div Kalwa.
SRM E-Tender: Work of Transportation, Winching, Loading & Unloading of Power Transformers / Accessories from various stores centers / required places to the MSETCL work site / division stores & vice versa along with allied works under EHV O&M Circle Parli.