E- Enquiry for Hiring of light Motor Vehicle along with driver for EHV O&M Sub-division Latur under EHV O&M Division Latur
E-Tender for the work of Cleaning of 70KN/120KN Disc Insulators of Line Maintenance Sub-Division,Manchar laying in the Yard of various Sub-Stations by using High Voltage Insulator Cleaner, Protector & Testing of the same under EHV(O&M) Division,Manchar.(dated 09-03-2018)
SRM Enquiry for replacement of 132KV “R & B” phase Bushings of 132/33KV 25MVA IMP make TF-III at 132KV Shirur Sub-Station under EHV O&M Division Manchar.(dated 09-03-2018)
Enquiry for the work of Providing of out sourcing Skilled ITI Operators for various EHV S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Sangli
eTender (RFX No. 7000008049) notice for the Work of Supply of Equipment’s/Material, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 08 Nos. of 33KV & 01 No. of 22KV Bays at various S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn Karad on TKC Basis proposed under INFRA-II, DDUGJY, IPDS & R-APDRP Schemes.
eTender (RFX no-7000007966 for Biannual Maintenance Contract for Replacement of ICT in Emergency/in planned outage at 400kV R.S.Division Talandge
Hiring light/ medium motor vehicle (TATA Sumo or equivalent) alongwith driver for Testing batch "C" at EHV Testing Dn. Kalwa. For the period from 01.04.2018 or the date of placing of Work Order to 31.03.2019.
Hiring light/ medium motor vehicle (TATA Sumo or equivalent) alongwith driver for Testing batch "B" at EHV Testing Dn. Kalwa. For the period from 01.04.2018 or the date of placing of Work Order to 31.03.2019.
Hiring light/ medium motor vehicle (TATA Sumo or equivalent) alongwith driver for Testing batch "A" at EHV Testing Dn. Kalwa. For the period from 01.04.2018 or the date of placing of Work Order to 31.03.2019
Hiring of LMV (A.C.) along with Driver for Executive Engineer at EHV Testing Dn. Kalwa. For the period from 01.04.2018 or the date of placing of Work Order to 31.03.2019
Extension-III for the RE-Tender for Work of stringing on DC 132 KV Purandawade Tap Line under Scheme for Second Circuit stringing on Existing SCDC of 132KV Purandawade tap line.
Extension-II for the RE-Tender for Work of stringing on DC 132 KV Purandawade Tap Line under Scheme for Second Circuit stringing on Existing SCDC of 132KV Purandawade tap line.(dated 25-04-2018)
Extension-I for the RE-Tender for Work of stringing on DC 132 KV Purandawade Tap Line under Scheme for Second Circuit stringing on Existing SCDC of 132KV Purandawade tap line.
SRM E-TENDER Annual Maintenance Contract for Refilling/Reconditioning & servicing of fire Extinguisher at various EHV S/Sunder EHV O&M Division Yavatmal.
AMC for the work of keeping 400KV/220KV S/Y free from growth of grass and Weed (Antiweeding Treatment) at 400KV Substation, Chandrapur under 400KV RS O&M Div. Chandrapur.
the Work of LILO on 132kV Jeur-Kurduwadi line for proposed 132kV Kurduwadi TSS.SRM E-Tender
EXTENSION OF E-TENDER Civil work of attending various civil maintenance work of staff Quarters at colony,Control room,switch yard & other MSETCL office in the premise at 132KV S/Stn.Gourakshan,Akola & 220KV Balapur S/Stn.Akola.
EXTENSION E-TENDER Civil work of various maintenance work at 220 KV S/Stn Chikhali , Dist. Buldhana
Enquiry for Providing of 1 No. of Diesel Vehicle ( TATA-SUMO/ TRAX)/BOLERO/Equivalent or above Vehicle with driver on hire per day basis for the office of The Addl. Executive Engineer Line- Maintenance S/Dn Vishrambag under EHV O&M Dn. Sangli
eTender Notice T-31/17-18/ Rfx No.7000008100 for the Work of Chimney Raising of the legs of 220KV Kadegaon-Miraj Line under EHV O&M Division, Sangli