2nd call to Procurement of self supporting economy ladder heavy duty made out of aluminum at 400KV Chandrapur-II under HVDC Circle, Chandrapur
SRM Etender T-30 (1st call) Supply & Work of second circuit stringing on existing 132kV SCDC Akot-Hiwerkhed Line under EHV O&M Circle, Akola.(Circuit KM =29 KM)
SRM Etender T-32 (1st call) Supply & Work of second circuit stringing on existing 132kV SCDC Washim- Jambazar Line under EHV O&M Circle,Akola.(Circuit KM =43 KM)
SRM Etender T-31 (1st call) Supply & Work of second circuit stringing on existing 132kV SCDC Durgwada-Anjangaon Line under EHV O&M Circle,Akola.(Circuit KM =37KM)
SRM Etender T-29 (1st call)Supply & Work of second circuit stringing on existing 132kV SCDC Malegaon- Mehekar Line under EHV O&M Circle, Akola. (Circuit KM =45 KM)
SRM Etender T-28 (1st call) Replacement of existing 0.15 Wolf conductor by new 0.2 ACSR Conductor Along with hardware,disc insulator & earthwire of 132kV Malegaon–Risod line under EHV (O&M) Dn.Akola.( Route length-43 km)
Notice for 2nd call of SRM Tender for the work for Tower replacement of Loc.no 26 of 100 kV Padghe Mohone line under Lines s/dn Padgha under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali
Notice for 2nd call of SRM Tender for Renovation of Centralized Air Conditioning system at 220 kV Jambhul sub-stn under EHV (O&M) Dn.,Dombivali
Migration of FBSM Oracle 10g database on Proprietary platform IBM AIX 5.3 to Oracle latest version on Open Source Platform and integration with old Application Servers along with required Hardware and software licenses at SLDC Kalwa.
Work of Chemical Treatment for Arresting Growth of Grass, Shrubs etc. and annual maintenance treatment by Pest Control Method at 400KV R S Dn Thaptitanda.
2nd call to Procurement of self supporting economy ladder heavy duty made out of aluminum at 400KV Chandrapur-II under HVDC Circle, Chandrapur.
Supply of Equipment/Material, Erection, Testing and Commissioning including Civil works for additional 25 MVA, 132/33 kV T/F under Augmentation scheme at 132 KV Wai S/stn. under EHV O&M Dn.,Karad on TURN- KEY basis
Work of lighting maintenance at switchyard with required material at various EHV Sub-Stations under EHV (O&M) Division, Latur.
SRM Tender for work of Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 01 Nos C&R Panels for 25 MVA 110/11 KV T/F at 110 KV Pandharpur S/Stn & 03 Nos of C&R Panels at 132 KV Puluj S/Stn under jurisdiction of EHV (O&M) DIVISION, SOLAPUR.
Cancellation of E-tender for procurement of Nut Bolts & Clamp Connectors at various Substations under EHV(O&M)Division ,Bhandup
Work of Height extension at various Locations of 220 kv DC Lamboti-Pandharpur-Vita Line under EHV O&M Division Solapur.
Enquiry for Supply of Tyres & Tubes for Departmental Vehicle TATA Sumo under Kolhapur Testing Division
EHV Construction Division, Nasik:notice for transportation, loading & unloading of EHV line material from MSETCL store/site store/substations of all over Maharashtra for carrying out the work of 220kV Eklahre-Pimpalgaon line.
Enquiry For Work of Arresting oil leakages from various locations of Power Transformer, by using Power Patch I & II Dual Technology Cold Welding Method at 132kV S/stn. Pathri, under EHV (O&M) Division, Parbhani.
E-Enquiry for Hiring of Diesel car or equivalent diesel LMV along with Driver for LMV at EHV Lines Projects Sub-Division-II, Yavatmal for the year 2018-19 w.e.f. Dt.01.04.2018 onwards.