7000007587 |
Nagpur |
2nd call E-tender for Anti-weeding Treatment at HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur & 33KV Earth Electrode Station, Chincholi under HVDC Indoor Dn, Chandrapur.
07-02-2018 |
09-03-2018 |
(184 KB)
7000006907 |
Karad |
Work of P&F of Buchholz & Oil Surge Relay & Oil flow Indicators of 03 Nos of ICTs at 400 KV R.S.Karad.
07-02-2018 |
09-03-2018 |
(1.5 MB)
7000007274 |
Nashik |
EHV Project Circle, MSETCL, Nashik: extension Notice for E-tender RFX No. 7000007274
06-03-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(117 KB)
Nashik |
EHV CCCM Circle Nasik :Notice for Lucky draw for distribution of civil works to unemployed engineers
08-03-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(154 KB)
e-ENQUIRY NO.066 RFX NO. 7000007848 |
Pune |
SRM E-enquiry for Annual contract for work of weed control chemical treatment in 400kV, 220kV, 22kV S/Yard area at 400kV R.S. Chakan. (RFx No- 7000007848).
01-03-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(402 KB)
e-ENQUIRY NO.064 |
Pune |
Enquiry for maintenance 6 months of garden/lawn/flower bed at 400kV Chakan s/s. (dated 01-03-2018)
01-03-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(312 KB)
7000007945 |
Nagpur |
Safety audit of HVDC Terminal station, Chandrapur ,400KV Chandrapur-II, 400KV switching S/s & 400 kV Substation under HVDC RS (O&M) Circle, Chandrapur.
02-03-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(279 KB)
7000007232 |
Karad |
Cancellation of SRM RE E-Enquiry bearing RFX No.7000007232 in respect of 400 KV R.S.Karad.
01-03-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(560 KB)
7000007783 |
Karad |
Re-Enquiry (2nd call) for Rfx 7000007783 for Survey of 220kV Lote-Dasturi, 220kV Pophali-Kandalgaon line & 220kV Pedhambe-Mahad, 220kV Pedhambe-Adlab line required for replacement of rusted tower, under EHV O&M Dn. Ratnagiri
01-03-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(15 KB)
7000007759 |
Karad |
Re-Enquiry (2nd call) for Rfx 7000007759 for Testing & Refilling of fire extinguishers at various S/s under EHV O&M Dn. Ratnagiri.
01-03-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(15 KB)
7000007923 7000007922 |
Pune |
1) SRM E-Enquiry for various work required to be carried out for 220/132kV lines under jurisdiction of Line maintenance Subdivision Pandharpur. RFX No. 7000007923
2) SRM Enquiry for the work of Work of providing & Fixing of sticker for radium board with Aluminum, angle frame of various line Maint Sdn & various 220/132KV Substations address boards under jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division Solapur. RFX No. 7000007922
01-03-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(51 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/DIV/GRL/14 |
Aurangabad |
Firm Quatation for the work of replacement of porcelain insulator string by cold/offline line method of tension string on 400 kV line (400 kV CHD-GRL ckt-1 (SC) at Loc. No. 843 (CP)) [Hilly Area] under 400 kV RS Division Girwali
28-02-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(757 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/Div/GRL/13 |
Aurangabad |
Firm quotation for the work of providing and Pouring of water to existing earth pits at 400 kV & 220 kV S/S, Girwali under 400 kV RS Division Girwali
28-02-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(757 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/Div/NND/59 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry for Supply of 2 kVA Inverter at 400 kV R S Kumbhargaon, Nanded under 400 kV R S Division Kumbahrgaon, Nanded
27-02-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(28 KB)
SRM E-Tender |
Pune |
Work of LILO on 132kV Jeur-Kurduwadi line at proposed 132kV Kurduwadi Tss.(dated 23-02-2018)
06-02-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(46 KB)
E-Enquiry / Reference No. CELDK/Maint/FM-27/417 DT.22.02.2018 |
SLDC Kalwa |
E-Enquiry notice for work of removing damage/deteriorated plywood of the Pillars and providing & fixing of Marine plywood to the Pillars at New SLDC building, Airoli.
22-02-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(143 KB)
RFx - 7000007646 ₹. 17,49,940- |
Pune |
09-02-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(43 KB)
7000007702 |
Amravati |
SRM E-TENDER The Work of On site Dry out of 132/33 KV 25 MVA TF at 132 KV S/S Umarkhed under EHV O&M Division, MSETCL, Yavatmal."
22-02-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(110 KB)
7000007715 |
Nagpur |
Annual maintenance for civil work at HVDC Regional Training Center, HVDC Guest House, HVDC Civil unit , HVDC Circle Chandrapur and HVDC TL O&M Dn., Chandrapur
22-02-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(213 KB)
7000007820 |
Aurangabad |
Rapid Restoration of System (RRS) for changeover system for 4X167MVA 400/220/33kV ICT-III at 400kV S/S, Girwali under EHV O&M Circle Aurangabad
22-02-2018 |
08-03-2018 |
(10 KB)