7000007458 |
Karad |
eTender Notice No. T - 40/2017-18 (RFX No. 7000007458) for Increasing the waterway of existing nallah along the compound at 220 KV Sub Sation, Niwali, Dist. Ratnagiri,
27-02-2018 |
06-03-2018 |
(580 KB)
7000007889 |
Vashi |
RFX for annual supply of grade-I nitrogen cylinders for valve cooling system at HVDC Padghe.
27-02-2018 |
06-03-2018 |
(256 KB)
440 |
Karad |
Enquiry for providing clean water for drinking/ earthing through tanker at 220 KV Oni S/s under EHV O&M Dn., Ratnagiri.
27-02-2018 |
06-03-2018 |
(21 KB)
7000007429 |
Vashi |
Extension to SRM E-tender for attending oil leakage from top plate of main tank of 220/22kv,50 MVA EMCO make T/F-II at 220 KV Nerul Substation under EHV(O&M)Division ,Bhandup
27-02-2018 |
06-03-2018 |
(30 KB)
Ref: EE/EHV/O&M/ DN/BBLR/T-9/ 408 |
Nashik |
EHV O&M Div. Babhaleshwar:E- Enquiry for work of implementation of wireless annunciation panel at 132kV Kharda S/s under EHV (O&M) Division.
27-02-2018 |
06-03-2018 |
(122 KB)
7000007448 |
Vashi |
Extension to SRM E-tender for arresting oil leakage in Transformer body &OLTC Chamber(50MVA,220/22kV ,Transformer-3,make EMCO) at 220KV Colourchem Substation under EHV(O&M) Dn Bhandup.
27-02-2018 |
06-03-2018 |
(30 KB)
7000007434 |
Karad |
Corrigendum to Tender Notice eT-15/2017-18 (Rfx No.7000007434) for Construction of parking shed, Watchman Cabin and supplying of office furniture at 400KV R S DN. Alkud(M), Dist. Sangli..
27-02-2018 |
06-03-2018 |
(17 KB)
EE/PCDN/Tech/No. 325 Dt:26.02.2018 |
Pune |
E-enquiry for repairing & calibration of Megger make Insulation tester (Model MIT M520/2) at various Substations under EHV O&M Pimpri Chinchwad Division , Pune.(dated 26-02-2018)
26-02-2018 |
06-03-2018 |
(57 KB)
7000007784 |
Pune |
E-Tender for the work of Cold Line Cleaning (Manually) for Disc Insulator Strings by using Chemical washing method of 220kV & 132kV EHV Lines Towers under EHV Line Maintenance Sub-Division Manchar under EHV O&M Division Manchar.(dated 20-02-2018)
20-02-2018 |
06-03-2018 |
(240 KB)
6000000457 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. T-1814 Pkg A/MSETCL/CO/DCM/D&T/TKC-Lines for Turnkey construction of 220 kV DC line from 220 kV Wani S/s to 132kV Pandharkawada s/s, Route length – 29 Kms from Loc. No. 1 to 90 (i.e. 5 Kms of 220kV DC line on MC towers at 220kV Wani S/s end and 24 Kms of DC line on DC towers) under Amravati Zone, Chief Engineer (D, C&M).
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
07-02-2018 |
06-03-2018 |
(251 KB)
6000000447 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. T-1812/MSETCL/CO/DCM/D&T/TKC-Lines for Turnkey construction of 220kV Khaperkheda-I - Uppalwadi D/C line (Route length – 11.1 Kms) (6.8 Kms U/G & 4.3 Kms OH) under Nagpur Zone, Chief Engineer (D, C&M).
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
07-02-2018 |
06-03-2018 |
(253 KB)
6000000454 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. T-1808/MSETCL/CO/DC&M/D&T/SS-PreTender for establishment of 220/132/33 kV substation at Karanja Dist. Wardha under Nagpur Zone, Chief Engineer (DC&M).
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
02-02-2018 |
06-03-2018 |
(208 KB)
7000007505 |
Aurangabad |
Work of supply and erection of spares to HPMV/HPSV/Metal Halide light fixtures at various EHV Substations under EHV O&M Division, Nanded
04-02-2018 |
06-03-2018 |
(143 KB)
7000007451 |
Pune |
Cancellation of E-Tender for Work of Construction of 132 KV End Bays at 132 Kv Purandawade & 132 KV Shirpur substations under Scheme for Second Circuit Stringing on (a) Existing SCDC of 132KV Purandawade tap line and (b) 132 KV Malinagar-Shankarnagar & 132KV Shirpur-Velapur Line.
25-01-2018 |
05-03-2018 |
(156 KB)
7000007441 |
Pune |
Cancellation of the E-Tender for Work of stringing on 132 KV Shirpur-Velapur-Shankarnagar Line under Scheme for Second Circuit stringing on 132 KV Malinagar-Shankarnagar & 132KV Shirpur-Velapur Line.
25-01-2018 |
05-03-2018 |
(151 KB)
7000007773 |
Nashik |
EHV O & M Circle,Bhusawal : PreBid Meeting : Pre bid meeting regarding RFx No. 7000007773 on date 05.03.2018; 15:00 Hrs at EHV (O&M) Circle, MSETCL, Bhusawal
05-03-2018 |
05-03-2018 |
(102 KB)
EE/400 k/R.S.DIV/LAMBOTI/T/ Dtd 26.02.2018 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for providing of LMV vehicle (TATA Sumo/Mahindra Bolero) on hire basis for 400 KV Line Maint. S/Dn, Lamboti.(dated 01-03-2018)
26-02-2018 |
05-03-2018 |
(33 KB)
7000007356 |
Vashi |
Extension to SRM E-tender for providing Annunciation System at 220 kV Sonkhar Substation under EHV(O&M)Dn Bhandup
28-02-2018 |
05-03-2018 |
(29 KB)
Tender No. EE/400KVRS/(O&M)DN/LNKD/Tender/T-16/17-18 (RFx No.7000007407) |
Pune |
RFx No.7000007407, E-tender for Erection of M/s NR make fully numeric 400 & 220kV Bus Bar Protection panels at 400 KV Lonikand-1 S/Stn…..extension thereof.
22-01-2018 |
05-03-2018 |
(99 KB)
7000007453 |
Nashik |
EHV PC (O&M) Zone,Nashik:Extension Notice for Work of second circuit stringing on existing 132kV SCDC Shahada-Taloda Line under EHV Projects Division, Jalgaon
28-02-2018 |
05-03-2018 |
(41 KB)