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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000007224 Amravati


09-02-2018 11-03-2018 (383 KB)
EE/PCDN/Tech/No.245 Dt:09.02.2018 Pune

E-enquiry for work of internal inspection & repair of 132/22 kV, 25 MVA, BBL
make Sr. No.4924/1 additional Transformer at 132 kV Markal S/S along with expert
services from manufacturer.(dated 09-02-2018)

09-02-2018 15-02-2018 (59 KB)
162 Pune

E-Enquiry for carrying out safety audit of 220KV & 132KV EHV Sub-Stations including training of staff under EHV O&M Division, Manchar, as per BSOHSAS: 18001/IS 18001 standard.(dated 09-02-2018)

09-02-2018 20-02-2018 (373 KB)
7000007574 Aurangabad

Work of providing Outsource ITI technicians in electrical trade at 400kV Thaptitanda (Aurangabad-II)

09-02-2018 11-03-2018 (287 KB)
EE/PCDN/Tech/No. 250 Dt:09.02.2018 Pune

E-enquiry for Hiring of LMV vehicle for Executive Engineer of EHV O&M Division Pimpri Chinchwad,Pune.(dated 09-02-2018)

09-02-2018 16-02-2018 (49 KB)
RFX No-7000007608/ enquiry no. 413 Pune

SRM Enquiry for balance erection work of control cable laying, termination and conductor jumpering for augmentation of additional 50MVA, 220/22KV TF with 22KVx4 nos feeders at 220Kv Theur s/stn. Enquiry for balance erection work of control cable laying, termination
and conductor jumpering for augmentation of additional 50MVA, 220/22KV TF with 22KVx4 nos feeders at 220Kv Theur s/stn. Enquiry for balance erection work of control cable laying, termination and conductor jumpering for augmentation of additional 50MVA, 220/22KV TF
with 22KVx4 nos feeders at 220Kv Theur s/stn.(dated 09-02-2018)

09-02-2018 15-02-2018 (645 KB)
7000006951 Karad
SRM-Tender Notice T-23/17-18/ RFx. No. 7000006951-IInd Call for the Work of Tower  Painting with anti corrosive treatment of various EHV Lines under EHV O&M Division, Sangli.
09-02-2018 13-03-2018 (20 KB)
7000007624 Pune

Providing skilled/unskilled manpower on contract basis for working at administrative offices under PLCC division Pune.(dated 09-02-2018)

09-02-2018 12-03-2018 (64 KB)
7000007147 Vashi

Notice for 1st time extension of SRM Tender for the work for Tower replacement of Loc.no 26 of 100 kV Padghe Mohone line under Lines s/dn Padgha under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali

09-02-2018 15-02-2018 (24 KB)
7000007170 Karad

Due date Extension for SRM E tender T-3/2017-18, RFx No.7000007170 & T-4/2017-18, RFx No.7000007189 for 132 KV substations & LILO Lines for proposed Ratnagiri & Kudal TSS under Package – B upto 14.02.2018, 23:00 hrs.

09-02-2018 14-02-2018 (58 KB)
7000006461 Nashik

RS(O&M)Division,Babhaleshwar : E-Tender notice Extension for Work of Supply and Errection of  132kV DC Model Tower line at RTC Babhaleshwar 

09-02-2018 17-02-2018 (531 KB)
7000007599 Vashi

Construction of chain link fencing and paver block to ZP primary school and Construction of cultural shed at village Usar, taluka Wada, district Palghar.

09-02-2018 27-02-2018 (198 KB)
7000007166 Vashi

Notice for 1st time extension of SRM Tender for the work for attending emergency breakdown and planned maintenance activities of  various 220 kV /100 kV EHV line under line S/Dn., Padgha under EHV (O&M) Dn., Dombivali for FY 2017-18

09-02-2018 15-02-2018 (24 KB)
7000007212 Vashi

Notice for 1st time extension of SRM Tender for Renovation of Centralized Air Conditioning system at 220 kV Jambhul sub-stn under EHV (O&M) Dn.,Dombivali

09-02-2018 15-02-2018 (24 KB)
7000007623 Amravati

E-TENDER Work of Replacement of Top plate gasket of 132/33kV,25MVA Transformer No.1(Make-BHEL)at 132kV S/S Darwha S/S under EHV O&M Circle,Amravati.

09-02-2018 24-02-2018 (92 KB)
7000007584 Nashik

EHV (O&M) DN Nasik : Supply & Work of second circuit stringing on existing 132kV SCDC Satana-kalwan Line under EHV O&M Division, Nashik (Circuit KM=11.28 KM).

09-02-2018 24-02-2018 (589 KB)
EE/400/RS/Div/NND/40 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry for supply of various office furniture at 400 kV RS Division Kumbhargaon, Nanded

09-02-2018 20-02-2018 (337 KB)
6000000448 Corporate Office

Tender No. T-1814PkgB/MSETCL/CO/DCM/D&T/TKC-Lines for Turnkey construction of 220 kV DC line from 220 kV Wani S/s to 132kV Pandharkawada s/s, Route length – 29 Kms from Loc. No. 91 to 188 (i.e. 3 Kms of 220kV DC line on MC towers at 220kV Pandharkawada s/s end and 26 Kms of DC line on DC towers) under Amravati Zone, Chief Engineer (D, C&M).

08-02-2018 07-03-2018 (114 KB)
262 Karad

Enquiry for the work of Providing of out sourcing Skilled ITI Operators for various EHV S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Sangli.

08-02-2018 14-02-2018 (27 KB)
7000007413 Vashi

SRM RE-Enquiry(2ndcall) for arresting oil leakages from Inspection Window and air release screw of 220/22kV, 50 MVA ,IMP  Make Transformer-II  at 220 kV ,Airoli Knowledge Park  Substation  under EHV O&M Division, Bhandup.

08-02-2018 16-02-2018 (30 KB)