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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000031213 Vashi

Work of stub strengthening of 220kV Apta - Uran - 1 and 2 D/C line and 220kV Apta - Uran & 4 D/C line of open foundation (Normal ) under EHV lines S/Dn. Panvel  under EHV (O&M) Division, Panvel.

04-06-2024 12-06-2024 (403 KB)
7000031260 Vashi Replacement of EHV CTs & PTs at various substations under EHV (O&M) Circle, Panvel.    04-06-2024 12-06-2024 (382 KB)
7000031012 Vashi

Replacement of existing old equipments at 220kV Mahad S/stn and 100kV Roha S/stn. Under EHV (O&M) Dn. Mahad. 

04-06-2024 12-06-2024 (390 KB)
7000031303 Vashi Supply of 40 Nos. of Mid Back Chairs with writing pad and leather upholstery for Regional Training Centre, Padghe.   04-06-2024 11-06-2024 (552 KB)
7000031312 Nagpur

2nd call E-tender for Work of “Providing & Fixing Concertina Coil over existing fencing to avoid entry of wild animal in yard & coping along the existing fencing to prevent the growth of climbers, bushes etc.” under HVDC Indoor Division, Chandrapur.

05-06-2024 12-06-2024 (14 KB)
7000031232 Nagpur

2nd call E-tender for Procurement of 11 KV CT’s suitable for 500 Sq.mm cable for Indoor application at HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur for the year 2023-24.
Estimated Cost : Rs. 2,47,800/- (Inclusive of all Taxes).

05-06-2024 12-06-2024 (16 KB)
SE/EHVC/PV/TS/ 877 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: The Work of Annual maintenance contract for Computers/Laptop along with Networking and printers for EHV (O&M) Circle office Parli-V.

05-06-2024 11-06-2024 (1.3 MB)
EE/EHV/PD-III/Solapur/679 Date:-05/06/2024 Pune

E-enquiry for the supply of office stationary material for the EHV Projects Div-III Solapur including S/Dn offices

05-06-2024 12-06-2024 (48 KB)
RFx No: 7000031306 Pune

Work of AMC for weed control at 400kV RS Div, Lamboti (after Amendment in Requirements)

05-06-2024 18-06-2024 (109 KB)
EE/448 Dt: 05.06.2024 Pune

Publication of budgetary offer for AMC for Weed Control Chemical Treatment & Rodent Control Treatment at various substations under EHV (O&M) Dn-II, Pune.

05-06-2024 12-06-2024 (230 KB)
7000029975 Karad

Work of providing and fixing of 200W Amber Colored LED flood Light fixtures at 220KV Vankusawade S/Stn. under EHV (O&M) Division, Karad.

05-06-2024 12-06-2024 (58 KB)
7000029880 Karad

Rate contract (for 2 years) for testing, refilling & supply of required spares for existing fire extinguishers at various EHV Sub-Stations under EHV O&M Division Karad.

05-06-2024 12-06-2024 (58 KB)
SE/EHV/O&M/Circle/ SHP/T/ 689 Date: -05.06.2024 Pune

E-Enquiry for Providing of LMV vehicle (TATA Sumo/Mahindra Bolero,/Mahindra Xylo etc.) on hire basis at the office of the PID Unit, EHV O&M Circle Solapur

05-06-2024 14-06-2024 (120 KB)
EE/EHV/PROJ/DIV/NSK/Tech./0798 Nashik

e-enquiry for Hiring of additional Vehicle (Diesel/Petrol+cng) preferably SUMO/BOLERO along with vehicle driver on per day basis for 400kV Lines Projects Subdivision, MSETCL, Babhaleshwar.

05-06-2024 13-06-2024 (1.1 MB)
EE/EHV/PROJ/DIV/NSK/Tech./0797 Nashik

e-enquiry for Hiring of Vehicle (Diesel/Petrol+cng) preferably SUMO/BOLERO on per day basis along with vehicle driver for S&I Sub Division,Nashik.

05-06-2024 13-06-2024 (1.2 MB)
7000031178 Nashik

SRM E-Enquiry for the work of Anti-termite, Anti-reptile & Rodent control treatment at 400KV RS Dhule & 220KV Old Dhule S/s. under 400KV R.S. Division Dhule, under EHV(O&M) Circle, Bhusawal.

05-06-2024 12-06-2024 (69 KB)
7000031241 Nashik

2nd callSRM E-Enquiry for procurement of 08Nos. of multifunction panel meters (MFM) against faulty meters for SCADA MFM metering network at 400KV R.S. Dhule, under EHV (O&M) Circle, Bhusawal.

05-06-2024 12-06-2024 (104 KB)
EE/PCDN/Pune/Tech./554 Dt:05.06.2024 Pune

Re-enquiry for the work of attending severely rusted tower legs by stub strengthening along with chimney height raising on Urgent Basis within the jurisdiction of Line Maintenance Sub-division under EHV O&M Division, Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune

05-06-2024 14-06-2024 (656 KB)
7000030482 Nashik

notice for Cancellation of E-tender  - Repair of ICT Cooling Fans & Pumps at 400KV RS division, Deepnagar-Bhusawal-II

05-06-2024 12-06-2024 (165 KB)
7000030212 Nashik Cancellation Notice of E-tender -- 33KV CT,PT, 33KV VCB , 440Volt ACB at 400KV RS Division, Deepnagar-Bhusawal-II   05-06-2024 12-06-2024 (160 KB)