7000007593 |
Karad |
Renovation works of Class III Staff quarters at 110 KV Sub Station Kale, Tal-Panhala, Dist-Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000007593 )
07-02-2018 |
21-02-2018 |
(577 KB)
7000007559 |
Vashi |
RFX for Erection, dismantling and transportation of ICT/ Transformer, accessories and transportation of EHV equipments as and when required.
06-02-2018 |
21-02-2018 |
(462 KB)
7000007583 |
Karad |
Land cutting work in between tower Loc no.42-43 near Daphalewadi, Tal-Guhagar Dist-Ratnagiri, Loc no. 92-93 near Dasturi Tal-Khed, Dist-Ratnagiri & Loc no. 132-133 near Chinchvali village, Tal-Mandangad, Dist-Ratnagiri of 400KV Dabhol Nagothane II line.
06-02-2018 |
21-02-2018 |
(80 KB)
7000007332 |
Nashik |
EHV Project Circle, Nashik :Notice for Work of providing services of Manpower on outsource basis for the post of Office Assistance,Typist and Peon at EHV Projects Circle Nashik.
24-01-2018 |
21-02-2018 |
(137 KB)
Tender No. EE/400KVRS/(O&M)DN/LNKD/Tender/T-16/17-18 |
Pune |
RFx No.7000007407, E-tender for Erection of M/s NR make fully numeric 400 & 220kV Bus Bar Protection panels at 400 KV Lonikand-1 S/Stn.(dated 23-01-2018)
22-01-2018 |
21-02-2018 |
(98 KB)
7000007309 |
Pune |
Work of Painting of various EHV towers under EHV Line Maintenance Sub Division Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune.(dated 22-01-2018)
22-01-2018 |
21-02-2018 |
(13 KB)
7000007323 |
Nashik |
400KV R.S. Division, Khadka - Bhusawal :Notice for Work of AMC for Ground Patrolling, Monkey Patrolling & Tree cutting as & when required for 400 KV S/C & D/C Lines under 400KV LM S/Dn. Akot Side & BBLR Side under 400kV RS Dn. Khadka-Bhusawal.
23-01-2018 |
21-02-2018 |
(86 KB)
162 |
Pune |
Cancellation of E-Enquiry for carrying out safety audit of 220KV & 132KV EHV Sub-Stations including training of staff under EHV O&M Division, Manchar, as per BSOHSAS: 18001/IS 18001 standard.(dated 19-03-2018)
09-02-2018 |
20-02-2018 |
(452 KB)
Ref. No. CE/MSETCL/NSK Zone/T-30/No. 0469 |
Nashik |
EHV PC O&M Zone Nashik :Notice for Providing light Diesel Vehicle on contract basis with driver for AGM (F&A), with driver for 1 Year contract period.
17-02-2018 |
20-02-2018 |
(147 KB)
E-enquiry No.-EE/400kV/RS/LNKD/Tech/ Fno.3/130 Date:- 12.02.2018 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for AMC of running & maintenance of Rest House at 400KV Lonikand R.S.(dated 15-02-2018)
12-02-2018 |
20-02-2018 |
(162 KB)
E-enquiry No.-EE/400 KV /R.S.O&M /Dn/Lonikand-I/DYEE(O)/FNo.03/129 Date:- 12.02.2018 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for annual maintenance of lawn, garden and flower beds of various garden at 400kV R.S. Lonikand S/Stn.(dated 15-02-2018)
12-02-2018 |
20-02-2018 |
(246 KB)
294 |
Karad |
Enquiry for the work of providing of Skilled Computer Operator, LDC's & Un-Skilled Peons under EHV O&M Division Sangli.
14-02-2018 |
20-02-2018 |
(27 KB)
181 |
Karad |
Enquiry for Providing outsource ITI Operators on contract basis in shift duty at various S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Karad.
14-02-2018 |
20-02-2018 |
(250 KB)
7000007657 |
Pune |
SRM E-enquiry for earthwire stringing at 220kV Century Enka Substation under EHV O&M Division, Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune
12-02-2018 |
20-02-2018 |
(56 KB)
331 |
Karad |
Enquiry for Providing diesel vehicle TATA INDICA or equivalent on hire basis alongwith Driver for EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.
12-02-2018 |
20-02-2018 |
(25 KB)
162 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for carrying out safety audit of 220KV & 132KV EHV Sub-Stations including training of staff under EHV O&M Division, Manchar, as per BSOHSAS: 18001/IS 18001 standard.(dated 09-02-2018)
09-02-2018 |
20-02-2018 |
(373 KB)
EE/400/RS/Div/NND/40 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry for supply of various office furniture at 400 kV RS Division Kumbhargaon, Nanded
09-02-2018 |
20-02-2018 |
(337 KB)
7000007602 |
Pune |
Re-Tender for replacement of 132KV Single Bus (0.2 ACSR) conductor by twin bus (0.2 ACSR) at 132KV SPSL (ESSAR) Sub-Station under EHV O&M Division Manchar.
06-02-2018 |
20-02-2018 |
(236 KB)
7000007575 |
Karad |
Removing of damaged compound wall and replacing old UCR retaining wall with RCC retaining wall at 110 KV Sub Station Chambukhadi, Tal.-Karveer, Dist-Kolhapur.( RFX No. 7000007575 )
06-02-2018 |
20-02-2018 |
(597 KB)
40 |
Karad |
Extention of Enquiry for Hiring of TATA SUMO Vehicle with Driver under Testing Dn Kolhapur
06-02-2018 |
20-02-2018 |
(13 KB)