7000007497 |
Nashik |
EHV (O&M) DN: Nashik : Work of providing & fixing of sheet moulding compound trench cover chequered plates at 220KV OCR S/S under EHV (O&M)
01-02-2018 |
15-02-2018 |
(28 KB)
7000007487 |
Pune |
01-02-2018 |
03-02-2018 |
(9 KB)
NA |
Pune |
Time Limit Extension Notice in r/o Various SRM Tender/Enquiry.(dated 30-01-2018)
01-02-2018 |
08-02-2018 |
(358 KB)
EE/TRANS/765 kV/Ektuni/Tech/23 |
Aurangabad |
E-enquiry for hiring of crane at 765 kV RS Division, Ektuni
01-02-2018 |
09-02-2018 |
(394 KB)
EE/EHV O&M/Dn/SGL/T/ No. 198 |
Karad |
Enquiry for the work of Providing of out sourcing Skilled ITI Operators for various EHV S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Sangli.
31-01-2018 |
07-02-2018 |
(27 KB)
7000007440 |
Karad |
Providing outsource Junior technician & Art'A' under Testing & Communication Circle, Karad (Testing Dn., Karad & Telecom Dn.,Karad).
31-01-2018 |
01-03-2018 |
(17 KB)
Not Applicable |
Pune |
Budgetary offer letter no. 145 dtd. 31.01.2018 Providing & Fixing SCADA (SAS System) at 220 kV Magarpatta SS under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune. (dated 01-02-2018)
31-01-2018 |
11-02-2018 |
(1 MB)
7000007438 |
Amravati |
SRM E-TENDER Supply and commissioning of 25kg DCP Gun type Fire Extinguishers at EHV sub stations under EHV O&M Circle,Amravati
31-01-2018 |
15-02-2018 |
(68 KB)
CELDK/Maint/FM-14/0221 |
SLDC Kalwa |
E-Enquiry for supply of stationary items for office work at SLDC, Airoli.
31-01-2018 |
15-02-2018 |
(172 KB)
e-ENQUIRY NO. 41 |
Pune |
e-Enquiry for BATTERY CAPACITY TEST at 400 kV Chakan s/s.
31-01-2018 |
07-02-2018 |
(722 KB)
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry: Hiring of Vehicle Sedan/Compact Sedan Car A.C. for MSETCL EHV Civil Const.Cum Maint.Circle, Aurangabad.
31-01-2018 |
06-02-2018 |
(992 KB)
EE/123 Dt: 31.01.2018 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for work of Oil leakage problem in 25 MVA T&R make T/F-3 at 132kV Andra lake under EHV O&M Dn. II, Pune.
31-01-2018 |
14-02-2018 |
(76 KB)
EE/122 Dt: 31.01.2018 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for work of Repairing of faulty LV cable of 132/22kV, 25MVA, BBL make Power T/f – 2 at 132 kV Varasgaon under EHV O&M Dn. II, Pune.(dated 31-01-2018)
31-01-2018 |
12-02-2018 |
(76 KB)
7000007171 |
Nagpur |
Tender for Maintenance of lawn, trees, angiosperm(i.e flowering plant) in the premises of 400kV RS O&M Division along with cleaning of chain link fencing of 400 kV & 220 kV S/Y (inside & outside) periphery under 400KV GCR Chandrapur.
31-01-2018 |
06-02-2018 |
(90 KB)
7000006910 |
Nagpur |
Enquiry for Non Comphrensive Annual Maintenance contract for the ASES make fire detection system at 400KV GCR Substation, Chandrapur.
31-01-2018 |
06-02-2018 |
(91 KB)
EE/EHV(O&M)/Beed/Tech/155 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry: Work for Fixing of short/missing Tower members to 220/132kV Lines under Line Sub-division Osmanabad under EHV O&M Division, Beed.
31-01-2018 |
07-02-2018 |
(982 KB)
7000007495 |
Nashik |
EHV (O&M) Circle :Nashik :Work of outer to inner arrangement of 132KV Raymond-Adgaon line at 132KV Mhasrule Substation.
31-01-2018 |
14-02-2018 |
(223 KB)
7000007411 |
Nashik |
EHV (O&M) DN Nasik : Notice for work of providing & fixing of electrical insulation ,Acid & alkali proof synthetic insulating Mat for control room of mat size 3.00 MM thickness confirming to IS 15652:2006 at various SS.
31-01-2018 |
14-02-2018 |
(365 KB)
7000006623 |
Nashik |
EHV O & M Division,Jalgaon : Extension : Notice for the Work of AMC for overhauling/servicing along with supply of required spares for 11KV Vaccum Circuit Breakers at various 132kV substations under EHV (O&M) Division, Jalgaon.
31-01-2018 |
06-02-2018 |
(19 KB)
7000007480 |
Karad |
Miscellaneous civil works and day to day maintenance of gardens, lawns, flower beds etc. at 132 KV S/Stn. Bambawade,Dist. Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000007480 )
31-01-2018 |
14-02-2018 |
(590 KB)