7000007026 |
Nagpur |
2nd Call SRM E-Tender for Supply , Installation and transportation of 3 nos. of 5 Star, 1.5 Ton (Bluestar make or equivalent make) Copper Split Air Conditioners at Dhaba Repeater Station (Vg. Runjha Dist.Yavatmal) under HVDC TL O&M Sub-Division, Chandrapur under HVDC TL O&M Division, Chandrapur.
24-01-2018 |
08-02-2018 |
(26 KB)
7000007425 |
Nagpur |
Comprehensive Annual maintenance contract of Air Conditioners at HVDC Circle Office, HVDC Guest House & Training Center Chandrapur
24-01-2018 |
30-01-2018 |
(203 KB)
7000007201 |
Nagpur |
SRM E-Tender for the work of Restringing of S/C 0.5 ACSR Moose Conductor on 400KVChandrapur-Khaperkheda line at Low Clearance Sections under HVDC TL O&M Division, Chandrapur
24-01-2018 |
25-02-2018 |
(25 KB)
CE/EHV PC O&M ZONE/PUNE/T/220 dtd. 24.01.2018 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for Work of preparation of Geographical Map of EHV lines and Substation Network Diagram of Pune Zone (in English & Marathi both).(Dt.24-01-2018)
24-01-2018 |
03-02-2018 |
(615 KB)
SE/EHV/PC/KOP/e-Enquiry No.074 |
Karad |
E-Enquiry for providing TATA INDICA/TATA INDIGO/MARUTI SWIFT DESIRE Vehicle on hiring basis at EHV Projects Circle Kolhapur.
24-01-2018 |
05-02-2018 |
(37 KB)
7000007228 |
Pune |
Extension to SRM E-enquiry for work of internal inspection & repair of 132/22 kV, 25 MVA, BBL make Sr. No.4924/1 additional Transformer at 132 kV Markal S/S along with expert services from manufacturer. ( RFx No- 7000007228).(dated 24-01-2018)
24-01-2018 |
31-01-2018 |
(22 KB)
E Enquiry Extn No. 08 Dt:24.01.2018 |
Pune |
Due date Extn for e-Enquiry for Housekeeping work (wet & Dry) of toilet and bathrooms of office bldg building and staff qtrs and Garden maintenance work under Majore Store A Baramati……3rd call.(dated 24-01-2018)
24-01-2018 |
29-01-2018 |
(24 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/Dn/BBLR/Tech/00063 |
Nashik |
400kV RS(O&M)Division ,Babhaleshwar : E-Enquiry For Work Of AMC of 220kV DC & 48V DC Battery set & Battery charger.
24-01-2018 |
03-02-2018 |
(1.1 MB)
EE/400kV/RS/Dn/BBLR/Tech/00062 |
Nashik |
400kV RS(O&M)Division ,Babhaleshwar : E-Enquiry for work of supply of emergency spare 400kV Clamp and connector.
24-01-2018 |
03-02-2018 |
(1.1 MB)
7000007142,7000007143,7000007139,7000007152 |
Nashik |
EHV PC (O&M) Zone,Nashik : Second Call :Notice for work for Rfx.No.7000007142,7000007143,7000007139,7000007152.
24-01-2018 |
22-02-2018 |
(15 KB)
7000006908 |
Nashik |
EHV (O&M) Division,Dhule :Extension :Work of service & supply of required spares for the installation, testing & commissioning of N2 gas fire protection system (CTR make) at 220kv Shahada S/s under EHV(O&M) Division, Dhule
24-01-2018 |
30-01-2018 |
(99 KB)
7000007403 |
Nashik |
EHV O & M Division,Jalgaon : Notice for Work of Restringing of conductor to maintain electrical clearances of various 220kV & 132kV Lines under EHV (O&M) Division, Jalgaon.
24-01-2018 |
22-02-2018 |
(15 KB)
7000007332 |
Nashik |
EHV Project Circle, Nashik :Notice for Work of providing services of Manpower on outsource basis for the post of Office Assistance,Typist and Peon at EHV Projects Circle Nashik.
24-01-2018 |
21-02-2018 |
(137 KB)
EEC/NSK/T-11/2017-18 |
Nashik |
EHV CCCM Divison , Nashik : second Extension :Notice for metal Spreading and allied work at 132kV OCR sub-station Eklahare,Nashik.
24-01-2018 |
29-01-2018 |
(244 KB)
7000007431 |
Karad |
Dismantling of old chain link and increasing height of existing compound wall at 110 KV Sub-station, Kothali, Dist. Kolhapur.(RFX No.7000007431 )
24-01-2018 |
23-02-2018 |
(551 KB)
7000007409 |
Karad |
Tower Revetment work of 110 KV Dudhganga-Mudshingi line ( Tower No. 31 ) at Daryche Vadgaon, Tal. Kagal,Dist. Kolhapur. ( RFX No.7000007409 )
24-01-2018 |
23-02-2018 |
(596 KB)
7000006761 |
Amravati |
SRM E-TENDER Supply & Installation of window annunciators to control panels at various EHV S/Stn under EHV O&M Circle, Amravati.
23-01-2018 |
03-02-2018 |
(85 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/Beed/136 |
Aurangabad |
E Enquiry for the Supply of office material such as 1) Metal cupboard 2) Office Executive cushion chairs 3) office chairs & 4) Plaslic Chairs at EHV (O&M) Division Beed
23-01-2018 |
30-01-2018 |
(288 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/Dn/GRL/11 |
Aurangabad |
Firm quatation for work of Transportation, Winching, Loading and Unloading of EHV equipments and EHV Materials / Scrap materials from various store centers / required places to the MSETCL work site/ Division Stores & Vice Versa along with allied works under 400 kV RS (O&M)Division, Girwali
23-01-2018 |
01-02-2018 |
(708 KB)
7000007325 |
Aurangabad |
Providind services of housekeeping works at 220 kV S/s, 132 kV S/s and Administrative offices under EHV O&M Division Latur
23-01-2018 |
25-01-2018 |
(224 KB)