7000031390 |
Nagpur |
SRM E-Tender specification No.EE/EHV/O&M/NGP/Tech/SRM-E-Tender/24-25/06 (RFX No. 7000031390) towards Work of providing & fixing of tower earthing (Pipe & Counter Poise ) at various locations / towers of 132KV / 220KV lines, under EHV (O&M) Division, MSETCL , Nagpur
12-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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7000031056 |
Nashik |
SRM E-Enquiry (1st Call) for the work of Anti-termite, Anti-reptile & Anti- rodent control treatment (including Anti Mosquito, Anti Lizard, Anti Cockroach & Snake Control treatment) for the premises under 400 kV RS. Dn, Deepnagar Bhusawal-II.
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
(544 KB)
1018 |
Karad |
Enquiry for submission of budgetary offer for Supply of 3 No’s of 33/ 11kV, 400-200/1A, 3C CT under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
(75 KB)
7000030536 |
Vashi |
3rd Call for Rate contract for the work of Chemical Cleaning of dust/bird shit contaminated insulator strings by using High Voltage Insulator Cleaner & Protector on 500kV Chandrapur-Padghe HVDC line and 33kV Anjur Electrode Line under the jurisdiction of Padghe, Junnar & Babhaleshwar sub-divisions for the FY 2024-25.
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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7000031506 |
Nagpur |
Providing & fixing 3KW/4L/Hr Cromium plated heater fitted with a thermostat housed in steel or glass boiler distilled water plant for 220KV Uppalwadi & 132KV Mankapur/Besa/Pardi Sub-Station under R.S.Ringmain Division, MSETCL, Nagpur
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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7000031381 (3rd Call) |
Nagpur |
3rd Call for Scheme for work of construction of 1x33kV bay for evacuation of 5MW power from Waste Heat Recovery based Captive Power Plant of M/s. Lloyds Metal and Energy Ltd. at Konsari Tal. Chamorshi Dist. Gadchiroli under 100% ORC Scheme under EHV O&M Circle, Chandrapur.
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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7000031371 (2nd Call) |
Nagpur |
2nd Call for Engaging of manpower for office work (Office Assistant, Typist & Peon) through outsourcing for various offices under EHV O&M Circle, Chandrapur.
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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7000031463 |
Pune |
SRM -E Tender No.04 for 1st call for work of replacement of existing electrical wiring in control room at various S/S, under EHV O&M Div-1, Pune
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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7000031238 |
Pune |
SRM E Tender No.2 Second Call for work of providing road marking with Hot applied Thermoplastic compound with Reflectorizing Glass beads on bituminous surface on the route of 132kV GIS Rasta Peth- 220/132kV Parvati & 132kV GIS Rasta Peth – 220/132kV Magarpatta S/S underground cable, under EHV Line Maintenance Sub-Division-I, Pune
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No.00704 |
Karad |
Enquiry for Providing Tata Sumo/Bolero or equivalent on hire basis along with Driver for EHV S/s maintenance S/DN Ratnagiri, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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7000031496 |
Amravati |
SRM Etender Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of additional 1 x 25MVA, 132/33 kV T/F along with Bay equipments and all allied equipments with Civil works at 132kV Arni substation, under EHV O&M Division Yavatmal on turnkey basis under MSKVY 2.0 (T/F will be provided by MSETCL)
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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7000031363 |
Nagpur |
3rd CALL:- Tender for the Work of Painting to 400KV/220/33KV,167*3 MVA, ICT-I & II at 400KV Chandrapur-2 Substation under 400KV RS (O&M) Dn-II, MSETCL, Chandrapur
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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7000031485 |
Nagpur |
3rd call E-tender for repair of Oil Filtration Plant (make: John Flower) at HVDC Terminal Station Chandrapur. Tender amount Rs. 12,61,278/- (Including all Taxes)
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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RFX:7000031406 |
Nagpur |
Annual Maintenance of lawn and garden in the premises of 132KV Besa/Uppalwadi/Hingna 1/Mankapur/Khapri Sub-Station under RS Ringmain Division, MSETCL, Nagpur
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
(474 KB)
7000030886 |
Nagpur |
Work of Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for water cooler & water purifier at various 132kV Sub-Stations and sub-division under RS Ringmain Division Nagpur and at R.S. Ring main division office.
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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7000031454 |
Nagpur |
AMC of replacement of installed Smoothing Reactor by Spare Smoothing Reactor of either Pole I or Pole II at HVDC Terminal Station Chandrapur for FY 2024-25. Estimated Cost : Limited to Rs. 25 Lakh/- (Inclusive of all Taxes)
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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7000031305 |
Karad |
Work of health assessment of grounding system and soil resistivity measurement (Earthing audit) of existing earth mat at 220KV Satara MIDC, 220KV Malharpeth, 132KV Phaltan & 132KV Satara Road S/Stn. under EHV O&M Dn. Karad.
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
(208 KB)
7000031285 |
Karad |
Work of providing and fixing of 200W Amber Colored LED flood Light fixtures at 220KV Vankusawade S/Stn. under EHV (O&M) Division, Karad.
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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7000031287 |
Karad |
Work of Providing & fixing of anti-climbing device i.e. barbed wire at various tower locations of 220/132/110KV EHV Lines under EHV O&M Dn. Karad
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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7000031405 |
Nagpur |
Various Civil Activities required for ICT 1, ICT 2 and spare ICT and other allied works required at 400KV S/Stn Warora, Dist. Chandrapur
11-06-2024 |
18-06-2024 |
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