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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000007410 Aurangabad

Work Shifting/Modification/Extension of Tower of 132 kV Beed-Raimoha Line at Loc. No. 1011 Mini Bypass Road, MIDC, Beed due to Low Line Clearance caused by Construction of New Cement Road by MSRDC under EHV O&M Circle Parli (V)

Document Title End Date File
7 days Extension 01-01-1970 (16 KB)
7 days Extension 01-01-1970 (16 KB)
23-01-2018 15-02-2018 (16 KB)
7000007427 Vashi

SRM E-tender for servicing & alignment of 220 KV Isolators at various substations under EHV O&M Dn Bhandup

23-01-2018 26-02-2018 (29 KB)
ee/ms/krd/t/7 Karad

Enquiry for Providing Hired Vehicle TATA Indica Vehicle on hire basis, at Executive Engineer Major Stores, Karad(Ogalewadi).

23-01-2018 31-01-2018 (956 KB)
7000006988 SLDC Kalwa

SRM E-Tender extension  notice  for  Comprehensive  AMC of  CCTV system and allied equipments at  SLDC , Airoli.

23-01-2018 01-02-2018 (87 KB)
5000000512 Corporate Office

Tender No. SP/T-0601/0118 (Two Bid System) for Supply of 420/245/145 KV CTs (Live Tank) & PTs of various ratings for R&M scheme in MSETCL system under Executive Engineer (P&C).

23-01-2018 19-02-2018 (27 KB)
7000007375 Nagpur

Work of Supply, Civil & ETC for Augmentation of Additional 132/66/33KV 25MVA T/F alongwith 8Nos. 33KV Bays and 33/0.4KV 200MVA Station T/F at 132KV Seloo S/stn ( Excluding T/F)

Document Title End Date File
Work of Supply, Civil & ETC for Augmentation of Additional 132/66/33KV 25MVA T/F alongwith 8Nos. 33KV Bays and 33/0.4KV 200MVA Station T/F at 132KV Seloo S/stn ( Excluding T/F) 05-02-2018 (950 KB)
23-01-2018 23-02-2018 (1.7 MB)
7000006797 Vashi

SRM  RE-tender for work of repairing/servicing along with reassembling of pole of 11/22/33 kV Circuit breaker of various substation  under EHV O&M Dn Bhandup

23-01-2018 23-02-2018 (29 KB)
7000007396 Vashi

RE-tender for replacement of 220 kV Auxiliary Bus with twin 0.4 ACSR  Zebra conductor at 220 kV Borivali substation under EHV O&M Dn,Bhandup

23-01-2018 23-02-2018 (29 KB)
EE/EHV/PD-III/SOLAPUR/80 dt-22/01/2018 Pune

E-enquiry for Providing of TATA INDICA or Equivalent on hired basis for The Addl. Ex. Engineer, EHV line Proj. S/Dn, Pandharpur.(dated 23-01-2018)

23-01-2018 29-01-2018 (35 KB)
Enq-141 Vashi

E-Enquiry for providing 35 kVAR Capacitor Bank at 220 kV Anandnagar sub-stn under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali.

23-01-2018 05-02-2018 (727 KB)
7000007397 Nagpur

Metal Spreading at 66kv Sub Station Gimalgatta; Dist. Gadchiroli

23-01-2018 22-02-2018 (96 KB)
7000007323 Nashik

400KV R.S. Division, Khadka - Bhusawal :Notice for Work of AMC for Ground Patrolling, Monkey Patrolling & Tree cutting as & when required for 400 KV S/C & D/C Lines under 400KV LM S/Dn. Akot Side & BBLR Side under 400kV RS Dn. Khadka-Bhusawal.

23-01-2018 21-02-2018 (86 KB)
Tender No. EE/400KVRS/(O&M)DN/LNKD/Tender/T-16/17-18 RFx No.7000007407 Pune

RFx No.7000007407, E-tender for Erection of M/s NR make fully numeric 400 & 220kV Bus Bar Protection panels at 400 KV Lonikand-1 S/Stn…..2nd extension thereof.

22-01-2018 15-03-2018 (102 KB)
Tender No. EE/400KVRS/(O&M)DN/LNKD/Tender/T-16/17-18 (RFx No.7000007407) Pune

RFx No.7000007407, E-tender for Erection of M/s NR make fully numeric 400 & 220kV Bus Bar Protection panels at 400 KV Lonikand-1 S/Stn…..extension thereof.

22-01-2018 05-03-2018 (99 KB)
7000007401 Nagpur

2nd Extension to SRM E-Enquiry for work of Providing Antirodent treatment at 1) HVDC TL O&M Division Office including records rooms 2) Offices & store sheds of 400 KV LM S/Dn, Chandrapur & HVDC TL O&M S/Dn. Chandrapur. 3) Repeater station at Dhaba and Malkinhi under HVDC TL O&M Division, Chandrapur.

22-01-2018 26-02-2018 (652 KB)
7000007401 Nagpur

2nd Extension to SRM E-Enquiry for work of Providing Antirodent treatment at 1) HVDC TL O&M Division Office including records rooms 2) Offices & store sheds of 400 KV LM S/Dn, Chandrapur & HVDC TL O&M S/Dn. Chandrapur. 3) Repeater station at Dhaba and Malkinhi under HVDC TL O&M Division, Chandrapur.

22-01-2018 26-02-2018 (15 KB)
7000007401 Nagpur

1st Extension to SRM E-Enquiry for work of Providing Antirodent treatment at 1) HVDC TL O&M Division Office including records rooms 2) Offices & store sheds of 400 KV LM S/Dn, Chandrapur & HVDC TL O&M S/Dn. Chandrapur. 3) Repeater station at Dhaba and Malkinhi under HVDC TL O&M Division, Chandrapur.

22-01-2018 07-02-2018 (15 KB)
7000007050 Aurangabad

Construction of storage tank , water lifting arrangements and G.I. Pipeline for earthing pits and collars for 400Kv Kumbhargaon Dist.Nanded under CCCM Division Parbhani

Document Title End Date File
Amendment 01-01-1970 (18 KB)
22-01-2018 08-03-2018 (45 KB)
7000007401 Nagpur

SRM E-Enquiry for work of Providing Antirodent treatment at 1) HVDC TL O&M Division Office including records rooms 2) Offices & store sheds of 400 KV LM S/Dn, Chandrapur & HVDC TL O&M S/Dn. Chandrapur. 3) Repeater station at Dhaba and Malkinhi under HVDC TL O&M Division, Chandrapur.

22-01-2018 29-01-2018 (183 KB)
7000007404 SLDC Kalwa

SRM E-Tender notice for Comprehensive AMC of Air conditioning system at SLDC, Airoli.

22-01-2018 05-02-2018 (85 KB)