7000008279 |
Vashi |
Hiring of air conditioned LMV for office of the Additional Executive Engineer (Civil), E.H.V. Civil Construction cum Maintenance Sub Division-1, Airoli, for period 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019
23-03-2018 |
10-04-2018 |
(1.4 MB)
7000008301 |
Vashi |
Hiring of air conditioned LMV for office of the Additional Executive Engineer (Civil), E.H.V. Civil Construction cum Maintenance Sub Division, Thane, for period 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019
23-03-2018 |
10-04-2018 |
(1.4 MB)
7000008312 |
Vashi |
Hiring of air conditioned LMV for office of the Executive Engineer (Civil), E.H.V. Civil Construction cum Maintenance Division, Airoli, for period 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019
23-03-2018 |
10-04-2018 |
(1.4 MB)
5000000551 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No.SP/T-0502/0218 (Two Bid System) for Procurement of 400 kV Centre Break Isolators & Pantograph Isolators under Critical Repairs & Maintenance (R&M) spares for various 400 kV substations in MSETCL under Executive Engineer (P&C).
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
13-03-2018 |
10-04-2018 |
(69 KB)
7000007233 |
Pune |
SRM E-tender for the Work of erection & commissioning of fully numerical Bus Bar Protection Scheme NR make in place of existing old 132KV bus bar protection scheme panel at various 220 KV Pandharpur and Jeur S/stn under EHV O&M Division Solapur. ( IInd CALL).(dated 09-03-2018)
10-03-2018 |
10-04-2018 |
(118 KB)
EE/EHV O&M/Dn/SGL/T/ No. 685 |
Karad |
Enquiry for the work of Providing of out sourcing Skilled ITI Operators for various EHV S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Sangli
05-04-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(28 KB)
EEC/CCCM/Dn/NGP/Quot./2017-18/Q-9/2nd call/502 Dt. 04.04.2018 |
Nagpur |
Strengthening of B ph LV CT foundations of ICT-I at 220KV S/Stn Kanhan, Dist Nagpur
04-04-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(27 KB)
Aurangabad |
E - Enquiry for Geological investigation of 220kV S/Stn. Gevrai, Dist. Beed under CCCM Division, Latur
05-04-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(1 MB)
7000007919 |
Karad |
Extension Notice T-29/17-18/ Rfx No.7000007919 for the Work of Providing & Fixing of Universal Name Plate.
05-04-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(11 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/LTR/352 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry for the providing the services of ITI Certified in electrical/wireman Trade as operators and Jr. Technician on outsource basis at various EHV (O&M) s/s under EHV (O&M) dn, Latur
04-04-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(262 KB)
7000007979 |
Vashi |
RFx for annual/monthly/weekly/daily maintenance & operation contract for PLC based ventilation system, centralized air-conditioning system, split AC system and window air conditioners at HVDC station, Padghe for the Year 2018-19.
06-04-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(173 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/Beed/496 |
Aurangabad |
Enquiry for Hiring of LMV (Jeep), Tata Sumo, Chevorlet Tavera or Equivalent for AdD Executive Engineer Diagnostic Testing Unit Girwali under EHV O&M Division Beed
04-04-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(233 KB)
7000007940 |
Vashi |
Hiring of LMV (e.g. camper, Mahindra pickup or Similar type) towards 400 KV Line Main. Sub-Division, Nagothane under 400 KV R.S Nagothane Division for financial year 2018-19….1st extension…
04-04-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(223 KB)
नोटीस नंबर ७४४ दिनांक २८. ०३. २०१८ |
Pune |
सुशिक्षित बेरोजगार विद्युत अभियंता यांना लॉटरी पद्धतीने कामे वाटप करण्यासंबंधी योजने अंतर्गत नोंदणी करणेविषयी.(दिनांक २८. ०३. २०१८)
28-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(269 KB)
7000008206 |
Amravati |
03-04-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(192 KB)
7000007777 |
Nagpur |
Extension Work of Supply &ETC for Diversion of 66KV Ballarshah-BPM line passing through proposed Botanical Garden near village Visapur Tal. Ballarshah under EHV (O&M) Circle Chandrapur( ORC Work).
24-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(74 KB)
7000008356 |
Nagpur |
Work of engaging Semi Skilled / Unskilled Manpower on outsourcing basis at various offices under EHV O&M Circle, Chandrapur
28-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(80 KB)
7000008392 |
Amravati |
SRM e-TENDER Construction of Approach Road asphalting and H.P. culvert at 132/33KV S/Stn. Arni and up to Datta Temple Tq. Arni Dist. Yavatmal.
28-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(18 KB)
EE/EHV/PROJ/DIV/NSK/Tech/No-0419 |
Nashik |
EHV Projects Division,Nasik:E-enquiry for Hiring of Vehicle (Diesel) preferably SUMO/BOLERO on per day basis for S&I Sub Division
28-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(803 KB)
7000008382 |
Karad |
eTender Notice RFX No.7000008382 for Annual Maintenance & Running of Central AC Plant at 400 KV Karad Sub-stn. under 400 KV R.S.(O&M) Dn. Karad
28-03-2018 |
11-04-2018 |
(1.2 MB)