7000006994 |
Karad |
Work of Overhauling with providing & fixing of required spares of 11KV, 22KV & 33KV Alstom/Areva Make VCB at various S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn Karad.
18-01-2018 |
29-01-2018 |
(186 KB)
7000007235 |
Karad |
Work of providing outsource ITI Operators on contract basis in shift duty at various S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Karad.
16-01-2018 |
29-01-2018 |
(289 KB)
7000007300 |
Pune |
E-Tender for replacement of 132KV Single Bus (0.2 ACSR) conductor by twin bus (0.2 ACSR) at 132KV SPSL (ESSAR) Sub-Station under EHV O&M Division Manchar.
15-01-2018 |
29-01-2018 |
(236 KB)
7000007243 |
Karad |
Day to day maintenance for civil assets of Colony & Sub-Stations under the Jurisdiction of Civil Sub-Dn. Sangli. (Tender No.EEC/CIVIL/SGL/T-13/ 2017-18 Rfx No.7000007243 )
15-01-2018 |
29-01-2018 |
(19 KB)
7000007215 |
Karad |
Day to day maintenance for civil assets of colony & sub-stations under Juridiction of Miraj Sub-Dn. Miraj, Dist. Sangli. (Tender No.EEC/CIVIL /SGL /T-12/2017-18 Rfx No.7000007215 )
15-01-2018 |
29-01-2018 |
(19 KB)
7000007231 |
Karad |
Day to day maintenance for civil assets of colony & Sub-Stations under the jurisdriction Ichalkaranji, Sub-Division Ichalkaranji, Dist. Kolhapur. (Tender No.EEC/CIVIL/SGL/T-11/ 2017-18 Rfx No.7000007231 )
15-01-2018 |
29-01-2018 |
(19 KB)
Tender-1/2017-18 Rfx No. 7000006483 |
Pune |
Extension to E Tender notice for Providing skilled/Unskilled manpower on contract basis:for working at Administrative offices & Field offices under SE Testing & Communication Circle,Pune.(dated 15-01-2018)
16-01-2018 |
29-01-2018 |
(75 KB)
CELDK/2018/IT/LAN/94 Dated 11.01.2018 |
SLDC Kalwa |
e-Enquiry for Supply, Installation of LAN Switches & structured LAN Cabling at SLDC Kalwa.
11-01-2018 |
29-01-2018 |
(443 KB)
7000007210,7000007211 |
Nashik |
EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik : Notice for RFx no 7000007210 and 7000007211.
01-01-2018 |
29-01-2018 |
(15 KB)
7000007043 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender Notice: Missing earthing and additional earthing for higher values of various EHV Line for EHV Line maintenance subdivision under EHV O&M Division Beed.
30-12-2017 |
29-01-2018 |
(683 KB)
7000007214 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender Notice: Work of Transportation, Winching, Loading & Unloading of Power Transformers/ Accessories from various stores centers/ required places to the MSETCL work site/division stores & vice versa along with allied works under EHV O&M Circle Parli under augmentation scheme at 132kV S/s Killari.
30-12-2017 |
29-01-2018 |
(15 KB)
7000007187 |
Vashi |
Carrying out non-destructive in-situ concrete testing for strength evaluation of CR at 400KV s/stn Kharghar & at VIP Guest house at Padghe
29-12-2017 |
29-01-2018 |
(562 KB)
7000007183 |
Vashi |
Renovation repairs of KL6 quarters at Kalamboli qtrs. & providing & erecting profile sheet weather shed at Kalamboli KL6 qtrs at one flat only.
29-12-2017 |
29-01-2018 |
(562 KB)
7000007182 |
Vashi |
Construction of broken compound wall at front side of Takka premises, panvel
29-12-2017 |
29-01-2018 |
(562 KB)
7000007181 |
Vashi |
Civil maintenance work of type-III staff qtr such as plumbing, weather shed, special repair, painting & water proofing etc at 400kv Kharghar S/stn
29-12-2017 |
29-01-2018 |
(562 KB)
7000007171 |
Nagpur |
SRM e-tender Tender for Maintenance of lawn,trees,angiosperm(i.e flowering plant)in the premises of 400kV RS O&M Division along with cleaning of chain link fencing of 400kV&220kV S/Y(inside & outside)periphery under 400KV GCR Chandrapur
29-12-2017 |
29-01-2018 |
(88 KB)
6000000373 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. T-1773/MSETCL/CO/DC&M/D&T/ SS-Pretender for 400 kV Nanded (Kumbhargaon) substation, Dist.: Nanded under Chief Engineer (DC&M).
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
20-11-2017 |
29-01-2018 |
(261 KB)
7000007167 |
Amravati |
CORRIGENDUM Procurement of Circuit Breaker Timer under EHV CC O&M Zone, Amravati & Nagpur.
20-01-2018 |
28-01-2018 |
(154 KB)
7000007168 |
Amravati |
CORRIGENDUM Procurement of CRM kits under EHV CC O&M Zone, Amravati.
20-01-2018 |
28-01-2018 |
(153 KB)
7000007252 |
SLDC Kalwa |
E-enquiry for Extension to Work of supply and installation of LED street light at ALDC, Ambazari, Nagpur.
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
20-01-2018 |
28-01-2018 |
(134 KB)