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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000007059 Karad

Extension of due date for SRM E- Tender for AMC work of offline Filtration of T/F oil and OLTC oil of ICT’s for the period of Two Years under 400kV R.S. Division Talandge.

20-01-2018 28-01-2018 (299 KB)
7000007306 Pune

SRM E-Enquiry for the work of overhauling, Servicing & Maintenance of 33/11kV Circuit Breaker of ABB make available at various 220/132/110kV S/stn under Jurisdiction of Trans O&M Division, Solapur.(dated 18-01-2018)

19-01-2018 28-01-2018 (170 KB)
7000007308 Pune

SRM E-Enquiry for the work of overhauling, Servicing & Maintenance of 33/11kV Circuit Breaker of S&S make available at various 220/132/110kV S/stn under Jurisdiction of Trans O&M Division, Solapur.(dated 18-01-2018)

19-01-2018 28-01-2018 (172 KB)
7000006937 Karad
Extension Notice for SRM-Tender Notice T-17/17-18/ RFx. No. 7000006937 for the Work of Work of  Monkey Patrolling of various EHV Lines under EHV O&M Division, Sangli
16-01-2018 28-01-2018 (11 KB)
7000007015 Karad

Extension Notice for SRM-Tender Notice T-19/17-18/ RFx. No. 7000007015 for the Work of Cold Washing of Insulator Strings of 220KV & 110KV EHV Lines under EHV O&M Division, Sangli

16-01-2018 28-01-2018 (11 KB)
7000007013 Karad

Extension Notice for SRM-Tender Notice T-18/17-18/ RFx. No. 7000007013 for the Work of Work of Cold Line Chemical Washing of Insulator Strings of 220KV Vita-Hiwarwadi Line & 220/110KV Insulator Strings at 220KV Miraj S/Stn under EHV O&M Division, Sangli by using High Voltage Insulator Cleaner & Protector

16-01-2018 28-01-2018 (11 KB)
7000006639 Karad

Extension Notice for SRM-Tender Notice T-15/17-18/ RFx. No. 7000006639 for the Work of Monkey Patrolling of various EHV Lines under EHV O&M Division, Sangli

16-01-2018 28-01-2018 (11 KB)
7000006951 Karad

Extension Notice for SRM-Tender Notice T-16/17-18/ RFx. No. 7000006951 for the Work of Tower Painting with anti corrosive treatment of various EHV Lines under EHV O&M Division, Sangli

16-01-2018 28-01-2018 (11 KB)
RFX No. :-. 1. 7000007234 2. 7000007184 3. 7000007233 Pune


16-01-2018 28-01-2018 (354 KB)
Tender No. EE/EHVPD-I/PN/T/Tender-02/2017-18 RFX No.:7000007158 Pune

Extension:E-Tender Notice for work of Integration of 2No of line bays in existing Bus Bar Protection and SCADA system at 220 kV Phaltan S/S.(dated 15-01-2018)

27-12-2017 28-01-2018 (18 KB)
7000007179 Karad

Covering roof slab of control room, painting and other Miscellaneous civil works at 132 KV Sub-Station, Talebazar,Dist-Sindhudurg.

29-12-2017 28-01-2018 (587 KB)
7000007168 Amravati

SRM Etender Supply of CRM Kits as per enclosed specifications for various offices under EHV PC O&M Zone, Amravati.

28-12-2017 28-01-2018 (255 KB)
7000007167 Amravati

SRM Etender Supply of C.B. Timer Kits as per enclosed specifications for various offices under EHV PC O&M Zone, Amravati.

28-12-2017 28-01-2018 (256 KB)
70000007212 Vashi

SRM Tender for the Renovation of Centralized Air Conditioning system at 220 kV Jambhulsub-stn under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali.

29-12-2017 28-01-2018 (44 KB)
7000006639 Karad

Work of Tower Footing Impedance Measurement of various EHV Lines under EHV O&M Division, Sangli(T-21/17-18/ RFx. No. 7000006639-IInd Call)

29-12-2017 28-01-2018 (19 KB)
7000006623 Nashik

EHV O & M Division,Jalgaon : Notice for Work of AMC for overhauling/servicing along with supply of required spares for 11KV Vaccum Circuit Breakers at various 132kV substations .

29-12-2017 28-01-2018 (24 KB)
7000007184 Pune

SRM E-Tender for Emergency work of attending oil leakage & repairing of OLTC diverter switch of 220/132KV, 200MVA, CGL Make ICT available at 220KV Bale substation & 220/33kv, 50MVA, EMCO Make Transformer available at 220KV Malinagar Substation jurisdiction of EHV O & M Division, Solapur.

29-12-2017 28-01-2018 (303 KB)
70000007166 Vashi

SRM Tender for the work for attending emergency breakdown and planned maintenance activities of  various 220 kV /100 kV EHV line under line S/Dn., Padgha under EHV (O&M) Dn., Dombivali for FY 2017-18

26-12-2017 28-01-2018 (41 KB)
70000007147 Vashi

SRM Tender for the work for the work for Tower replacement of Loc.no 26 of 100 kV Padghe Mohone line under Lines s/dn Padgha under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali

26-12-2017 28-01-2018 (29 KB)
338 Amravati

E-Enquiry for supply of Fire Fighting Equipment at 132 KV Deulgaon Raja S/Stn. On Risk & Cost of M/S ECI.

20-01-2018 27-01-2018 (316 KB)