Work of Pole overhauling of 400KV CB (make - Alstom, Type - GL316) installed at 401 bay at 400KV RS Alkud under 400KV RS DN Alkud (M)
Work of Annual Maintenance Of Air Condition System at 400KV Receiving Station Alkud, under 400KV RS DN Alkud(M).
SRM Tender Notice for Annual Insulator cleaning of 220/132/110 kV EHV lines, under EHV O&M Division Ratnagiri.
SRM Tender Notice for Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 110kV TBC Bay at 220kV Bidri S/s under EHV O&M Division, Kolhapur
SRM E-Tender: Work of providing & fixing of non-conductive turbo wind driven conical bird guards for various lines under LMSD Parbhani & Hingoli under EHV O&M Division Parbhani.
SRM E-Tender: Work of Annual maintenance contract for servicing / maintenance of battery sets & chargers, taking capacity tests of battery sets & reconditioning of 220V/110V/48V, 100/200/300/500/1000 AH battery cells at various substations under EHV O&M Division, Nanded.
SRM E-Tender(Third Call): Work of power supply for proposed new HT connection in the name of MS Executive Engineer, Krishna Marathwada construction Dn. 1 Tal Tuljapur dist osmanbad at 220kv ss Tuljapur under EHV O&M Division Beed.
SRM E-Tender: Providing services of ITI Certified person in Electrical Trade as Assist. Technicians (General) on outsource basis at various EHV sub-stations under 400kV RS Division Girwali.
SRM Etender Annual Maintenance Contract for carrying out work of dismantling, erection & other allied activities in planned outage & emergency/breakdown for Power Transformers & ICT’s for various EHV Sub stations under EHV (O&M) Circle, Nagpur.
E-tender for work of repairing,overhauling & alignment of 220KV various make double break Isolators along with supply of required spares/materials (as per actual) at 400KV/220KV S/Stn, Koradi-1 substation under 400KV RS (O&M) Division Koradi.
SRM Tender Notice for Work of 01 No. of 33kV Rajwel bay required by MSEDCL from 220kV Dasturi S/stn under EHV O&M Div. Ratnagiri.
E- Tender Notice for the work of Providing & fixing of 400/220/33kV ICTs Gas collecting devices along with accessories at 400kV Jejuri Substation
Work contract for Bi-annual maintenance & attending emergency breakdown work of 400 KV Transmission Lines as & when required under 400 KV LMSD-I & II Karad.
SRM Tender Notice for Work of Chemical washing of Insulator strings by using High Voltage Insulator Cleaner & Protector, at EHV LMSDN New Koyna and Kankavali under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.
SRM Tender for the Work of Providing & fixing of Electrical Insulation, Acid & alkali proof synthetic insulating Mat (3.0 MM Thickness) confirming to IS 15652:2006, & having in- built Auto glow bands on the border of mats at various substations under EHV O&M Division, Solapur
SRM Tender for the Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for Repair, Servicing, Overhauling and Maintenance of Window/Split AC & Centralized Air Conditioner System having various capacities available at various EHV Substations under jurisdiction of Trans O&M Division, Solapur
SRM Tender for the Work of providing & fixing of CTR make Diverter Switch of OLTC suitable for 220/132KV, BBL Make, 200MVA ICT Sr. No.T-05207/1 available at 220kV Pandharpur Substation under jurisdiction of Trans (O&M) division Solapur
SRM Tender for the Work of Servicing & Overhauling of 33/11KV Siemens, BHEL, Megawin make Circuit Breaker with required spares available at various 220/132/110KV Substation under jurisdiction of Trans (O&M) Division, Solapur.
SRM E-Tender: Providing services of ITI Certified person in Electrical Trade as Assist. Technicians & Tech II on outsource basis at various EHV sub-stations & sub-division under EHV O&M Division Nanded & PAC Dn Nanded.
SRM E-Tender: Providing services of ITI Certified person in Electrical Trade as Assist. Technicians (General) & Tech II on outsource basis at various EHV sub-stations under EHV O&M Division Latur & PAC Division Latur.