020 |
Nashik |
EHV Projects Division, Nashik : Notice for E-enquiry for work of shifting 11kV/440V, 100KVA Transformer in Bhendi Shiwar, Tal-Kalwan in r/o 220kV Malegaoon-Kalwan EHV line.
02-01-2018 |
12-01-2018 |
(2.4 MB)
7000006835 |
Karad |
Extension notice to SRM e-tender RFx. No. 7000006835 for Balance work of 220 KV Karad - Koyana line after Loc.no.144 (including Loc.no.1A & 1B)
02-01-2018 |
10-01-2018 |
(15 KB)
7000007230 |
Nashik |
EHV Project Circle, Nashik : Notice for e-enquiry for reconnaissance Survey of 220KV line for the proposed project of CPRI at Nasik.
02-01-2018 |
11-01-2018 |
(552 KB)
0011 |
Amravati |
E-enquiry of work of carrying out the survey work for balance route of 220kV Wani-Pandharkawada line.1)From AP 28 of proposed 220kV wani-Ghatodi line to proposed 220kV Pandharkawada s/Stn---7kM.
02-01-2018 |
10-01-2018 |
(883 KB)
7000007241 |
Vashi |
E-Tender for providing & fixing of two ways switches (rotary switches) for isolator status alongwith LED indicator at various substation under EHV (O&M) Circle, Kalwa..
02-01-2018 |
01-02-2018 |
(412 KB)
7000007163 |
Vashi |
RFX for strengthening of Network for CCTV Network under HVDC RS (O&M) Circle, Padghe
02-01-2018 |
08-01-2018 |
(182 KB)
7000007067 |
Vashi |
RFx for arresting of Oil leakages of oil filled equipments by Cold welding method in emergency at HVDC, Padghe.
02-01-2018 |
09-01-2018 |
(187 KB)
7000006763 |
Vashi |
Providing architectural consultancy for construction of administrative building and allied works at Kalwa complex, Airoli
02-01-2018 |
08-01-2018 |
(876 KB)
7000007208 |
Nagpur |
Work of replacement of damaged/faulty Insulator String of various 220kV/132KV/66KV lines under various Line Maintenance Subdivision under EHV O&M Division Ballarshah.
02-01-2018 |
31-01-2018 |
(307 KB)
7000007219 |
Nashik |
EHV O & M Circle,Khadka : Notice for Work of Dismantling,erection & Winching of Power Transformers at various Sub Station (As & when required).
02-01-2018 |
31-01-2018 |
(156 KB)
EE/TD/NSK/Tech/T-17/1 |
Nashik |
Testing Division,Nashik : 1st call time extension : Notice for E-Enquiry for procurement of 1 No of ferrule printing machines for Testing Division, Nashik.
02-01-2018 |
08-01-2018 |
(446 KB)
EE/TD/NSK/Tech/T-17/V-3/516 |
Nashik |
Testing Division,Nashik : Notice for E-Enquiry for Providing Tata Sumo /Mahindra Xylo/ Bolero (Diesel) or equivalent vehicle along with driver on hired (per day) basis at testing unit Ambad.
02-01-2018 |
25-01-2018 |
(447 KB)
7000007228 |
Pune |
Extension & Amendment to SRM E-enquiry for work of internal inspection & repair of 132/22 kV, 25 MVA, BBL make Sr. No.4924/1 additional Transformer at 132 kV Markal S/S along with expert services from manufacturer.
01-01-2018 |
23-01-2018 |
(27 KB)
CELDK/MAINT/FM-50/0017 01/01/2018 |
SLDC Kalwa |
E-enquiry for Refilling work of ink cartridges/toners for fax machines /printer as & when required basis at SLDC, Airoli.
01-01-2018 |
15-01-2018 |
(160 KB)
7000007232 |
Karad |
Enquiry for Annual Maintenance & Running of Central AC Plant at 400 KV Sub-Stn.under 400 KV R.S.(O&M) Dn. Karad.
01-01-2018 |
09-01-2018 |
(3.8 MB)
7000006804 |
Pune |
Work of Upgradation of existing 220 kv manual operated DBR Isolator to ABB make motorized center break isolator for SCADA compatibility at 400 kv Lamboti substation Under EHV O& Circle Solapur.
01-01-2018 |
07-01-2018 |
(35 KB)
7000007224 |
Amravati |
01-01-2018 |
31-01-2018 |
(383 KB)
7000007228 |
Pune |
SRM E-enquiry for work of internal inspection & repair of 132/22 kV, 25 MVA, BBL make Sr. No.4924/1 additional Transformer at 132 kV Markal S/S along with expert services from manufacturer.(dated 01-01-2018)
01-01-2018 |
09-01-2018 |
(83 KB)
7000007223 |
Vashi |
Tender for Work of loading, Unloading, Transportation, Erection / Dismantling of T/F and transportation of various EHV & HV equipment at various substation for the Year 2017-18 against R&M / scheme under EHV (O&M) Circle, Kalwa.
01-01-2018 |
31-01-2018 |
(422 KB)
700006869 |
Vashi |
Extention for SRM Etender E-tender for Replacement of 220kV Main Bus I & II at 220Kv Mulund substation under EHV(O&M)Division ,bhandup
01-01-2018 |
08-01-2018 |
(29 KB)